quinta-feira, maio 22, 2014

As 3 partes de um BSC (parte III)

Parte I e parte II.
"a sense of background is even more critical as environments become more turbulent and uncertain. Without this sense of background, one begins to lose any orientation or grounding. It becomes more difficult to make sense of events as they unfold. By forcing attention on the background, this strategic approach helps create meaning and focus
Companies should not and actually cannot describe this background in detail, because it must accommodate many permutations of the future while still providing a framework for effective resource allocations in the near term.
Compelling statements of long-term direction can also help companies build advantaged capability-building positions as shapers of broader process networks."
Com um BSC da 3ª geração, vejo o mapa da estratégia como o descritor deste "background". No meio da incerteza e turbulência actual, como estaremos a funcionar no futuro, onde nos devemos concentrar?

Trechos retirados do capítulo 7 "New Approches to Developing Strategy" do livro "The Only Sustainable Edge".


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