Pegar num produto e transformá-lo numa plataforma.
Criar um mercado para que programadores desenvolvam aplicações e serviços associados a esse produto.
Criar parcerias com outros produtores para que queiram fazer parte da plataforma numa relação ganhar-ganhar-ganhar.
Ver "GoPro Launches Developer Program":
"GoPro announced the public launch of its developer program.E à sua escala, como é que a sua PME pode começar algo deste tipo? Espero que os fabricantes de máquinas, por exemplo, estejam nesta onda.
The initiative, which was quietly rolled out with a few partners a year ago, is aimed at offering official support of third-party companies that want to build products with seamless GoPro integration.
First is having their mobile apps connect directly with GoPro cameras,
Second is the ability for developers to build devices that can connect with GoPro cameras either physically or wirelessly
Finally, third parties will be able to build mounting and housing products that specifically meet GoPro specifications,
To date, 100 companies have joined the developer program.
And GoPro’s initiative is launching with a certification program called Works with GoPro that offers third-party companies integrated marketing help and an official logo."