quarta-feira, maio 21, 2014

Nichos e nichos e mais nichos

"Historically, beer was a local product. According to the Brewers Association, there were 3,200 U.S. breweries in the 1870s. Then, over the next 100 years, technological advances and the drive for economies of scale changed all that; by 1978, there were only 89 breweries owned by 42 companies in the United States. Local beers were few and far between, and supermarket beer coolers were boring as well as cold. Now fast-forward to 2013 - more than 2,800 breweries were operating in the U.S., 98 percent of which were owned by local brewers.
The big brewers and their now-global brands are still dominant in the U.S. marketplace, and they are fighting over fractions of a point in added market share with US$3 million Super Bowl ads in a market that is slowly shrinking. Meanwhile these pesky craft brewers have grabbed a 10 percent share of market. Their share is growing, and more and more of them are entering the fray every day."
Trecho retirado de "A Toast to Industry Disruption"

"Diversity and complexity could also be mutually reinforcing. As species diversity increases, niches become more complex. The more complex niches are then filled by more complex organisms, which further increases niche complexity, and son."
Por isso é que Mongo é inevitável, a menos que um cataclismo imposto pela força de quem tem o privilégio da força, o Estado, faça tudo voltar ao século XX.
Trecho retirado de "Biology's First Law: The Tendency for Diversity and Complexity to Increase in Evolutionary Systems" de Daniel W. McShea e Robert N. Brandon

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