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quarta-feira, janeiro 15, 2025

Outra autópsia à distância

Quando comecei a usar este blogue em 2004 pensei que seria uma espécie de base de dados para pesquisar e acessar material das formações e workshops. 

Julgo que foi com postais como este "Autópsia de uma estratégia, feita à distância (parte I)" e este outro "Autópsia de uma estratégia, feita à distância (parte II)" em Outubro de 2007 que comecei a ver o blogue de outra maneira.

Ontem, no WSJ li "Skechers' Focus on Casual Shoes Pays Off" e voltei a recordar estas autópsias feitas à distância.

Para destacar a importância de uma estratégia bem definida, é essencial observar como a Skechers adaptou a sua abordagem para competir com gigantes do sector, como a Nike e a Adidas, concentrando-se na compreensão do seu público-alvo e na diferenciação. Again, estratégia não é sobre como vencer a concorrência, mas sobre como ganhar a preferência dos clientes-alvo.

"Nike has superstars. Hoka has tapped into hardcore runners. Tech bros are willing to pay up for On shoes. Skechers thrives on retirees looking for comfortable kicks and families looking for something more affordable for their children."​

A Skechers compreendeu claramente que "Nike has superstars" e que competir directamente no segmento da alta performance e com grandes celebridades não seria a sua estratégia mais eficaz. Em vez disso, a empresa optou por abordar mercados negligenciados, posicionando-se como uma marca de calçado acessível e confortável, perfeita para "retirees looking for comfortable kicks and families looking for something more affordable for their children." Este foco ajudou a Skechers a estabelecer uma ligação directa com consumidores que procuravam qualidade e conforto a preços acessíveis.

"Skechers shifted in recent years into the performance arena to fill what its leaders see as openings left by Nike and others.

The business got a boost from Nike's decision during the pandemic to exit from many retailers that catered to lower-income consumers and focus on selling directly to consumers. 

Nike also cut back on styles that sold for less than $100."

Além disso, a empresa percebeu a oportunidade de capitalizar sobre as lacunas deixadas pelos seus concorrentes. Evitar o confronto directo. Enquanto a Nike cortou estilos que custavam menos de $100, a Skechers decidiu expandir a sua linha para atrair consumidores de rendimento baixo e médio. Como mencionado, "Skechers shifted in recent years into the performance arena to fill what its leaders see as openings left by Nike and others." Esta adaptação demonstrou a capacidade da empresa em identificar nichos de mercado e aproveitar lacunas estratégicas deixadas pelos seus concorrentes.

"It is on track to net $10 billion in revenue by 2026, without achieving the coolness status that can juice demand for a brand.

Skechers did it by capturing parts of the market that are largely neglected by its competitors."

Outro ponto de destaque foi o uso de inovação acessível, como a linha de Slip-ins, que permitiu à Skechers criar produtos diferenciados sem a necessidade de "achieving the coolness status that can juice demand for a brand." Em vez de competir directamente pelo prestígio, a empresa focou-se em oferecer valor prático, tornando-se a terceira maior empresa de calçado do mundo em vendas.

"Skechers does work with designers, street artists and celebrities, but executives said they don't rely on projects that are limited releases because they don't think limited releases generate the same hype and awareness as they do for other brands.

"That's not really our consumer," said Vandemore, the finance chief. "That's not what somebody's looking for us to do.""

Estes exemplos ilustram como compreender os consumidores-alvo, aliada a uma estratégia focada na diferenciação, pode gerar resultados expressivos, mesmo num mercado dominado por gigantes. Ter clareza sobre "who your customer is" e sobre "what holes exist in the market" é essencial para que as empresas possam prosperar num ambiente competitivo.

Há uns 5/6 anos durante aqueles dias em que o chão está molhado aconteceram-me várias coisas com o calçado que me levaram a olhar para as solas com um outro cuidado. 

Primeiro, cuidado com calçado barato, com solas pouco flexíveis e que rapidamente sofrem micro fissuras por onde a humidade entra e, qual papel mata borrão, é absorvida pelas meias gerando uma sensação de desconforto e o receio de apanhar uma constipação.

Segundo, cuidado com solas que não geram atrito suficiente e que, quando as condições se proporcionam - chão molhado e branco das passadeiras, facilitam quedas.

Decidi pesquisar solas que me dessem garantias e foi assim que cheguei às botas da Skechers. Um par durou-me 3 Invernos, ainda o tenho e uso de vez em quando, depois outro, que estou a calçar agora, e isso levou-me aos slip-ins. Hoje, tirando as sapatilhas que só uso para correr, todo o resto do calçado é da Skechers.

Para as empresas de calçado em Portugal: Portugal tem uma longa tradição de excelência no fabrico de calçado, mas o futuro exige mais do que qualidade técnica. É hora de as empresas portuguesas explorarem como uma estratégia bem definida pode transformar a produção numa vantagem competitiva.

Seja mais do que um fornecedor. Observe como empresas como a Skechers construíram um império focando-se no que os concorrentes negligenciaram: acessibilidade, conforto e inovação prática. Mesmo sem se concentrar em tendências passageiras ou celebridades, a Skechers tornou-se uma das maiores marcas mundiais.

E se as suas solas não fossem apenas solas, mas soluções para problemas do consumidor final? Questione-se: quem é o cliente-alvo dos seus clientes? Que falhas existem no mercado que podem ser aproveitadas? Como pode a sua experiência contribuir para estratégias diferenciadas?

quarta-feira, dezembro 11, 2024

E cheirou-me logo a estratégia

Na última página do WSJ do passado dia 09.12 vi o artigo, "Small Al-Chip Maker Is Now More Valuable Than Intel", e cheirou-me logo a estratégia.

O artigo compara a performance de uma empresa produtora de chips que eu não conhecia, a Marvell, com a performance da Intel.

A valorização em bolsa da Marvell supera a da Intel. A Marvell Technology registou um crescimento significativo na sua capitalização bolsista, ultrapassando os 100 mil milhões de dólares, tornando-a mais valiosa que a Intel.

Este crescimento é impulsionado principalmente pela sua forte presença no mercado de chips para data centers e pelo seu papel no apoio aos avanços da IA (escolhas estratégicas sobre onde estar). O negócio de data centers da Marvell representa agora 72% da sua receita total, acima dos 40% do ano anterior, com as vendas a duplicarem ano após ano para 1,1 mil milhões de dólares.

A empresa beneficiou de uma importante parceria com a Amazon, ajudando a conceber chips de IA como o Trainium, o que reforça ainda mais a sua posição competitiva. Os analistas prevêem que as receitas relacionadas com a IA dupliquem até 2026, ultrapassando potencialmente os 8 mil milhões de dólares anuais.

O CEO Matt Murphy concentrou-se num crescimento constante e nas parcerias estratégicas, em vez de expandir significativamente a dimensão da empresa. 

Relevância da actuação da Marvell para o pensamento estratégico das PMEs:

  • A Marvell mudou o foco para data centers e chips personalizados ligados à IA, mostrando como é importante priorizar mercados em crescimento em vez de insistir em sectores tradicionais ou saturados. Apostar em nichos promissores.
  • Trabalhar com gigantes como a Amazon pode ajudar empresas menores a crescerem mais rápido e ganharem credibilidade no mercado. Também tem riscos, basta procurar aqui no blogue o que escrevo sobre pedofilia empresarial. Procurar verdadeiros parceiros, cuidado com o destino da Raporal.
  • A agilidade da Marvell em ajustar seu modelo de negócio para aproveitar tendências como a IA é um óptimo exemplo do valor de estar sempre à frente no mercado. Rapidez e flexibilidade são as armas secretas das PMEs.
  • O investimento da Marvell em soluções feitas sob medida para os seus clientes destaca como inovar e focar nos clientes pode diferenciar uma empresa no mercado. A velha prática da customização.
  • O CEO da Marvell mostra como ter uma visão clara e focada — opção pelo crescimento sustentável em vez de crescer por crescer — pode ser a chave para o sucesso a longo prazo, algo que pode inspirar os líderes das PMEs.

sexta-feira, novembro 22, 2024

Fugir da "rat race"

Nassim Taleb em "The Bed of Procrustes":

"True success is exiting some rat race to modulate one's activities for peace of mind."

Quantas PMEs precisam de reflectir profundamente nesta frase. 

E recordo a 1ª lei da Teoria dos Jogos: "Do not play a strictly dominated strategy"

Em vez de ser definido pelo esforço incansável, pela competição ou pela validação externa (a “corrida desenfreada”), o sucesso implica recuar, recuperar o controlo e encontrar um equilíbrio na vida que priorize a tranquilidade interior e a autonomia em vez da luta perpétua .

O verdadeiro sucesso não consiste em vencer os outros num frenesim competitivo, mas em alcançar um estado de independência onde se possa decidir o ritmo e a natureza das suas actividades. É um apelo para redefinir o sucesso em termos de valores pessoais, em vez de parâmetros sociais como a riqueza, o estatuto ou o reconhecimento. De certa forma também relacionado com o "Volume is vanity. Profit is sanity."

A ideia é fugir dos oceanos de tinta vermelha. As PMEs apanhadas num mercado altamente competitivo ("rate race" ou "race to the bottom") esgotam frequentemente os seus recursos tentando superar os rivais num campeonato onde não têm, nunca terão hipóteses (formigas num piquenique), levando a rendimentos decrescentes. A perspectiva de Taleb incentiva a concentração em nichos ou “oceanos azuis”, onde a concorrência é menos intensa e as empresas podem prosperar através da criação de propostas de valor únicas.

Uma estratégia empresarial bem-sucedida pode visar a autonomia operacional, evitando a dependência excessiva de factores externos voláteis (por exemplo, flutuações do mercado ou pressões competitivas). Isto poderá passar pela construção de processos internos sólidos, pela diversificação dos fluxos de receitas ou pela promoção da inovação.

sexta-feira, agosto 16, 2024

Conformar-se tem os seus custos

"When your brand has fingerprints, don’t do things that require you to wear gloves."

"Fingerprints" simbolizam a singularidade e a individualidade. Tal como as impressões digitais são únicas para cada pessoa, o estilo ou identidade única de uma marca é o que a diferencia das outras. 

“Wear gloves” representa esconder ou encobrir esta singularidade.

Se uma marca tem um estilo distinto e identificável, não deve escondê-lo, obedecendo às normas ou tentando misturar-se com a multidão.

"If your brand has a unique style, don't hide it by trying to be like everyone else."

A importância de abraçar e mostrar as qualidades únicas de uma marca, em vez de as suprimir na tentativa de se encaixar nas outras.

Se é como todos os outros...

Se uma marca se tornar indistinguível das outras (ou seja, se “usa luvas” para esconder as suas “impressões digitais”), perde aquilo que a torna especial e memorável. Perder a sua identidade distinta, deixar de se destacar ou ser esquecida num mercado sobrelotado.


  • As marcas podem temer que o seu estilo ou abordagem única possa afastar determinados segmentos de clientes. Para atrair um público mais vasto, podem suavizar as suas características distintivas para corresponder às expectativas mais convencionais.
  • Se uma tendência ou estilo específico se torna dominante na indústria, uma marca pode sentir-se pressionada a conformar-se para se manter relevante. Isto pode levá-la a minimizar as suas qualidades únicas em favor do que é popular actualmente.
  • Uma marca pode acreditar que imitar os concorrentes de sucesso levará a um crescimento mais rápido ou à entrada no mercado. Podem deixar temporariamente de lado a sua identidade única na esperança de ganhar uma maior quota de mercado ou competir mais directamente.
  • Se uma marca estiver com dificuldades financeiras, poderá recorrer à adopção de uma abordagem mais “segura” e convencional, acreditando ser menos arriscada. Isto pode envolver minimizar os elementos que a tornaram única em primeiro lugar.

Trecho inicial retirado de "Fingerprints"

quinta-feira, março 28, 2024

"Deixar de ser uma Arca de Noé"

E volto à leitura de "The World of Work to 2030" para encontrar uma série de textos que parecem tirados deste blogue. Textos acerca de como competir em Mongo:

"You just won't see it coming 

Buyers, whether businesses or consumers, will become even more swamped by choice than they are today. This means you will have to fight harder to rise above the noise of the competition. [Moi ici: Uma paisagem cada vez mais enrugada, cada vez mais picos]


Focus and Size

The forces playing out mean that companies everywhere will face continual, relentless, competitive threats. This poses an obvious question: How to respond?

To succeed in the future, companies will be forced to think consciously about what they are and how they do it. With competition becoming incessant and global, companies will need to decide what they do, what market they will focus on and where they will specialize. Most importantly, at the same time, they will consciously decide what they are not, which markets they are not focusing on and where they will not specialize.

This merely echoes what Harvard Business School professor Michael Porter said when defining strategy: 'the essence of strategy, is choosing what not to do.'


Just say 'no' 

The challenge in business (and to a similar extent in our personal lives) is that we seek to do too much ourselves. When a customer calls us asking for help, or wanting a different product or a different service, we dislike saying no. The same thing happens in our personal lives where we seek to do everything - all the tasks that life presents us with, from gardening to decorating - and to be expert in them all. No business can be expert in everything. It is exceptionally easy to say 'yes' to a customer. But as we progress further away from what we are good at, from what we are known for and from where our expertise lies, the thinner the ice on which we are skating and the greater the risk in something going wrong.


To be successful, companies will not be able to be all things to all customers. They can't spread themselves too thin being, in effect, wide and shallow. If they do, competition will swarm around them, nibbling away and they will suffer the death of a thousand cuts. Rather, to succeed and protect themselves, businesses will define their purpose more narrowly, more specifically, and will then seek to achieve depth, seeking dominance of that narrow space. Going forward, successful businesses will no longer be generalists: average will no longer be enough, depth and specialism will be critical.


Being a generalist is not sustainable. Focus and depth of specialism, combined with scale in that specialism, is needed in order to be successful."

Como não recuar a 2006 e a "Deixar de ser uma Arca de Noé". 

Como não reflectir nesta incoerência recente e sinto que algo não bate certo

Como não ligar ao ainda fresco Os últimos moicanos.

segunda-feira, julho 24, 2023

Diferenciação para fugir à comoditização

"The Swiss are proud of their cheese, and most of the cheese they eat are local varieties like Gruyère, Emmental and other hard cheeses from milk from happy cows that are famous all over the world.
In fact, the Swiss cheese trade balance has been shrinking for decades, and especially since the market was liberalized in 2007, which allowed the country to trade with the European Union without tariffs or quotas in either direction. Switzerland now exports about 40 percent of the cheese it produces, per industry estimates.
But in each of the first five months of this year, Switzerland imported more cheese by weight than it sold abroad, according to customs data
[Moi ici: Os números que se seguem são muito interessantes, ilustram como as marcas, como a diferenciação, permite fugir da guerra do preço. Em Maio passado estive em várias cidades suíças e é impressionante encontrar no dia-a-dia o festival de marcas suíças que trazem um valor acrescentado tremendo à simples soma dos custos] The number of dairy farmers in Switzerland has fallen in recent decades, with a drop of more than half over the past 25 years, Mr. Koller said. On top of that, farming operations in Switzerland are small: The average size of a herd is about 27 cows, Mr. Koller said, and dairy farms with more than 100 cows are rare. [Moi ici: Isto quer dizer que se o negócio fosse preço puro e duro os suíços não tinham hipótese. Até as explorações portuguesas já devem ser maiores. Recordo que sem marca, "Milk is the ultimate low-involvement category"]
[Moi ici: Segue-se agora um trecho difícil de encontrar em Portugal, basta recordar a malta das conservas ou do leite, "economists say there is no need to panic"] Although an influx of foreign cheese may challenge notions of Swiss national identity, economists say there is no need to panic. Swiss producers have become more specialized in recent years, and the cheeses they export tend to be the higher-value varieties, like Gruyère. Imports are cheaper and softer and largely come from France. (What's called "Swiss cheese" in the United States is an American reproduction of Swiss hard cheeses, known of course for its signature holes.)
Not all the cheese that is imported into Switzerland is consumed there, either. A large chunk of the cheese and curd brought into the country gets refined in Switzerland and then exported.
"The trade diference in cheese itself is not a major thing to worry about," said Martin Mosler, an economist at IWP, an economic policy institute at the University of Lucerne. "We are better than most of the world at the high quality stuff," he said. Switzerland continues to run a healthy trade surplus in cheese by financial value: On average, Swiss cheese exports fetch roughly 10 Swiss Francs per kilo (about $11.60), compared with about six Swiss Francs per kilo paid for imports."

quarta-feira, julho 12, 2023

Scale is the force that commodifies

"The belief in scale and speed and efficiency has a commodifying effect. In the absence of a special consciousness and care, they extract our humanity. And so our workplaces are soon well structured, roles are defined, behavior is prescribed, and what was a startup now becomes a place we call work. Even when, as in a startup, freedom faces the resistance of so-called marketplace reality, we still are quite ready to surrender it. The code for this is "taking it to scale. Scale is the force that commodifies our way of being together."

Já não estamos no século XX, já não vivemos da produção em massa, já não temos demografia para a suportar, temos de apostar na arte, temos de apostar na diferenciação. A estratégia não pode passar pelo tamanho.

Trecho retirado de "Confronting Our Freedom: Leading a Culture of Chosen Accountability and Belonging" de Peter Block. 

domingo, julho 02, 2023

Fugir da previsibilidade (parte II)

Há oito dias em Fugir da previsibilidade escrevi:

"Predictability é sinónimo de concorrência perfeita, ou seja lucros raquíticos e empobrecimento.


Fugir da previsibilidade é uma forma de criar heterogeneidade e fugir da comoditização, é uma forma de criar valor potencial que pode vir a ser capturado como margem superior."

Ontem, encontrei em "The Song of Significance: A New Manifesto for Teams" de Seth Godin:

"There's a huge difference between the backwardlooking work of quality improvement and the forward-looking dance of making decisions about what happens next.

If you're not willing to produce change, then you really have no options. Cost-reduction through industrial management is your only path forward. We've built world-class systems of gradual systems improvement. The measured quality of cars, computer chips, and even overnight package delivery is stunning."

As PMEs no campeonato do custo mais baixo não têm hipótese. 

"In the case of the industry leader, our research showed an entirely different impact of market overlap. Market overlap seems to counteract the benefits of strategic similarity to the industry leader. This is consistent with our reasoning that dependence on the same type of resources as the industry leader and obtaining them from the same resource pools counteract the legitimacy advantages that small firms obtain through similarity to this prominent firm. In addition to this effect on the supply side, it is reasonable to understand that market overlap with the industry leader could trigger negative effects on small-firm performance due to the need to compete with this rival for the same customers (i.e., demand-side effect). Since the industry leader has a stronger position in common markets, it could attract customers more easily than small firms, having a negative impact on their results. Thus, both demand- and supply-side considerations lead to the same negative effect of market overlap on the relationship between similarity to the industry leader and small-firm performance."

Trecho retirado de "To be different or to be the same when you are a small firm? Competitive interdependence as a boundary condition of the strategic balance perspective

sábado, maio 13, 2023

Diferenciação, lucro e PMEs

"This article explores the nature of differentiation in microenterprises... Using a combined sample of nearly 10,000 microenterprises across eight developing countries, I estimate that a standard deviation increase in differentiation is associated with approximately an 11 percent increase in revenues and an eight percent increase in profit, [Moi ici: Acerca da importância da estratégia ... gente preocpada com os outputs, em vez de dar primazia aos inputs ou outcomes] relative to the sample mean. ... Finally, I estimate the impact of common policy interventions on microenterprise differentiation. The results suggest that standard business skills training interventions have little effect on differentiation [Moi ici: Sintomático... faz-me lembrar a conversa do excel. BTW, ainda esta semana visitei a Viarcoand that access to individualliability microfinance may actually decrease it


Due to the difficult conditions under which many microenterprises operate, it is broadly assumed differentiation will be difficult to achieve, as proprietors cope with constraints on financial and cognitive resources.


The goal of the empirical exercise is to shed light on which constraints are most crucial in limiting microenterprises' ability to differentiate, and whether or not these constraints can be released. The results provide clarity on the shape of the relationship between differentiation and performance in microenterprise, which types of microentrepreneurs are most likely to differentiate, and what impacts existing policy interventions have on differentiation outcomes.


I find that propensity to differentiate decreases with age in a strikingly linear relationship. Differentiation also increases with years of education, with a particular boost after secondary school. 


From a practitioner standpoint, this work aims to demonstrate the relevance of strategic positioning in microenterprises. [Moi ici: Algo que procuramos fazer neste blogue desde o primeiro momento. Infelizmente todas as semanas encontro exemplos de PMEs que querem ser tudo para todos] While strategy and management researchers have posited that differentiation could be an effective source of competitive advantage in this population of businesses, these constructs are not salient in most policy-adjacent work. Indeed, the words "differentiation", "strategy", or "positioning" cannot be found in any of several excellent research summaries of policy programs directed at microenterprises. [Moi ici: Tão interessante!] While this analysis does not demonstrate a causal relationship, the robust association between differentiation and performance described in the results warrants an examination of a) whether an cost-effective interventions can successfully help microentrepreneurs achieve a more differentiated offering, and b) if such differentiation then translates causally to improved performance. The results of this analvsis provide suggestive evidence as to what tvpes of interventions mav prove impactful and which population of microentrepreneurs might be most effective to target."

Trechos retirados de "Differentiation in Microenterprises"

quarta-feira, agosto 24, 2022

Being Dick Dastardly is a dangerous move

Há muito que uso aqui a metáfora do Dick Dastardly para retratar as empresas que se focam mais nos concorrentes do que nos clientes. Por exemplo:

Neste artigo, "You can’t beat TikTok by becoming its clone", pode ler-se:

"Competitor orientation

What is so wrong with all of this, you might wonder? Why not focus on competitors and what they do, and augment it by evolving your own offering? I’m often asked this question by marketers I train and who are shocked at the lack of competitor assessments that I recommend as part of brand diagnosis.

I like looking at competitors through customer’s eyes, but I’m less interested in the insights that can be derived from directly studying competitors. In fact, it turns out there are very good reasons not to focus too heavily on competitors, what they do and how they do it.

There is a long and rewarding literature on the power of market orientation and keeping the customer in your cross hairs at all times. And there is an equally persuasive literature on the perils of competitor orientation – of switching our gaze from our customers to our competitors and how they do things. And that danger multiplies significantly if these insights turn to action and we start to replicate our competitors’ moves in our own approach.
As strategy guru Roger Martin observes, we are set for “a financial bloodbath”. That’s the scenario he predicts when multiple companies go to the same market, with the same strategy, at the same time. And he is right.

We’ve beaten up differentiation for too long in marketing. Sure, there is no unique offering out there. And no one will ever own any attribute or association. But playing the game your way, to your strengths, on your terms remains one of the hallmarks of successful business strategy."

quarta-feira, agosto 17, 2022

Falta de alinhamento ao vivo e a cores

Neste blogue, ao longo dos anos, tenho registado vários casos que são um absurdo em termos de estratégia. Por exemplo:
Ontem encontrei mais um exemplo do que me parece um absurdo em termos de estratégia. Aprendi primeiro com Porter no seu clássico "What is strategy?" (A evolução da ideia de mosaico estratégico (parte III)), e depois com Terry Hill (As mudanças em curso na China - parte II), a importância do alinhamento estratégico. Ou seja, se se quer ter marca de luxo não se pode vender o artigo ao desbarato na feira do preço baixo. Se se quer ser competitivo no custo/preço não se pode ao mesmo tempo investir na diferenciação da marca.

O exemplo em causa estava no DN sob o título, "Carnes da Montana quer chegar às cantinas públicas":
"Marca que representa sete raças autóctones bovinas existentes em Portugal está a inovar oferta e explora novos mercados. [Moi ici: Marca e raças autóctones aponta para diferenciação, qualidade, e baixas quantidades]

Os produtores de sete raças autóctones de bovinos identificadas em Portugal encontraram um novo canal para fazer chegar as suas produções diretamente ao consumidor, através da loja online Carnes da Montanha. Vão lutar para que o produto chegue às cantinas públicas e assim estimule a preservação de um efetivo que é "muito mais do que carne", como descreve Idalino Leão, administrador da empresa. [Moi ici: Produtores de raças autóctones querem escoar a carne através de um canal que não valoriza a qualidade, mas a conformidade. Querem escoar a carne como se fosse uma commodity. Não percebem que o negócio das cantinas públicas é o negócio do preço/custo mais baixo?]
"Orgulhoso por poder exibir as nove medalhas de ouro atribuídas a produtos da Carnes da Montanha no último Concurso Nacional de Carnes Tradicionais Portuguesas, que se realizou em junho, em Santarém,"  [Moi ici: Qual o valor destas medalhas? Ou as medalhas não prestam, ou as Carnes da Montanha não sabem como as utilizar. As medalhas se valerem algo devem ser usadas para reforçar a proposta de valor para mercados que valorizam a diferenciação]
 "o objetivo é convencer os municípios a usarem estes produtos sempre que nas ementas das cantinas públicas (hospitais, escolas, universidades) esteja previsto o consumo de carne de vaca" [Moi ici: Acham que estas entidades nadam em dinheiro? Compram ao preço mais baixo e, por isso, têm de ser fornecidas por produtores com raças muito eficientes]
Segundo o administrador, em Portugal, 60% dos clientes estão em Cascais, Oeiras e Ericeira, 20% no Algarve os restantes no resto do país." [Moi ici: Como não recordar a artesã de Bragança e os outros, têm de mudar de mercado, mas não é para baixo, é para cima. Pena que o administrador seja "também o presidente da Agros e da Confagri", formatado no negócio do preço baixo, não tem nem experiência nem tempo para apostar numa estratégia de preço alto]

terça-feira, agosto 24, 2021

"Companies are people too?"

"there is growing evidence to suggest that people do not conceive of companies as lists of objective stakeholder responsibilities, mission statements or lists of values. It appears that they tend to make sense of them as if they were like other people. Hence, while they are increasingly concerned with a corporation’s efforts to be ethical in a deontic sense, people are at once happy to accept that different companies will, and should, have a ‘face’ that is unique. They do not expect a corporation, any more than an individual, to be able to be all things to all people, and do not seem to trust them when they attempt to.

For example, market research carried out into terrestrial television channels in the United Kingdom has revealed that people attributed particular characters and, correspondingly, different standards to each channel. Perhaps, this highlights a postmodern paradox, that in a poly-dimensional world it is better to have a particularly clear sense of one’s different ‘personality’ so that people can make well-informed choices as to who they want to connect or relate to, rather than attempting to represent all things or try to dutifully be all things to all people?"

Trechos retirados de "Images of Strategy" de Stephen Cummings e David Wilson. 

segunda-feira, agosto 23, 2021

the decline of 'best practice'

"Let us explore the decline of 'best practice' a bit further by critiquing its application to strategy from two angles: first, from a simple economics perspective and, second, from a social or psychological perspective.

If firms seek to copy others then their products and services and values become increasingly similar. And when that happens, the main means of customer differentiation between competitors is price. Competition is therefore reduced to a price war, and, because everyone's costs are similar (because they have sought to replicate best practice production methods), everyone's margins decline (one study has shown that this sort of 'strategic herding' led to a 50 per cent decline in margins in the five years to 1999 among German wireless telecommunications providers). [Moi ici: Recordar Youngme Moon] In other words, the cream is only a treat worth stretching for when the rest of the bottle is milk, and everything being creamed is a recipe for stagnation. As managers become more focused on developing the 'technologies' necessary for copying, the less concerned and able they are to promote substantive innovation or to get anything different 'out of the bottle'.

From a social or psychological point of view, we can analyse the decline of best practice in the twenty-first century by taking the classic motivation theories of Maslow and Herzberg and combining and playing around with them in a postmodern manner ...

While Maslow suggested that all humans move from satisfying food and shelter needs at base; up to safety needs; then on to belongingness or family or love needs; then once this is satisfied status; and finally self-actualization at the tip of the triangle, nowadays we do not believe that people are so uniformly linear. While our lower order or physiological needs may be common, as people satisfy their basic needs, such as food, shelter, safety, and efficiency, they generally look for ways to differentiate themselves. People want different things and once their basic needs are satisfied they increasingly seek to differentiate from others by associating with products that express or augment their identity.


If we add in Herzberg’s idea that there are some things that really motivate us to go that little bit extra, and others that are simply ‘hygiene factors’ – things that we expect and so therefore take for granted (e.g., cleanliness in a restaurant, air bags in cars), so that their presence does not act as a motivator but their lack is a positive demotivator  [Moi ici: Recordar o exemplo dos factores que se estiverem presentes não geram satisfação, mas se estiverem ausentes geram insatisfação]  – we can say that increasingly, in the West at least, the physiological functions of a product or service are hygiene factors. 


Thus, the basic attributes of products or services – function, efficiency, safety, cost, etc. – increasingly become ‘hygiene factors’; things that dissatisfy customers if they are not present but do not motivate them to purchase if they are. Motivators to purchase are thus increasingly the things about a product or service that go beyond these hygiene factors to indicate a particular identity or lifestyle choice. And, because people are different, it is increasingly difficult for one company to be all things to all people ... Hence, there may no longer be a general ‘one best way’. It depends upon which particular identity or cluster of identities you are trying to target or relate to."

Trechos retirados de "Images of Strategy" de Stephen Cummings e David Wilson.

domingo, junho 06, 2021

Estratégia em todo lado - não é winner-take-all (parte IV)

Parte III

"Network effects benefit larger companies and their customers. Whoever gets to scale first will have a substantial advantage. Building a network-effects business is a mad rush. But what about the companies that are left behind? What about small firms? 


Are there effective strategies for companies that have a limited number of customers? Yes! There are many examples of smaller companies that compete successfully with (and sometimes even displace) larger organizations that benefit from network effects. Some of the smaller firms succeed by creating customer delight that does not reflect scale. Others find success by giving preference to one of the groups on the platform. Serving a small set of customers can also lead to stellar performance.


As powerful as network effects can be, it is important to remember that WTP and customer delight are the currency that ultimately counts.


Platforms serve multiple groups of customers, and while many create value for all groups, some choices betray the organization’s primary orientation. A travel site that sorts hotels by profit margin primarily serves the lodging industry. A site that sorts by customer reviews has the opposite orientation.


If yours is a small company staring at a large platform, it is always worth asking whether you might be able to create meaningful differentiation by focusing on the WTP of the group that is less favored by your competitor. Etsy found success battling the superpower that is Amazon by doing exactly that—maintaining a sharp focus on the success of its sellers.


Serving a Small Set of Customers

In all likelihood, this is the most counterintuitive move that platforms make when they compete against larger rivals that benefit from network effects. How can you succeed against big by being small?


The key insight here is that every large platform serves many different types of customers. The attraction between the types varies, however, and building a smaller platform for individuals who greatly value one another is a promising strategy.

Failing to pay attention to differences in the mutual attraction of platform participants can have grave consequences. 


Underdogs lift WTP in ways that do not depend on scale. Network effects are one way to raise WTP, but there are many others. As long as these alternatives require no substantial investments, the smaller organization is not at a disadvantage in exploiting them.

Underdogs cater to neglected parties. Most platforms favor specific groups—customers or vendors. Serving the unloved group allows for meaningful differentiation.

Underdogs focus on a small group of customers who place a high value on connections with one another."

Isto ainda não é mainstream. A maioria ainda acredita no winner-take-all.

Trechos retirados de "Better, Simpler Strategy: A Value-Based Guide to Exceptional Performance" 

domingo, janeiro 10, 2021

Onde está o seu locus de controlo?

Gosto dos decisores com o locus de controlo no interior, quando o mundo muda não culpam o mundo, mudam eles no que fazem ou no que pensam.

Os estúdios de cinema estão a virar-se para os ecrãs pequenos, a maioria dos donos das cadeias de cinema protestam e querem ser protegidos de um futuro que não os inclua (sim, ainda deviamos estar todos a pagar o salário dos fabricantes de velas de iluminação do século XIX)

Alguns recuam, olham para a nova paisagem e posicionam-se de um outra forma:
"Streaming services are devaluing movies as appointment viewing, but there’s already evidence that theaters can succeed by making the experience more, well, special. Late in 2019, Austin-based Alamo Drafthouse offered extremely popular “rowdy” showings of the panned Cats, encouraging audiences to shout and laugh at the terrifying, gyrating computer-generated felines on screen. It also delivers restaurant-quality food and dozens of craft beers straight to patrons’ seats.

Alamo Drafthouse has also discovered that customers want to privately rent entire theaters during the pandemic, a service that makes up 50% of its top-line revenue today. (Cinemark says it has sold more than 100,000 private watch parties, generating at least $10 million in revenue.) That service may also be easier to book in the future. “I’ve never considered at-home streaming our competitor,” says Tim League, founder of Alamo Drafthouse. “We are an out-of-home experience. We’re competing against restaurants, bars, and clubs.”"

Chega-se ao fim e apetece fazer o exercício de "Oceano Azul" ou o de Horwath - Em que é que vocês são bons?

Em tempos de experimentação de novos posicionamentos ou ofertas, porque nem sempre a nova oportunidade é clara, é importante ter em conta os velhos estóicos:

"pivoting market shapers should keep one foot on the ground"

Melhor ainda, o mito do filho de Gaia, Anteu.

Trecho retirado de "Streaming Isn’t Killing Movie Theaters. It's Making Them Better"

domingo, novembro 29, 2020

"The alternative is to be idiosyncratic, specific and worth the effort and expense"

Um grande postal de Seth Godin!!! Mesmo na mouche!!! Há tempos tive um diálogo parecido com o tema do postal. Uma organização encomendou-me um texto para o seu site, deu-me o tema, deu-me uma lista de palavras-chave a usar para optimizar a pesquisa SEO e deu-me um número de palavras a atingir.

Indiferente, escrevi o meu texto. Depois, começaram-me a chatear com as palavras-chave que tinham de ser repetidas e que não tinha atingido o target de  número de palavras. a partir daí senti-me que entrava no reino do plástico artificial.

"It’s tempting to race to the bottom. The problem is that you might win, and then you’ll have to stay there. Worse, you might try and come in second, accomplishing not much of anything.

Linkbait is a trap, because it brings you attention you actually don’t want.

The alternative is to be idiosyncratic, specific and worth the effort and expense. What would happen if you made something important, breathtaking or wonderful? The race to the top is not only more satisfying, it’s also more likely to work.

And then you get to live there. Doing work you’re proud of, without excuses."

Trecho retirado de "More popular (and cheap, too)

sábado, novembro 28, 2020

Servir quem?

Um excelente conselho de Seth Godin. Como é que a sua empresa o pode  pôr em prática?

"Choose Your Clients, Choose Your Future

The masses aren’t the point. They might be a welcome side effect of your work, but to please the masses, you must pander to average.

Because mass means average.

When we decide that the change we seek to make is dependent on mass popularity, when we chase a hit, we end up sacrificing our point of view. 

On average, every population is dull. The slide toward average sands off all the interesting edges, destroying energy, interest, and possibility.

What’s the difference between Chip Kidd, the extraordinarily successful book cover designer, and someone with the same tools and skills that Chip has?

Chip has better clients.

Better clients demand better work. Better clients want you to push the envelope, win awards, and challenge their expectations. Better clients pay on time. Better clients talk about you and your work.

But finding better clients isn’t easy, partly because we don’t trust ourselves enough to imagine that we deserve them. [Moi ici: E isto requer foco, requer concentração. Pior, requer rejeitar outros potenciais clientes]

Every gig-economy hustler who’s listed on Fiverr or Upwork or 99designs is looking for easy clients. Easy in and easy out, but they’re not better clients than they have now.

Years ago, I produced a record for a very skilled duo. They were incredibly hardworking and committed to their art. In order to survive, they performed three hundred days a year, and they lived in a van, driving each day to a new town, playing at a local coffeehouse, sleeping in the van, then repeating it all the next day.

In most towns, there are a few places like this—if you’ve issued a few CDs and are willing to work for cheap, you can get booked without too much trouble.

These cafés are not good clients. Easy in, easy out, next!

What I helped these musicians understand is that going from town to town and working with easy gigs was wasting their effort and hiding their art. What they needed to do was stay in one town, earn fans, play again, earn fans, move to a better venue, and do it again. And again.

Working their way up by claiming what they’d earned: fans."

Como fugir da mediania? Como fugir da comoditização? Servir quem?  

Trecho retirado de "The practice: shipping creative work" de Seth Godin.

sexta-feira, setembro 11, 2020

"Niching down"

Ainda esta semana chamávamos a atenção para a importância da nichização, um tema recorrente neste blogue:
Para quem promove o advento de Mongo este artigo, "Why Niching Down Is an Entrepreneur's Best Chance of Standing Out" é relevante:
"Entrepreneurs are always trying to stand out, and understandably so -- after all, there is a lot of competition out there. The need to stand out becomes even more vital in light of the recent Covid-19 pandemic. [Moi ici: Recordar que a pandemia apenas veio acelerar o que já estava em curso]
So what's the best way to stand out, especially if your business operates in a particularly crowded niche? The solution isn't to try to go bigger. Instead, it's the opposite.
Identifying with more passionate audiences.
While it is true that many sub-niches have a smaller potential audience than the broader niche, these smaller segments tend to be more tightly connected. If your product or service is a hit, it is more likely to take off on a community-wide level.
Underserved sub-niches tend to have less competition, because many brands deem the smaller market as not being worth targeting.[Moi ici: Recordar a VW e as carrinhas eléctricas]
Targeting a smaller niche also gives you the opportunity to reevaluate and strengthen your brand.
Mourreau explained that generalist photographers rarely become the best in their niche. Those who focus on a particular subcategory of photography are eventually seen as the go-to resource when those types of photos are needed. Because they have put in the time and effort to develop that particular skill, there is far greater demand for their services than if they had remained a generalist.
Niching down gives you the ability to identify your brand's strengths and weaknesses.
By shifting your focus to your area of strength, you can continue to develop that ability and be better able to deliver high-quality results for your clients. Satisfied clients will naturally lead to referrals, growth from repeat customers and the ability to charge a higher premium for your services.
Finding the right sub-niche for your brand.
Not all sub-niches are created equal. Finding the right sub-niche requires evaluating your own brand's strengths and weaknesses, identifying gaps in the market and ensuring that there is a sizable enough audience for you to reach.
Shrinking your potential target audience may feel counterintuitive at first. But it ultimately gives you the chance to become a big fish in a much smaller pond. By strategically pursuing the sub-niches that will work best for your brand, you can increase your profitability and better define what makes your company unique."

segunda-feira, agosto 17, 2020

Exploitation versus exploration

"People don’t hire you, buy from you or recommend you because you’re indifferently average and well rounded.
They do it because you’re exceptional at something.
What if you invested the energy to be even more exceptional at it?"
A pressão para a diferenciação agrava-se à medida que a fase de exploitation progride. Na fase de exploitation está-se mais virado para dentro, para o interior, para os processos e para a sua optimização.

A diferenciação surge da exploration, da tentativa de coisas novas, da experimentação... que normalmente só surge quando se instala o pânico e se torna clara a desgraça que aí vem. Só a desgraça, ou a sua eminência, é que liberta as mentes para que se tente o que nunca foi tentado, o que vai contra as regras estabelecidas, o que vai contra o senso comum.

Trecho de Seth Godin publicado em "Amplify your strengths"

sexta-feira, julho 03, 2020

"there is no single way to be rational"

"For an individual, choosing the strategy most likely to succeed maximises expected winnings. But a group made up of such optimising individuals is eventually wiped out by infrequent calamities. As a result, the groups whose genes come to dominate are those who apply ‘mixed strategies’, varying their habitat. The American political scientist James Scott describes the reality of this in the history of ‘scientific’ forestry. Planting the ‘best’ trees led to monocultures which were in due course wiped out by previously unknown parasites. The Irish potato blight was able to devastate that country’s agriculture – leading to at least a million deaths from disease and starvation and to substantial and prolonged emigration from the island – because the potato had been identified as the optimal crop for that country’s conditions and so the country’s food production was poorly diversified. Humans are all better off because we are all different, and because there is no single way to be rational; we give thanks for our current state to St Francis and Oscar Wilde and Steve Jobs and to millions of people who became skilled at their own specialist but routine tasks.”
Recordar Valikangas e "Shit Happens!"
Trechos retirados de “Radical Uncertainty” de John Kay e Mervyn King