sexta-feira, maio 23, 2014

As 3 partes de um BSC (parte IV)

Parte Iparte II e parte III.
Se o mapa da estratégia representa o pano de fundo, o tal "background" que representa a evolução no médio-longo prazo, as empresas precisam de acção, precisam de actividade para efectuarem a transição entre o que são hoje e o que pretendem ser no futuro desejado. É o nosso "O que começamos a fazer na próxima 2ªfeira?"
O imediato, o "foreground", o que temos de fazer, é outra parte do BSC da 3ª geração, as iniciativas estratégicas. Voltando a "The Only Sustainable Edge", sobre as iniciativas estratégicas temos:
"While the company is developing and refining this shared understanding of longer-term direction [Moi ici: O mapa da estratégia], senior management must focus on a different time horizon, which is shaped by a second key business question: What can we do in the near term (six to twelve months) that will help us accelerate movement toward this longer-term direction? in part, this question forces executives to identify and focus on the most promising two to three operational initiatives that can deliver tangible near-term performance impact and significantly move the  company in the longer-term direction. In answering this questiot executives should be careful to avoid the trap of focusing solely on operational initiatives within the enterprise. Certainly, the most powerful near-term operational initiatives increasingly require the effective mobilization of complementary resources in relevant process networks [Moi ici: Ecossistemas da procura]. 
E, acerca dos recursos e infraestruturas:
"On the same six- to twelve-month time horizon, executives must ask what organizational barriers are preventing companies in their relevant process networks from moving even faster in the near term. They can then determine a set of near-term organizational initiatives designed to strengthen the capability to support even more aggressive, near-term operating initiatives."

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