sexta-feira, maio 30, 2014

Acerca da ISO / DIS 9001 (Secção 7 - parte IV)

Parte Iparte II e parte III.
Secção 7 - Suporte
7.1 - Recursos
7.1.1 Generalidades
A organização deve determinar e proporcionar recursos (internos e externos) necessários ao estabelecimento, implementação, manutenção e melhoria contínua do sistema de gestão da qualidade.
7.1.2 Pessoas
 Para assegurar que a organização consegue cumprir de forma consistente os requisitos (dos clientes, estatutários e regulatórios aplicáveis), a organização deve proporcionar as pessoas necessárias à operação eficaz do sistema de gestão da qualidade.
7.1.3 Infraestrutura
A organização deve determinar, proporcionar e manter a infraestrutura  para a operação dos seus processos, para atingir a conformidade dos seus produtos e serviços.
7.1.4 Ambiente para a operação dos processos
A organização deve determinar, proporcionar e manter o ambiente necessário  para a operação dos seus processos, para atingir a conformidade dos seus produtos e serviços.
 7.1.5 Recursos de monitorização e medição
A organização deve determinar os recursos necessários para assegurar resultados de monitorização e medição de confiança. Depois, vêm os tradicionais requisitos das calibrações e verificações.
7.1.6 Conhecimento organizacional
A organização deve determinar o conhecimento necessário para a operação dos seus processos e para atingir a conformidade dos produtos e serviços. (Ui, isto vai dar tanto pano para coboiadas de consultor e auditor à custa das empresas - "capturing undocumented knowledge and experience of topical experts within the organization") 
7.2 Competência
O tradicional sobre o tema.
7.3 Sensibilização
As pessoas que trabalham sob o controlo da organização (que linguagem mais arcaica) devem estar sensibilizadas para: a política da qualidade; os objectivos da qualidade relevantes; a sua contribuição para a eficácia do sistema de gestão da qualidade; e as implicações da não conformidade com os requisitos do sistema de gestão da qualidade.
7.4 Comunicação
A organização deve determinar as comunicações internas e externas relevantes para o sistema de gestão da qualidade: o que comunicar; quando comunicar; com quem comunicar; e como comunicar.
 7.5 Informação documentada
Os tradicionais requisitos associados ao controlo dos documentos e registos.

Na secção 4: Qual é o contexto em que se insere a organização?
Na secção 5: Para onde é que a organização quer ir, qual é a direcção?
Na secção 6: Como quantificar a necessidade de mudança e, como planear a viagem para o futuro desejado?
Na secção 7: Que recursos precisamos, para convergir para o futuro desejado?

Um lema para Mongo

Ainda na sequência deste postal.
"De Oliveira also believes that the Italian stranglehold on global style is waning, and that its one-trick-pony approach to interior design and retail won’t take it much further. Diversity, choice, quality but economies of scale and production are De Oliveira’s watchwords."

Acerca da estratégia

Formular uma estratégia não começa por uma folha de cálculo. 
Formular e perseguir uma estratégia tem muito de "optimismo não documentado" (recordar isto e isto).
"The people who gravitate to strategic planning functions and strategy consulting firms tend to be highly analytical. That, I believe, is a problem. To be sure, analysis is important but in the end, strategy is and will always be a creative process.
Strategy is not the inevitable outcome of a process of analysis: it is a choice of where a firm wants to play and how it will win there going forward. Yes, a working knowledge of the industry and its likely evolution, the customers and their likely preferences, the firm itself and its potential capabilities and cost structure, and its competitors and their likely responses and actions should inform that choice. But it is simply not possible to predict that many things about the future through analysis unless you simplify the features of the solution space to an extent that makes it analyzable — and at the same time irrelevant. It guarantees strategic failure.
To develop a compelling strategy, you have to begin by staking out the territory you want. That is an act of choice and imagination. After you’ve made the choice, then it is the time for analysis: figuring out exactly what you have to do to get to where you want to be and to be able to play the way you need to in order to win."
Trecho retirado de "Strategize First, Analyze Later"

quinta-feira, maio 29, 2014

Curiosidade do dia

Ainda não terá 15 dias de vida


"Suspensão de despacho pode colocar saúde dos diabéticos em risco" fruto de um país de corporações e incumbentes...
Esta é a cultura anti-Mongo que permeia Portugal...

A propósito da concorrência imperfeita

"The worst mistake in strategy is to compete with rivals on the same dimensions,
many businesses still get confused around the definition of the concept, and that even trying to be ‘the best’ means a business is starting in the wrong place strategically.
“What I’ve found over the years is that a lot of management teams think about strategy [like this]: strategy is about competing to be the best company in your business [category/industry]. How do you be the best company? Well, you have to figure out the best product, service, supply chain, marketing, customer acquisition process. You’ve kind of got to figure out the ‘answer.’
That’s exactly the wrong place to start, he said. “If you think about strategy this way, where does that lead you? That leads you to a race to one ideal way of competing, and the problem with that is if there is only one way of competing and everybody has to race to the same place, it’s not going to be pretty.
“Even more importantly, what we found in industry after industry is that there is no best way to compete. There are multiple ways to compete, depending on whose needs you’re actually trying to serve. We all know it’s impossible to meet every need of every customer uniquely well. That’s impossible. There’s no one way to deliver value.
“Strategy starts with a notion that the fundamental question is not how to be the best, it’s actually how to deliver something unique. To the customers you’re choosing to serve. Not because what you’re doing is ‘the best’ but because what you’re doing is delivering distinctive value.
Strategy is about being unique. That’s ultimately what all successful companies are able to achieve for some period of time."
Trechos retirados de "The worst error in business strategy according to Professor Michael Porter"

Mongo passa por isto (parte I)

Mongo, a democratização da produção, a interacção e personalização entre produção e consumo, o uso das redes sociais como veículo de contacto genuíno e não treta para encher... tudo isso passa por um excelente artigo na revista Inc de Junho deste ano, "Along Came Lolly - From the unlikeliest of places, an e-cmerce revolution - with ruffles":
"Brandi Temple went from sewing dresses for her daughters to make ends meet to running the most talked-about, $11 million company in e-commerce--all because she picked the lock on using Facebook for sales.
Behind that little piece of paper on the door, it turns out, is a company that says it does more sales on Facebook than any other brand in the world. And outsiders seem to agree.
"Lolly," says Young, "has been able to do something that no big brand has been able to do, which is to convince people to actually buy on Facebook."
Lolly Wolly Doodle brought in about $11 million in 2013, and it has roughly doubled its revenue every year since its inception in 2009. It expects revenue to double again this year.
Along the way, Temple has created an innovative U.S.-based manufacturing process and supply chain that feed off the brand's social-media cues to maximize efficiency. That mechanism seems likely to be adaptable to any number of products and services. Unlikely as it may seem, Temple's company may just represent the beginning of the next e-commerce revolution.
What Temple is really doing, says Davis, is "reinventing apparel much as Dell reinvented the PC industry. It's affordable custom [manufacturing] in real time with little inventory risk." Davis sees Lolly's Facebook commerce as an important tactic that kick-started the company, but it's just that: a tactic. The real innovation is using social media as the starting point for a new e-commerce model that's powered by a social feedback loop."
E a forma como o artigo termina é tão... tão ao jeito de Mongo:
"We don't even think about competition," she says. "We are our only competition."

Acerca da ISO / DIS 9001 (Secção 6 - parte III)

Parte I e parte II.
Secção 6 - Planeamento do sistema de gestão da qualidade (Ainda me lembro, aquando do lançamento da ISO 9001:2000, das interpretações mirabolantes acerca da cláusula com esta mesma designação)
6.1 Acções para abordar os riscos e oportunidades.
Ao planear a viagem da organização para o futuro desejado, há que ter em conta os tópicos determinados em 4.1 e os requisitos referidos em 4.2 e, determinar os riscos e oportunidades que devem ser abordados e planear as acções a desenvolver.
6.2 Objectivos da qualidade e planeamento para os atingir
Primeiro, uma lista de 9 características para os objectivos da qualidade: devem estar alinhados com a política da qualidade, devem ser mensuráveis, devem ter em consideração os requisitos aplicáveis, devem ser relevantes para a conformidade dos produtos e serviços e a melhoria da satisfação dos clientes, devem ser monitorizados, devem ser comunicados, devem ser actualizados quando apropriado, devem estar documentados.
Depois, algo que se enquadra naquilo a que chamo fichas de missão. Ao planear como atingir os seus objectivos da qualidade, uma organização deve: determinar o que precisa de ser feito; quem são os responsáveis; os prazos e, como serão avaliados os resultados.
6.3 Planeamento das mudanças
Quando for necessário realizar mudanças no sistema de gestão da qualidade, devem ser feitas de forma controlada. A organização deve considerar: o propósito da mudança e quais as potenciais consequências; a defesa da integridade do sistema de gestão da qualidade; a disponibilidade de recursos; e a alocação ou realocação de responsabilidades e autoridades.

Na secção 4: Qual é o contexto em que se insere a organização?
Na secção 5: Para onde é que a organização quer ir, qual é a direcção?
Na secção 6: Como quantificar a necessidade de mudança e, como planear a viagem para o futuro desejado?

quarta-feira, maio 28, 2014

Acerca do caminho menos percorrido

"It takes a conscious effort to seek out the thing that's a little less obvious, the choice that's a little more risky.
Popular is not the same as important, or often, not the same as good."
Trecho retirado de "The problem with hit radio"

baixar as barreiras psicológicas à entrada de novos empreendedores de "hardware"

Esta é a evolução dos tempos que correm...
O que, a par do "efeito do banhista gordo", do efeito da aceleração da importância da proximidade entre a procura e a oferta, do efeito do preço do dinheiro para quem tem de pagar o contentor à cabeça vários meses antes de receber e, do efeito da explosão das tribos de Mongo e o poder da interacção, vão acabar com a China como a "fábrica do mundo".
Não admira isto:
Pena que os media não percebam e divulguem esta tendência, para baixar as barreiras psicológicas à entrada de novos empreendedores de "hardware".

Acerca da ISO / DIS 9001 (Secção 5 - parte II)

Parte I.
Secção 5 - Liderança
5.1 - Liderança e comprometimento
5.1.1 - Liderança e comprometimento com o sistema de gestão da qualidade
Uma lista de acções que a gestão de topo deve promover para demonstrar comprometimento com o sistema de gestão da qualidade. Por exemplo; assegurar que a política da qualidade e os objectivos são estabelecidos e são compatíveis com a orientação estratégica e o contexto da organização; comunicar a importância de um sistema de gestão da qualidade eficaz e conforme com os requisitos.
5.1.2 Foco no cliente
Determinar e cumprir os requisitos dos clientes, dos estatutos e regulamentos aplicáveis.
Determinar e considerar os riscos e oportunidades que podem afectar a conformidade dos produtos e serviços e, a capacidade de melhorar a satisfação dos clientes.
5.2 Política da qualidade
Nada de novo
5.3 Papéis organizacionais, responsabilidades e autoridades
Nada de novo. Talvez desta vez comece a ver nas empresas a distinção entre responsabilidades e autoridades.
Na secção 4: Qual é o contexto em que se insere a organização?
Na secção 5: Para onde é que a organização quer ir, qual é a direcção?

Acerca da criação do futuro

"Smarter machines will reduce the number of traditional management jobs in the second machine age and force a change in both the practice and philosophy of management for the millennials poised to become the next generation of managers.
managers must become entrepreneurial again: Number-crunching computers will replace number-crunching managers.
Perhaps the transition from owner–entrepreneurs to professional managers was inevitable in an era driven by physical labor and scale economies [Moi ici: O que ficou para trás, o modelo do século XX]. However, returning to modern times and looking ahead, a focus on “the numbers” means management will increasingly be subsumed by computers. Future managers will need to use their creativity to challenge the constraints to both commercial success and social welfare.
Instead of simply testing hypotheses, management must create the future. The future can’t be created (or even uncovered) by simply examining the past, even with the massive computer power employed in “big data” analyses. The strategic answer can’t be found in the numbers, not even in that central tool of the MBA: the net present value calculation. At the same time, managers can’t run a company based on a set of untested hypotheses: The right business strategy requires creativity and analysis.
“There’s nothing so practical as a good theory.” Computers can analyze massive quantities of data and discover patterns by drawing on inferential statistics. But even big data computers don’t form the hypotheses needed to develop new strategies designed to break existing constraints and create new business models. Accordingly, managers who seek to break constraints and embrace a hypothesis-driven approach will not face extinction but will instead create the future.
The millennials have grown up in the earliest days of the second machine age. Although they are aware of the massive quantity of information now available, they understand that new business models aren’t discovered through a historical pool of big data but are instead invented through a process of management that starts with hypotheses, which are tested with data. Big data will allow them to test far more hypotheses, far more cheaply. But data—or the machines that collect it—won’t in itself create the innovative business models of the future, especially those that seek to balance commercial and social goals."
Trechos retirados de "Management in the Second Machine Age"

terça-feira, maio 27, 2014

"finance will eat strategy for breakfast any day"

"Finance is taught independently in most business schools. Strategy is taught independently, too—as if strategy could be conceived and implemented without finance. The reality is that finance will eat strategy for breakfast any day—financial logic will overwhelm strategic imperatives—unless we can develop approaches and models that allow each discipline to bring its best attributes to cooperative investment decision making. As long as we continue this siloed approach to the MBA curriculum and experience, our leading business schools run the risk of falling farther and farther behind the needs of sectors our graduates aspire to lead."
Trecho retirado de "The Capitalist’s Dilemma"

As 3 partes de um BSC (parte V)

Parte Iparte IIparte III.e parte IV.
"Overall, constant iteration between these two time horizons helps accelerate both learning and performance improvement. Tight feedback loops help translate the learning into near-term action. The background provided by a longer-term direction for the business helps provide grounding, orientation, and sense making - all key requirements for effective learning. The foreground, with its emphasis on near-term action, helps companies rapidly develop real-world experience, generating valuable insight into what works and what doesn't, in both the near term and the longer term. The emphasis on near-term action also pushes companies to translate learning into action quickly and thereby repeat the learning cycle. In effect, the foreground created by this strategic approach provides a basis for single-loop learning while the background provides the context for double-loop learning. In this case, double-loop learning refers to the opportunity to reflect on, and refine where appropriate, the basic assumptions and frames of reference that guide management decisions.''
Recordar esta relação entre o BSC e o double-loop learning de Julho de 2007.

A terceira parte, a parte que permite este saltar entre o foreground (iniciativas) e o background (mapa da estratégia) é composta pelos indicadores do BSC.

"From Mass Production to Production By the Masses" (parte I)

No capítulo VI, "3D Printing - From Mass Production to Production By the Masses", do livro "The Zero Marginal Cost Society" de Jeremy Rifkin, encontro muito do que tenho escrito ao longo dos anos neste blogue acerca de Mongo:
"The long-dominant manufacturing mode of the Second Industrial Revolution is likely going to give way, however, at least in part, over the coming three decades.
The consumer is beginning to give way to the prosumer as increasing numbers of people become both the producer and consumer of their own products.
First, there is little human involvement aside from creating the software. The software does all the work, which is why it's more appropriate to think of the process as "infofacture" rather than "manufacture." [Moi ici: Coloco este trecho final só para sublinhar que este capítulo está todo virado para o Mongo tecnológico, o Mongo da produção 3D]
A 3D PRINTING PROCESS EMBEDDED in an Internet of Things infrastructure means that virtually anyone in the world can become a prosumer, producing his or her own products for use or sharing, employing open-source software. The production process itself uses one-tenth of the material of conventional manufacturing and requires very little human labor in the making of the product. The energy used in the production is generated from renewable energy harvested on-site or locally, at near zero marginal cost. The product is marketed on global marketing websites, again at near zero marginal cost. Lastly, the product is delivered to users in e-mobility transport powered by locally generated renewable energy, again at near zero marginal cost.
The democratization of manufacturing means that anyone and eventually everyone can access the means of production, making the question of should own and control the means of production irrelevant, and capitalism along with it.
The democratization of production fundamentally disrupts the centralized manufacturing practices of the vertically integrated Second Industrial Revolution.
But underneath the surface, an even more radical agenda is beginning to unfold, albeit undeveloped and still largely unconscious. If we were to put all the disparate pieces of the 3D printing culture together, what we begin to see is a powerful new narrative arising that could change the way civilization is organized in the twenty-first century. Think about it. The DIY culture is growing around the world, empowered by the idea of using bits to arrange atoms. [Moi ici: Mongo é meta "bits to atoms"] Like the early software hackers of a generation ago, who were motivated to create their own software to share new information, DIY players are passionate about creating their own software to print and share things."

"We are living in a time when the designer is everything"

O Miguel Barbot mandou-me este texto "The tables are turning" com o comentário:
"Tem uma série de lições interessantes nas entrelinhas..."
Concordo perfeitamente, vamos à primeira:
"What he has realised is that the designers under his wing have enormous goodwill and likability with press and public, and that is the key to success in modern-day furniture design. He doesn’t need an astronomic marketing budget – the designers “are their own marketing. We are living in a time when the designer is everything – he or she is the most important person in the industry right now; people are attracted to their work in the same way they buy art – the authenticity of a product needs to be traced to its author.”" 
Não percebo como as escolas não conseguem perceber e meter isto na cabeça dos seus alunos...
Recordar "Tão novos e já tão velhos..."
E não percebo como é que Rifkin continua preso ao mundo da eficiência e dos custos... o "jogo" vai para lá disso...
ADENDA: Engraçado como Mongo me faz recordar cada vez mais a mensagem da ICAR acerca da primazia das pessoas... não como povo, mas como indivíduos únicos, não como número socialista, mas como identidade muito pessoal. Os eficientistas vão ter as suas fábricas a trabalhar às escuras, com os seus robots, mas não vão ter clientes...

Acerca da falta de crédito

Assim que li este título "Falta de crédito é obstáculo à recuperação económica" fiz logo a ponte para "The Capitalist's Dilemma".
Quanto daquela falta de crédito tem um paralelismo com a experiência americana?
"One phenomenon we’ve observed is that, despite historically low interest rates, corporations are sitting on massive amounts of cash and failing to invest in innovations that might foster growth. That got us thinking: What is causing that behavior? Are great opportunities in short supply, or are executives failing to recognize them? And how is this behavior pattern linked to overall economic sluggishness? What is holding growth back?"
 Como é que os projectos onde o crédito pode ser aplicado são avaliados?
"Our success metrics determine what we can and cannot invest in. We have allowed a minority to dictate those metrics to the majority. Over and over, the higher value placed on return on net assets, internal rate of return, and earnings per share over other metrics has led to innovations that squeeze costs and noncash assets. As a result, investing to create growth and jobs is a third-best option, behind efficiency innovations (first) and doing nothing (second)."
E no caso português, ainda é mais grave, dado que as PMEs não podem competir pela eficiência.

segunda-feira, maio 26, 2014

Curiosidade do dia

"When YouTube first emerged, Disney saw it as little more than a vehicle for mass piracy. As recently as two years ago, Disney’s online and interactive efforts were widely seen to be floundering. And, of course, despite the proliferation of explicitly unauthorized Disney content on YouTube, Disney certainly still takes copyright seriously. It was a backer of the unsuccessful Stop Online Piracy Act in 2012 and it dramatically flexed its muscles in the 1990s at getting the Copyright Act extended another 20 years, just before Mickey Mouse was about to enter the public domain.
But in 2014, Disney’s cagy marketing of “Frozen,” loose reins on fan-created content, and purchase of Maker Studios all seem to indicate that the company is figuring it out. And surprise, surprise, in the second financial quarter of 2014 Disney recorded record earnings. Probably all the evidence anyone might need to prove that letting go of your fans is the best business strategy possible."
O poder da plataforma... a plataforma não se controla. Recordar:
"The basis of executive power is shifting from being in charge to being connected. New leaders understand that power with people is much more effective than power over people. It is about integrating the best of networked thinking and leveraging the new platforms for value creation."

Trecho retirado de "How Disney learned to stop worrying and love copyright infringement"

Acerca da ISO / DIS 9001 (Secção 4 - parte I)

Sessão 4 - Contexto da organização
4.1 - Compreender a organização e o seu contexto
A organização deve determinar, monitorizar e analisar, os temas internos e externos que são relevantes para o seu propósito e direcção estratégica e, afectam a capacidade de atingir os resultados pretendidos
4.2 - Compreender as necessidades e expectativas das partes interessadas
A organização deve determinar, monitorizar e analisar, as partes relevantes para o sistema e os seus requisitos
4.3 - Determinação do âmbito do sistema de gestão
Que produtos e serviços estão incluídos no âmbito e justificação de qualquer exclusão
4.4 - O sistema de gestão da qualidade e os seus processos

Isto faz todo o sentido, não sei se faz sentido para o âmbito de uma norma como a ISO 9001.
Em 4.1:

  • Qual o propósito da organização?
  • Qual a direcção estratégica?
  • Análise PESTEL e SWOT
Em 4.2:
  • Quem são as partes interessadas?
  • Qual é o ecossistema da procura?
  • O que é que cada um procura e valoriza?
Em 4.3:
  • Qual o âmbito do sistema?
Em 4.4:
  • Qual o modelo da organização, com base na abordagem por processos, que vamos manipular para atingir os objectivos?

Numerador versus denominador

Interessante, muito interessante, em Junho de 2014, poder ler-se isto na revista Harvard Business Review, "The Capitalist Dilemma":
"Because they were taught to believe that the efficiency of capital was a virtue, financiers began measuring profitability not as dollars, yen, or yuan, but as ratios like RONA (return on net assets), ROIC (return on invested capital), and IRR (internal rate of return). These ratios are simply fractions, comprising a numerator and a denominator, but they gave investors and managers twice the number of levers to pull to improve their measured performance. To drive RONA or ROIC up, they could generate more profit to add to the numerator, of course. But if that seemed daunting, they could focus on reducing the denominator—outsourcing more, wiping more assets off the balance sheet. Either way, the ratio would improve. Similarly, they could increase IRR either by generating more profit to grow the numerator or by reducing the denominator—which is essentially the time required to get the return. If they invested only in projects that paid off quickly, then IRR would go up.
All of this makes market-creating innovations appear less attractive as investments. Typically, they bear fruit only after five to 10 years; in contrast, efficiency innovations typically pay off within a year or two. What’s worse, growing market-creating innovations to scale uses capital, which must often be put onto the balance sheet. Efficiency innovations take capital off the balance sheet, however. To top it off, efficiency innovations almost always seem to entail less risk than market-creating ones, because a market for them already exists. Any way you look at it, if you measure investments using these ratios, efficiency innovations always appear to be a better deal."
Podemos recuar, neste blogue, até Outubro de 2006 para encontrar esta linguagem em "Ainda a produtividade" ou até Novembro de 2007 para encontrar "Mitos, mitos e frases feitas. Alguém Já fez um roteiro para uma empresa em particular?"

Acerca do aumento dos preços

O meu conselho para as PMEs, muitas vezes, passa pelo aumento dos preços ("").
Às vezes é só mesmo aumentar os preços, dada a disparidade entre a procura e a incapacidade de a satisfazer em quantidade.
Mais vezes passa por aumentar preços como contrapartida de algo mais, sob pena da PME não ter futuro. Para estas últimas aplica-se:
"Getting a price premium for providing superior value is fine so long as customers feel that it is fair. As a senior manager in our research sagely concluded: “Value-based pricing is not about squeezing as much money out of customers as you can, but building customer relationships.” Customers that feel good about doing business with a supplier are more willing to give that supplier a larger share and a more profitable mix of their business. They are more willing to collaborate with the supplier, to generate and share data on the performance of its offerings relative to the alternatives and what that is worth in monetary terms. They are more willing to work together to “tweak” present offerings to enhance their value and to develop new offerings that will deliver superior value."
Trecho retirado de "Why the Highest Price Isn’t the Best Price"

Acerca da formulação da estratégia

"All too often strategy meetings devolve into pitched battles over who is right and who is wrong about the company’s future direction. How can you reshape the discussion to produce collaboration rather than discord?
The key is to switch the fundamental question you consider from what is true to what would have to be true.
What is true provokes arguments, causes proponents of a possibility to dig in, and minimizes the collaborative exploration of ideas. Let’s imagine you put forward a possibility for a strategic direction and, upon hearing the idea, I focus on what I think is true. With this mindset, it is quite likely that I won’t be confident that your idea is valid and I’ll probably start by saying something like “I don’t think that will work,” words that will instantly turn the meeting into a battlefield. When I then raise an alternative strategic direction, you, smarting at my treatment of your idea, will be equally dismissive of me. And so on, back and forth.
If instead we can focus from the outset on what would have to be true, the conversation can head in the direction of collaboration and mutual exploration of ideas. How? If an idea or possibility strikes you as less than compelling, resist the urge to declare it “not true.” Instead, ask yourself, what would have to be true for me to feel that is a great option? If you identify the features that would have to be true, you can explore whether those really hold true and learn something about that possibility. The process of exploration may well help you modify and enhance the best idea currently in your head."

Trechos retirados de "A Simple Nuance that Produces Great Strategy Discussions"

domingo, maio 25, 2014

Não é a agilidade que interessa

"We found that 80 percent of the value destruction in the world’s biggest losers was a result of strategic blunders. It wasn’t fallout from natural disasters or major market shifts, but the decisions and actions made and controlled by the companies themselves that got them in the most serious trouble. In other words, companies succeed when they move in the right strategic directions, not when they move opportunistically.
So we started to look at the winners.
We studied them and realized that their greatest strength wasn’t agility—in the sense of always responding quickly to external events. They were proactive, but also very measured and consistent about the big, strategic choices they made.
Five things in particular stood out that made these companies capable and successful. We call them “unconventional acts” because they contradict the assumptions that many businesspeople make about management success:
1. These companies stay true to who they are. You might hypothesize that the most dynamic, agile strategy is the best strategy, but that’s not what these companies followed. They commit to an identity and play the strategy long game...
3. They translate their strategic intent into the everyday. You might think that success is driven by adopting the best practices of a company’s industry or by developing functional excellence, but that’s not their focus. They build the capabilities that matter most and execute relentlessly and flawlessly.
4. They put their culture to work. You’d assume in today’s fast-changing market companies should be able to reorganize on a dime. These enterprises celebrate what is already great about their culture, leveraging their existing behaviors to make themselves more powerful and effective...
If agility is chasing opportunities presented to you by a chaotic market, then agility is not a recipe for success. It’s a guarantee of incoherence and volatile performance. But if you stay true to your identity, aware of your unique strengths and where your capabilities add the most value over time, then you won’t just be agile. You’ll be “smart agile.” Yours will be a truly capable company that will win in the market: today and over time."
Trechos retirados de "Becoming a Capable Company"

Acerca do curto-prazismo

Impressionou-me a leitura de "The Trouble With IBM"
Impressionou-me como o curto-prazismo continua a destruir empresas cheias de massa cinzenta...
"To make earnings rise while revenue is falling, Rometty has cut costs, sold business lines, fired workers, figured out ways to lower IBM’s tax rate, bought back shares, and taken on debt. Of the 25 analysts tracked by Bloomberg, nine predict that IBM will indeed hit the $20 target. The question is what type of company Rometty will have left when she gets there.
That phrase, financial engineering, is a catchall used by critics for the variety of ways IBM has made earnings per share go up even as revenue goes down. The spectrum of maneuvers starts with common practices like dividend increases and share buybacks, and extends to more esoteric tactics like designating major costs as “extraordinary” and devising ways to pay lower tax rates. The most transparent companies present their performance according to generally accepted accounting principles, or GAAP. IBM’s 2009 annual report didn’t use the phrase “non-GAAP” at all; the 2013 report used it 125 times.
Wall Street analysts have been warning, louder and louder, that IBM can’t keep cutting its way to profits forever."

Aplicável a investidores e a PMEs

"Individual investors are constantly being exhorted to try beating Wall Street at its own game of trading like crazy to chase whatever is hot. But why should you bother trying to play a game that even most professional players can’t win?.
Instead, take a page from Mr. Spier’s book and play by your own rules. The faster Wall Street runs, the more you should slow down and step back from that madness. Buy and hold an index fund forever, or study a few stocks with all the peace of mind you can muster.
That way, you exploit the true advantages of individual investors that most professionals would kill to have: patience, independence and the ability to ignore the braying of the crowd."

Trecho retirado de "Giving Yourself an Investing Makeover"

sábado, maio 24, 2014

Acerca da desigualdade

"In no other period of history have so few institutions wielded so much economic power over the lives of so many people.
This unprecedented - and unimaginable - concentration of economic power was not just happenstance or a byproduct of man's insatiable avarice. Nor can it be rationalized away by simply blaming deregulation or finding fault with political ineptitude or, worse still, political collusion and enablement - although these were all contributing factors to its growth. Rather, on a more fundamental level, it flowed inexorably from the communication/energy matrices that were the foundation of the First and Sec-ond Industrial Revolutions.
Like it or not, giant, vertically integrated corporate enterprises were the most efficient means of organizing the production and distribution of mass produced goods and services. Bringing together supply chains, production processes, and distribution channels in vertically integrated companies under centralized management dramatically reduced transaction costs, increased efficiencies and productivity, lowered the marginal cost of production and distribution, and, for the most part, lowered the price of goods and services to consumers, allowing the economy to flourish. While those at the top of the corporate pyramid disproportionately benefited from the increasing returns on investment, it's only fair to acknowledge that the lives of millions of consumers also improved appreciably in industrialized nations."
Mongo vai também mexer com isto, ao rebentar com esta concentração eficientista. Claro que não vai ser pacífico, os gigantes incumbentes vão oferecer luta, muitas vezes travestida de defesa de qualquer outra coisa:
"A Associação da Hotelaria de Portugal (AHP) propôs ao Governo a criação de uma licença especial para o alojamento local, que inclui a obrigação de uma autorização prévia do condomínio para quem quer alugar o seu apartamento a turistas.
os hoteleiros não exigem o mesmo tipo de regras, mas sim restrições quanto ao número de camas e quartos e o cumprimento de regras de segurança e higiene. “Defendemos transparência fiscal e a publicitação online. Não faz sentido que um alojamento que serve para turistas não esteja obrigado a estar legalizado e seja intermediado em sites sem estar legal, nem transparente do ponto de vista fiscal”,"
Trecho inicial retirado de "The Zero Marginal Cost Society" de Jeremy Rifkin.
Trecho final retirado de "Hotelaria quer condicionar aluguer de casas a turistas à autorização do condomínio"

Interacção - uma oportunidade para as empresas portuguesas

Nos últimos anos a evolução da cotação do euro face ao dólar americano foi:
Um fortalecimento contínuo do euro desde 2012.
O que dirão os teóricos sobre o impacte dessa evolução na capacidade de Portugal exportar para os EUA?
O que dizem os números?
Segundo o Boletim Mensal da Economia (nº 04/2014) as exportações portuguesas para os EUA, nos últimos 12 meses terminados em Fevereiro de 2014 cresceram 11,2%.
Mais interessante ainda:
"As exportações de mobiliário português para os Estados Unidos subiram 47% em 2013, tendo a quota de mercado do país nas vendas ao exterior globais duplicado no mesmo período."
Como é que os teóricos explicam isto?
Uns vão começar a dizer que as empresas estão a perder dinheiro e a esmagar margens, outros vão dizer que é por causa da IKEA, outros vão dizer que é um engano nas contas, outros vão assobiar para o lado...
"Uma das empresas presentes, a KOKET, existe há quatro anos e tem sido muito bem aceite no mercado norte-americano.
"Portugal tem tido uma presença muito forte e respeitada no que diz respeito à qualidade e ao 'design' de produto. A sua qualidade é reconhecida", explicou à Lusa a diretora criativa da marca, Janet Morais.
Janet Morais diz que a empresa "faz questão que a produção seja feita em Portugal por artesãos e joalheiros exímios e com grande experiência, garantindo assim alta qualidade."
A diretora de marketing da Brabbu, Rita Rodrigues, explicou que a empresa decidiu investir nos Estados Unidos porque "é um mercado com uma forte cultura a nível de 'design', com líderes de opinião conhecidos mundialmente e onde as tendências são ditadas."
Rita Rodrigues explicou que "nos Estados Unidos mesmo o mobiliário de luxo é produzido em grande escala e, como tal, as oportunidades de fazer peças à medida e com materiais e acabamentos personalizados são menores."
Esta realidade acaba por ser uma oportunidade para as empresas portuguesas.
"O mobiliário português é visto como aquele que permite dar um toque personalizado e especial a cada peça; ou seja, o cliente tem a possibilidade de escolher o aspeto final", adiantou a responsável da Brabbu."
Novidade para este blogue? Claro que não!!!
O poder da co-criação; da co-produção; da customização, da interacção. ´
Trechos retirados de "Exportações de mobiliário português para os EUA sobem 47% em 2013"

O uso do BSC em PMEs

"formalized a model where five different stages of decline are described. (1) In a blinded stage, a company is unable “to recognize internal or external changes that may threaten its long-term survival”. (2) In a stage of inaction, a company can see clear signs of downturn but they do not make any reconstructive actions. (3) In a faulty action stage, a company acts but actions are too small or incorrect. (4) In a crisis stage, a company can not manage its obligatory payments. (5) In the last stage, company can appeal to legal reorganization process or go bankrupt. Aim of the legal reorganization is to return a company’s financial health."
Ao ler isto, lembrei-me logo disto "Banco de Portugal vai criar alertas para empresas em risco de falir"
"Aim of the study is to deepen the use of the BSC concept in the small companies’ reorganization process."
Foi assim que comecei a usar o BSC em PMEs, em empresas à beira do precipício.

Trechos retirados de "Balanced Scorecard as a Tool for Small Business Reorganization" de M. Hakola.

sexta-feira, maio 23, 2014

Acerca da evolução das exportações

"As exportações portuguesas registaram uma subida de 2,6% no primeiro trimestre do ano, segundo o boletim estatístico do Banco de Portugal, divulgado nesta quinta-feira.
Feitas as contas com os dados disponíveis na base de dados estatística do Banco de Portugal, o ritmo de crescimento das exportações é superior ao do primeiro trimestre do ano passado, período em que a subida tinha sido de apenas 1,3%. A média anual de 2013 foi de 5,7%."
Trecho retirado de "Exportações de bens e serviços cresceram 2,6% no primeiro trimestre"

Fará sentido?

Como é que as empresas portuguesas podem subir na escala de valor e aproveitar este fenómeno "“Dos tercios del consumo de lujo en España lo realizan los turistas”" ?
Fará sentido dinamizar exposições nos espaços dos hotéis?
Fará sentido imiscuir-se nos circuitos de visita mais frequentados?
Fará sentido desenvolver parcerias com o ecossistema em torno do ciclo de vida da visita turística?
Ou ter funcionários de turismo, ou polícias, no aeroporto a ...

Acerca da formulação da estratégia

Recordar "Transformar Ameaças em Oportunidades":
"- Por que é que isso (uma contribuição anterior de alguém) é uma Ameaça? Por que é que não é uma Oportunidade?"
E, depois, ler "Three Quick Ways to Improve Your Strategy-Making" de Roger Martin:
"A strength is a strength only in the context of a particular where-to-play and how-to-win (WTP/HTW) choice, as is the case for any weakness, opportunity and threat. So attempting to analyze these features in advance of a potential WTP/HTW choice is a fool’s game.
The time to do analyses of the sort that typically turn up in SWOT analyses is after you have reverse-engineered a WTP/HTW possibility. [Moi ici: Daí que faça sentido, primeiro caracterizar o panorama, ]That will enable you to direct the analyses with precision at the real barriers to making a strategy choice — the exploration will then be a mile deep and an inch wide."
Em sintonia com o que escrevemos em Um adepto e promotor incondicional da concorrência imperfeita (parte III).
Voltando a Roger Martin:
"Strategy making is not about unearthing and implementing a causal chain from the first principles of market conditions and existing capabilities towards the one right market position. It’s about making choices and taking gambles to get where you want to be." [Moi ici: As relações de causa-efeito vêm depois das escolhas]

Mais do que o custo é a experiência, é a autenticidade

Jeremy Rifkin em "The Zero Marginal Cost Society" escreve:
"Getting to near zero marginal cost and nearly free goods and services is a function of advances in productivity. Productivity is “a measure of productive efficiency calculated as the ratio of what is produced to what is required to produce it.”[Moi ici: Uma definição muito pobre, uma definição arcaica, estilo engenheiro da AEP]. If the cost of producing an additional good or service is nearly zero, that would be the optimum level of productivity.
Here again , we come face-to-face with the ultimate contradiction at the heart of capitalism. The driving force of the system is greater productivity, brought on by increasing thermodynamic efficiencies. The process is unsparing as competitors race to introduce new, more productive technologies that will lower their production costs and the price of their products and services to lure in buyers. The race continues to pick up momentum until it approaches the finish line, where the optimum efficiency is reached and productivity peaks. That finish line is where the marginal cost of producing each additional unit is nearly zero. When that finish line is crossed, goods and services become nearly free, profits dry up, the exchange of property in markets shuts down, and the capitalist system dies."
Rifkin chama sistema capitalista a um modelo em que quem trabalha não detém os factores de produção e em que quem detém o capital não gere, o dia-a-dia das empresas.
O que eu critico nesta abordagem de Rifkin é a concentração no custo, como se quem compra só valorizasse o custo como factor de escolha.
Quem conhece a cascata de preços pode facilmente encontrar exemplos em que:
  • o custo de fabrico é de 1,95 €
  • o preço à saída da fábrica é 3,95 €
  • o preço de de venda às lojas pelo distribuidor é 7 €
  • o preço na prateleira é 14,95€
O que vejo facilmente acontecer, com o advento de Mongo, é o fim do distribuidor e da loja. O produtor pode, ele próprio, vender na internet ou na sua loja, com essa evolução, as quantidades para atingir o break-even serão menores, a variedade aumentará, os preços de quem compra para utilização baixam e abre-se a porta para a co-produção e co-criação.
Um exemplo de que não é só o preço que conta em "Approach to food sets artisans apart" não esquecer o recente "Nichos e nichos e mais nichos". Mais do que o custo é a experiência, é a autenticidade:
"Today's artisan culture is focused on quality with an appreciation for traditional methods and flavors, she said. Artisan producers have a sense of community, like to share and exert great control over their products.
"Most artisans have small operations that started simply and have stayed simple," Langley said. "They are into food. They have learned the craft. They have taught themselves. They roll up their selves and get their hands dirty.""

As 3 partes de um BSC (parte IV)

Parte Iparte II e parte III.
Se o mapa da estratégia representa o pano de fundo, o tal "background" que representa a evolução no médio-longo prazo, as empresas precisam de acção, precisam de actividade para efectuarem a transição entre o que são hoje e o que pretendem ser no futuro desejado. É o nosso "O que começamos a fazer na próxima 2ªfeira?"
O imediato, o "foreground", o que temos de fazer, é outra parte do BSC da 3ª geração, as iniciativas estratégicas. Voltando a "The Only Sustainable Edge", sobre as iniciativas estratégicas temos:
"While the company is developing and refining this shared understanding of longer-term direction [Moi ici: O mapa da estratégia], senior management must focus on a different time horizon, which is shaped by a second key business question: What can we do in the near term (six to twelve months) that will help us accelerate movement toward this longer-term direction? in part, this question forces executives to identify and focus on the most promising two to three operational initiatives that can deliver tangible near-term performance impact and significantly move the  company in the longer-term direction. In answering this questiot executives should be careful to avoid the trap of focusing solely on operational initiatives within the enterprise. Certainly, the most powerful near-term operational initiatives increasingly require the effective mobilization of complementary resources in relevant process networks [Moi ici: Ecossistemas da procura]. 
E, acerca dos recursos e infraestruturas:
"On the same six- to twelve-month time horizon, executives must ask what organizational barriers are preventing companies in their relevant process networks from moving even faster in the near term. They can then determine a set of near-term organizational initiatives designed to strengthen the capability to support even more aggressive, near-term operating initiatives."

quinta-feira, maio 22, 2014

Curiosidade do dia

Aproveitei uma aberta sem chuva, ao final do dia, para fazer 6 km, entre os futuros campos de milho, e ler mais umas 20 páginas de "The Zero Marginal Cost Society" de Jeremy Rifkin.
Embora não concorde com alguns pontos, estou positivamente agarrado pela sua leitura... é um livro sobre Mongo, como nunca li nada sobre Mongo.
A certa altura tive de parar para tirar uma foto:
Eis os famosos rebentos verdes!!!
Sorri ao pensar na cena: se ali estivessem:

  • Portas diria: "Graças a mim!"
  • Seguro diria: "Graças a mim!"
  • Mário Cortes diria: "Graças ao Estado!"

O essencial é co-criar à medida de cada um, a sua experiência

Em 2010, em "Mais uma sugestão de modelo de negócio" propus este modelo de negócio para desenvolver o turismo no Douro Internacional para birdwatchers endinheirados:

Lembrei-me logo dele quando, ao ler "The Power of Co-Creation", descobri o caso do Club Tourism, uma empresa japonesa que se especializou a desenvolver programas turísticos baseados em experiências. A sua metodologia é interessante:
Chamo a atenção sobretudo para o desenvolvimento da "Customer relationships":
"The simplest form of engagement platform is the meeting where people congregate with a specific purpose and a structured process through which they will co-create, thereby playing a central role in defining the product or service experience. A good example of this approach is Club Tourism. A division of Japan's second-largest tourist agency, Kinki Nippon Tourist, Club Tourism has more than 7 million community members avid exemplifies the power of building such thematic communities.' Club Tourism not only sells tours, it also co-creates experiences with its customers, employees, and travel partners, which include airlines and hotel chains. The enterprise has generated more than two hundred different theme-based clubs for people with a common interest—say, tea drinking.
At Club Tourism, specially designated employees called "Friendly Staff" constantly interact with the clubs to brainstorm ideas about new trips, modifications to existing trips, and desirable new experiences. Through this process, the company generates early ideas of new potential trips and related activities. Now, imagine being invited by Club Tourism to a large Tokyo or Osaka office building with ten or fifteen people who share your passion for tea. With the help of a Friendly Staff facilitator, the Tea Drinking Club designs a trip, identifying activities of potential interest such as visiting tea plantations or learning about the medicinal virtues of tea. Club Tourism taps expert resources like tea connoisseurs and specialists relevant to the club's theme. The Club engages customers who have been on previous related trips, encouraging them to contribute photos and other content. One of the authors attended just such a club meeting, at which a member and a staff person shared photos in a slide show, while other members began conversing and offering ideas about how to enhance future trips, for instance by sampling different types of tea and activities involving the rituals of tea drinking.
Club Tourism is an example of the co-creative power of live, face-to-face interactions with consumers. While some conventional travel agencies do some of these activities as well, Club Tourism's uniqueness is that it also focuses attention on the before- and after-travel experiences. The company describes the travel experience as a cycle that starts with an imaginative design, carries through the actual trip, involves a formal debrief of the trip, and eventually gen-erates memories. Employees view their business as supporting the entire cycle, not simply organizing the trip in the middle. Club Tourism has been successful because it has redefined its role as that of a "nodal" company-connecting customers with travel partners and community resources - which allows it to escape the commodity dynamics of the travel business."
Nos tempos que correm, com o que a tecnologia disponibiliza, o antes e o depois da experiência, a interacção, a co-produção e a co-criação podem ser facilitadas pela Internet, pelas redes sociais, pelas aplicações, ...
O essencial é co-criar à medida de cada um, a sua experiência.

Como tratar os clientes actuais?

Um tema que costumamos referir e marcar com o marcador "stobachoff":
"One study found that, in business-to-business companies, the top 20% of customers are generally responsible for 150%-300% of total profits, while the company breaks even on the middle 70% of customers and the bottom 10% of customers cause losses. Similarly, a multi-industry study by McKinsey & Co. found that bad customers might account for 30%-40% of a typical company’s revenue.
As an illustration, we provide the cumulative profits curve at a bank with which the second author has worked. This type of curve is often referred to as the “whale curve” [Moi ici: Ou curva de Stobachoff] because of the profit curve’s humpback, inverse-U shape. In this bank’s case, about 50% of customers contribute negatively to profits. In fact, the top 5% of customers contribute almost 75% of the bank’s profits."
E na sua empresa, como é esta distribuição?
Trecho e figura retirados de "Should You Punish or Reward Current Customers?"

As 3 partes de um BSC (parte III)

Parte I e parte II.
"a sense of background is even more critical as environments become more turbulent and uncertain. Without this sense of background, one begins to lose any orientation or grounding. It becomes more difficult to make sense of events as they unfold. By forcing attention on the background, this strategic approach helps create meaning and focus
Companies should not and actually cannot describe this background in detail, because it must accommodate many permutations of the future while still providing a framework for effective resource allocations in the near term.
Compelling statements of long-term direction can also help companies build advantaged capability-building positions as shapers of broader process networks."
Com um BSC da 3ª geração, vejo o mapa da estratégia como o descritor deste "background". No meio da incerteza e turbulência actual, como estaremos a funcionar no futuro, onde nos devemos concentrar?

Trechos retirados do capítulo 7 "New Approches to Developing Strategy" do livro "The Only Sustainable Edge".


Sequências que me fazem pensar...

Sequências que me fazem pensar...
"A Cimpor viu os seus resultados trimestrais caírem de um lucro de 47,2 milhões de euros, nos primeiros três meses de 2013, para um prejuízo de 10,8 milhões de euros, no mesmo período de 2014.
As vendas totais de cimento e clíquer aumentaram em 12,2% para 7.171 milhões de euros."

quarta-feira, maio 21, 2014

Nichos e nichos e mais nichos

"Historically, beer was a local product. According to the Brewers Association, there were 3,200 U.S. breweries in the 1870s. Then, over the next 100 years, technological advances and the drive for economies of scale changed all that; by 1978, there were only 89 breweries owned by 42 companies in the United States. Local beers were few and far between, and supermarket beer coolers were boring as well as cold. Now fast-forward to 2013 - more than 2,800 breweries were operating in the U.S., 98 percent of which were owned by local brewers.
The big brewers and their now-global brands are still dominant in the U.S. marketplace, and they are fighting over fractions of a point in added market share with US$3 million Super Bowl ads in a market that is slowly shrinking. Meanwhile these pesky craft brewers have grabbed a 10 percent share of market. Their share is growing, and more and more of them are entering the fray every day."
Trecho retirado de "A Toast to Industry Disruption"

"Diversity and complexity could also be mutually reinforcing. As species diversity increases, niches become more complex. The more complex niches are then filled by more complex organisms, which further increases niche complexity, and son."
Por isso é que Mongo é inevitável, a menos que um cataclismo imposto pela força de quem tem o privilégio da força, o Estado, faça tudo voltar ao século XX.
Trecho retirado de "Biology's First Law: The Tendency for Diversity and Complexity to Increase in Evolutionary Systems" de Daniel W. McShea e Robert N. Brandon

Olhar para o problema sob uma perspectiva diferente

Em tempos, Março de 2009, escrevi sobre um suíço que se estabeleceu em Portugal e que, sem saber nada de azeite, acabou por ganhar um prémio mundial. Foi em "Mentes livres de mapas cognitivos castradores".
Lembrei-me imediatamente do seu caso ao ler:
"Toda a exploração está certificada em agricultura biológica e é guiada pelos princípios da permacultura. Uma visão integrada que se distingue da agricultura convencional que separa o homem e a natureza". Nesse sentido, Rosa encara a falta de formação agrícola como uma vantagem. "Permite-me olhar para a fruticultura de uma forma não formatada. Não penso apenas na produtividade e nos custos associados à produção. Ver as árvores somente como urna fábrica para mim não encaixa. Eu ajudo-as a ter as condições necessárias para se reproduzirem e elas devolvem-me fruta." 
Interessante como uma licenciada em Psicologia, com experiência profissional em marketing, olhou para a realidade e viu o que outros não foram capazes de ver, talvez porque antes não era possível ver:
"os figos-lampos pertencem ao grupo de São Pedro, que tem a particularidade de ter duas épocas distintas de produção: uma entre meados de maio a julho e a outra de julho até finais de agosto. Se somarmos a essa vantagem a precocidade vegetativa que ocorre neste concelho do Algarve, desvendamos a alma do negócio desta quinta: "Temos os figos mais precoces da Europa, conseguimos colher figos a partir de 15 de maio. Figos existem muitos, mas tão cedo não existem tantos."
O primor é o trunfo que permite à Quinta da Fornalha colocar o figo algarvio no mercado europeu a um preço competitivo que compensa os custos de produção e logística. "Estamos longe do centro da Europa e pagamos sempre mais do que os franceses e os italianos. Desta forma, conseguimos ultrapassar isso sem grande concorrência. Nós ditamos o preço. É o sonho de qualquer agricultor"
Interessante a ligação ao ecoturismo, à loja biológica, às compostas, caldas, chutneys e frutos secos.
Muitas vezes a solução não é correr mais depressa, é olhar para o problema sob uma perspectiva diferente.

BTW, recordar:

As 3 partes de um BSC (parte II)

Parte I.
Há dias o Paulo Peres mandou-me este recorte no Twitter:

É um excelente exemplo para introduzir, o capítulo 7 "New Approches to Developing Strategy" de "The Only Sustainable Edge":
"Business strategy as a distinct discipline emerged in the mid-1960s. At the time, it had some clear principles. Strategies were about positions and plans. The goal of strategy was to help a company identify attractive positions in relevant markets where a company could use sustainable competitive advantage to reap above-average profits for indefinite periods. Strategic analysis concentrated on understanding industry structures so that executives could target the most promising positions to occupy."
Nas décadas seguintes, com o aumento da incerteza resultante da intensificação da concorrência, a estratégia começou a ser vista de outra forma, onde se enquadra o recorte da foto:
"Given the difficulty in anticipating outcomes in complex and rapidly changing environments, these critics question whether it makes sense to try to understand evolving industry structures, especially when the very boundaries of these industries are being fundamentally reshaped. Since any advantage accruing to positions in these rapidly changing environments will probably erode quickly, perhaps executives should fixate on near-term movements designed to exploit market opportunities. In its more extreme forms, particularly prominent at the height of the dot-corn bubble, this school actually questions whether there is any need for strategy. When companies are sufficiently aggressive in operational initiatives, they can hustle themselves to profitability by staying one step ahead of operational copycats."
Esta postura foi muito bem apanhada por Roger Martin e comentada em "São as decisões dos humanos que ajudam a fazer a diferença (parte III)":
"When I ask business executives about their company's strategy — or about an apparent lack thereof — they often respond that they can't or won't do strategy because their operating environment is changing so much. There isn't enough certainty, they argue, to be able to do strategy effectively."
E volto ao capítulo 7
"Companies are beginning to realize that speed alone is not sufficient; they also need a sense of direction. Long-term position still matters, especially as we see the growing importance of global process networks and local business ecosystems. Without some sense of long-term position, movement rapidly degenerates into random motion.
Options typically expand as change accelerates. Companies lacking a sense of direction usually fall into reactive approaches, pursuing too many options at the same time. The result is that resources are spread too thinly and performance impact diminishes because all the initiatives are under-resourced. In times of increasing uncertainty and rapid change, reactive approaches can become significant traps.
Balancing the imperatives of speed and direction requires a different strategic approach focused on two very different time horizons. A long-term horizon of five to ten years creates a background for executive decision making, and a much shorter-term horizon of six to twelve months provides the foreground, where operational and organizational initiatives play out. Without the sense of background to put events and actions into context, the foreground of the six- to twelve-month horizon, where most line executives usually operate, begins to lose coherence. This coherence especially deteriorates in the business landscape that is evolving rapidly on a global scale and with the increasing need to coordinate across enterprises."

Foto inicial retirado do livro "Moments of Impact" de Chris Erthel.


Este é o erro principal de quem quer aumentar a produtividade

Neste postal "Confusões acerca da eficiência e da produtividade" comentei o artigo "Should Your Business Be Less Productive?".
Agora, ao relê-lo, percebi que esqueci-me de comentar o lead:
"Many contemporary businesses are on a quest for productivity gains. They seek to maintain quality and quantity of output at ever-decreasing cost, yielding higher profitability. As advanced economies move more into the service sector, that means many managers devote a lot of attention to designing automated processes that reduce the need for people — typically their most expensive resource."
Este é o erro principal de quem quer aumentar a produtividade.
"They seek to maintain quality and quantity of output at ever-decreasing cost"
Aquele "mantendo a qualidade" afunila o campo de possibilidades
Rápido, o que é que é preciso para aumentar a produtividade, mantendo a qualidade e quantidade do que se produz?
É preciso cortar!
Sabem qual é o impacte dos cortes nas margens? Claro que sabem, Marn e Rosiello e muitos outros mostraram-nos este gráfico:

Voltemos ao texto acima:
"that means many managers devote a lot of attention to designing automated processes that reduce the need for people — typically their most expensive resource"
Pessoas são um custo fixo... qual o efeito do corte de 1% nos custos fixos?
É só olhar para o gráfico.
Qual o problema daquela frase inicial?
É só olhar para o gráfico.
Gilmore e Pine criaram esta figura para ilustrar a evolução económica:
Aquela frase inicial foi esculpida na pedra no tempo em que só se transaccionavam commodities. Hoje, num tempo em que as experiências se impõem, a melhor forma de aumentar a produtividade passa por melhorar, por aperfeiçoar a experiência. Se falarmos numa lógica de produto, podemos dizer que o truque é alterar, melhorar, aperfeiçoar a qualidade.
Se o que oferecemos é diferente e melhor... pode ser vendido por um preço superior... qual o impacte desse aumento?
É só ver o gráfico acima.
Qual é o factor com maior efeito de alavanca?

terça-feira, maio 20, 2014

Isto é tão interessante

""Operating margins at the world’s 10 largest automotive suppliers are on average 4 percentage points higher than those of the 10 largest carmakers, according to Strategy&.
Continental, the world’s second-largest car part supplier by revenue, recorded an earnings before interest and tax margin of 9.8 per cent last year. Carmakers General Motors and Fiat, two of Continental’s biggest customers, reported margins of 5.5 per cent and 3.4 per cent respectively."
Suppliers can demand a bigger slice because they are much harder to replace. GM may want to tell Continental to take a hike, but without the in-house capability to develop new components plus make them around the world, GM has little choice but to give when Continental asks for more."
Há um caso em Portugal, não no sector automóvel, onde isto um dia vai acontecer. Um dia o "dono do mercado" vai descobrir que, como externalizou tudo o que dizia respeito ao trabalho e planeamento no terreno, os seus quadros de gabinete já não poderão fazer a coisa voltar atrás.

Trecho retirado de "Shifting power in auto supply chains"

"It moves organisations from being inward-looking to outward-looking"

O livro "The Power of Co-Creation" de Venkat Ramaswamy e Francis Gouillart começa assim:
"All around the globe, the expectations of informed and connected people have dramatically changed in recent years. Whether as customers, employees, or citizens, people demand more engagement with providers of goods and services, with their employers, and with their governments. People today are highly connected and networked, sharing their experiences of using products and services. They want to help design the value of the products and services they use; they want an ongoing conversation with the organizations they do business with and with each other; and they want their voices heard. Yet, in spite of their best efforts, many organizations are locked into a firm-centric paradigm of value and its creation. They fail to engage people in generating better products and services that the organization can deliver. Technology gives innovators and marketers more and more options in designing and delivering products and services, yet they struggle to connect with what people value, and this further frustrates people. As a result, satisfaction ratings are declining or flat across many industries, and loyalty is increasingly a thing of the past."
Pode parecer pouco, para alguns até pode ser visto como um truque barato de marketing, contudo; é um salto medonho, apostar na co-criação:
Unfortunately, this view of value is based upon a now outdated belief that value is something that can be added. This added value notion can be rejected. It is merely an enduring economic anachronism that uses a factory vocabulary to suggest that value can be added to physical goods and service, rather than viewing how value emerges for the customer within their lifeworlds.
A new role for the organisation is to support customers in their value-seeking endeavours. Strategically, this moves the organisation from viewing itself as being responsible for creating added value to an orientation that is value-supporting and customer-centric. [Moi ici: Este passo é de gigante, é enorme e muitas empresas não percebem como é libertador...]
[Moi ici: Como as empresas continuam a pensar que são elas que criam valor] Value-added, although a term of worthy intent, should be reconsidered. It results in some organisations taking the wrong direction. They look inwardly to how they can add value to what they have, rather than looking outwardly to understand what value the customers seek.
Moving to a value-supporting orientation allows blind spots like the ones highlighted above to be brought into sharp focus. In addition, it throws the focus firmly upon the customer as the seeker of value and the organisation simply as the value supporter. It moves organisations from being inward-looking to outward-looking. It requires an understanding of customers’ lifeworlds. This simply means being conversant with how customers live their lives and how the organisation can strategically support the value customers seek."

A mudança de perspectiva muda tanta mas tanta coisa...

Trechos retirados de "Girls (not) aloud"

As 3 partes de um BSC (parte I)

Quando trabalho com o balanced scorecard (BSC), trabalho com aquilo a que chamo um BSC da 3ª geração. Um BSC composto por três partes:
  • Um mapa da estratégia;
  • Um conjunto de iniciativas estratégicas; e
  • Um conjunto de indicadores estratégicos.
Um mapa da estratégia:
Descreve o estado futuro desejado em que a empresa vai estar a funcionar e a ter sucesso. Muitas vezes, as relações de causa-efeito retratadas no mapa da estratégia ainda não existem no presente, ou então são ainda muito incipientes. O mapa serve para visualizar o racional de como vai ser, de como vai funcionar no futuro desejado.
Hoje estamos no hoje, não no futuro desejado. O futuro desejado é diferente do hoje, por isso, é preciso fazer esta transição:
A transição é que vai fazer a transformação, a transição precisa de acção, por isso usarmos a expressão "O que começar a fazer na próxima segunda-feira para executar a estratégia?"
O mapa da estratégia aponta para um futuro desejado.
As iniciativas estratégicas apontam para coisas concretas. Uma iniciativa estratégica responde a 5 perguntas (tenho de escrever aqui sobre as fichas de missão):
  • O que fazer de concreto?
  • Por quem?
  • Até quando?
  • Quanto vai custar?
  • Que resultados objectivos é que são esperados?
Daí se dizer que as iniciativas, porque alinhadas com a estratégia, ajudam a operacionalizar a estratégia.
Os indicadores permitem monitorizar a viagem para o futuro desejado e perceber o que está a acontecer e, validar ou não pressupostos do mapa da estratégia.
Recordo isto agora por causa do último capítulo do livro "The Only Sustainable Edge"


O medo de Mongo

Ontem chegou pelo correio "The Zero Marginal Cost Society" de Jeremy Rifkin, relacionei-o logo com estas notícias:

"Within the next two to three decades, prosumers in vast continental and global networks will be producing and sharing green energy as well as physical goods and services , and learning in online virtual classrooms..."
Não são só os incumbentes que têm medo de Mongo, são também os Estados.
BTW, Rifkin chama a Mongo de Collaborative Commons.
Ainda é cedo, muito cedo, ainda não passei da página 10, mas desconfio que Rifkin está a sobrestimar o papel do custo.

segunda-feira, maio 19, 2014

Curiosidade do dia

As primeiras rosas bravas do ano
Sinal de que Junho está a chegar.
Entretanto, ontem ao final da tarde, junto à ria de Aveiro:
Dois Vanellus vanellus (Abibe).
E várias Ardea purpurea (Garça-vermelha)

Concorrentes estúpidos

A classificação não é minha:
"The financial strength, number, and pricing-savvy of your competitors will all affect the price you can charge.
Stupid competitors can lower profits for all companies, sometimes even making an entire industry unprofitable. My definition of stupid competitors includes the following:
  • Those who will always cut price to make a sale. They often find themselves in price wars that nobody wins.
  • Those so addicted to the sales boost that they run constant sales, causing consumers to devalue the “fair” price for that type of product or service.
  • Those who see the industry leader raising prices and don’t at least consider jumping on the bandwagon."
Trecho retirado de "Setting profitable prices : a step-by-step guide to pricing strategy - without hiring a consultant" de Marlene Jensen.

Acerca do uso do BSC em Portugal

Acerca do uso do BSC em Portugal:
"We have interviewed people in charge of management accounting in 58 industrial enterprises, from eleven Portuguese Districts. The evidence gathered allowed us to conclude that very few enterprises use the Balanced Scorecard, and that the majority of those in charge interviewed does not know about it."
Interessante este argumento:
"the evidence collected allows the conclusion that only three enterprises (5%) use performance evaluation tools, being the BSC the method used in all those cases. One of the enterprises is still considering its use.
in 11% of the cases, managers consider the BSC philosophy is not compatible with the company’s internal policy of non-disclosure of management information to the public" [Moi ici: Onde é que o BSC obriga a divulgar informação para o exterior?]
E ainda:
"The results obtained allow us to conclude that the majority (62%) of those in charge of management accounting do not know about the BSC." [Moi ici: Cuidado, como costumo dizer, o BSC não é uma ferramenta da Contabilidade, o BSC não substitui a Contabilidade, o BSC é uma ferramenta de gestão centrada na definição, execução, monitorização e comunicação da estratégia]
Trechos retirados de "Balanced Scorecard: Empirical Study on Small and Medium size Enterprises" de Maria João Cardoso Vieira Machado.

As histórias comem os factos ao pequeno-almoço

"even in business meetings, numbers don’t ever speak for themselves.
To influence human decision making, you have to get to the place where decisions are really made — in the unconscious mind, where emotions rule, and data is mostly absent. Yes, even the most savvy executives begin to make choices this way. They get an intent, or a desire, or a want in their unconscious minds, then decide to pursue it and act on that decision. Only after that do they become consciously aware of what they’ve decided and start to justify it with rational argument.
He began with an alluring description of the future state — improved margins, a cooler, higher-tech product line, and excited customers — then asked his audience to move forward with him to reach that goal. It was a quest story, and it worked.
Good stories — with a few key facts woven in — are what attach emotions to your argument, prompt people into unconscious decision making, and ultimately move them to action."
Recordar Kotter e o:

  • See
  • Feel
  • Act
Trechos retirados de "Decisions Don’t Start with Data"