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quarta-feira, abril 29, 2020

Uma parte importante da revolução económica do futuro vai passar por aqui

Neste artigo "Crisis Can Spark Transformation and Renewal" reparei que a empresa europeia que melhor desempenho apresentou desde a crise financeira foi a dinamarquesa Coloplast.

A coloplast é uma velha conhecida deste blogue, "Um antropologista entra num bar... (parte II)" (Fevereiro de 2014). Uma empresa que trabalha em Mongo:
There is no perfect product, because there is no perfect patient” 
Daí ter feito a associação a esta caricatura num postal de 2019:

Isto permite-me fazer a ponte para um artigo lido este mês, "How Chronic-Disease Patients Are Innovating Together Online":
"The internet gives us virtually unlimited access to each other. That deceptively simple insight is an untapped opportunity in health care. When companies are searching for their next idea, they should look to the online communities of patients who are working to solve their health care challenges on their own.[Moi ici: Empresas ainda embebidas na mentalidade da produção de produtos e que ainda não deram o salto que a Coloplast percebeu que tinha de dar, em vez de vender um produto de acordo com especificações, criar uma interacção, prestar um serviço]
Dana has Type 1 diabetes and is a very deep sleeper. Living alone, she worried that her monitor’s alarm was not loud enough to wake her if her blood sugar fell too far in the middle of the night.
Dana wanted independence and spoke to device manufacturers, asking them to make louder alarms. Their answer? No. The alarms, they said, are loud enough “for most people.” In shutting down Dana, they ignored the possibility that they could learn from one of their users and improve the product.
Dana had an idea about how to build a custom alarm if only she could get access to her continuous glucose monitor data. Luckily, she was active on Twitter alongside other people living with diabetes (stage one of peer-to-peer health care).
A dad named John Costik tweeted that he had managed to free the data from his child’s device. John, an engineer, studied the device’s software and wrote a program that would send the monitoring data to a computer, phone or smartwatch. He shared the instructions online, coached other parents and people with diabetes about how do the modification, and Nightscout was born – an amateur diabetes remote monitoring system created by and for people who use continuous glucose monitors. Now, blood sugar data can be sent, for example, to a parent’s smartwatch so they can monitor their child’s levels while at school, on a field trip, or at a friend’s house. This had been impossible under the rules originally set down by the device companies." [Moi ici: Isto é voltar a uma velha série deste blogue - é meter código nisso]
Uma parte importante da revolução económica do futuro vai passar por aqui. Não será a fazer mais e mais produtos, cada vez mais baratos e produzidos de forma mais eficiente, será a meter código, será a pô-los a desempenhar mais jobs-to-be-done, será a deixar de produzir produtos e a criar condições para gerar outcomes.

sábado, outubro 05, 2019

Ver para lá do que se conhece (parte III) ou manifestações em 3, 2, 1 ...

Em Novembro passado na parte I escrevi:
"A propósito de "Implante no cérebro permitiu usar 'tablets' com o pensamento", se é possível com um tablet é possível com um exoesqueleto. E se é possível com um exoesqueleto... não há limites."
Um tema que me atrai desde há largos anos (recordo este postal de 2011, por exemplo). Na parte II dei conta do começo da democratização dos exoesqueletos.

Ontem à noite para meu espanto... they got there:
"Um homem paraplégico conseguiu caminhar e fazer movimentos com os braços usando um exoesqueleto controlado pela própria mente. Um pequeno passo, que abre gigantes perspetivas para o futuro das pessoas presas a uma cama."

Trecho retirado de "Tetraplégico caminha e mexe os braços com exoesqueleto controlado pela mente"

Recordar: Cuidado com a absolutização do que a nossa empresa produz (parte I e parte II) e, sobretudo, "Um exemplo de miopia na vida real".

Se isto fosse em Portugal teríamos o começo de manifestações de fabricantes de cadeiras de rodas em 3, 2, 1 ... a pedir para que estes exoesqueletos sejam proíbidos porque lhes roubam vendas e são postos de trabalho que se perdem.

terça-feira, julho 10, 2018

Cuidado com a absolutização do que a nossa empresa produz (parte II)

Há dias sublinhei:
"Too often solutions are limited to ideas that can easily be shown to incrementally solve existing business goals. Crazy ideas, projects, or initiatives that don’t fit into the mold get rejected."
Domingo, ao ler "Trabalhadores “robot” nas fábricas da VW" e ao ver este vídeo:

"Para minimizar esta situação, a Volkswagen está a recorrer a exoesqueletos robóticos para suportar uma boa parte do esforço, poupando o físico dos funcionários. Não se trata de transformar os trabalhadores em verdadeiros “robocops”, mas tão só de lhes colocar à disposição uma estrutura articulada e assistida, que numa primeira fase facilite as operações realizadas com os braços em posição mais elevada."
Recordei esta figura daqui:
e previsões feitas nos últimos anos aqui no blogue:

"Há coisa de 1/2 anos li um artigo em que um técnico de uma empresa sueca líder no seu sector, a Permobil, discorria sobre as inovações que tinham em curso. Pensei o quão limitados e concentrados nas cadeiras de rodas estavam, na altura começava a ver os artigos sobre experiências com exoesqueletos, os artigos sobre drones controlados pelo pensamento, sobre os smartfones para os paralisados, sobre as aplicações para educar, treinar, ensinar, crianças especiais."

sexta-feira, fevereiro 10, 2017

Uma novela sobre Mongo (parte XXI)

 Parte Iparte IIparte IIIparte IVparte Vparte VIparte VIIparte VIIIparte IXparte Xparte XIparte XIIparte XIIIparte XIVparte XVparte XVIXVIIXVIIIparte XIX e parte XX.
"The products (and services) we buy, use and engage with have changed forever. We no longer have to accept mass products made for average people living average lives. We can instead find exactly what we want on demand from anywhere in the world. And if it doesn’t exist we can find someone to make it, or we can make it ourselves. We can mash things up. Mass products that do exist will continue to decline into commodity pricing, unless the mass product is ‘customisable’ once we have it in our hands. Just compare your smartphone interface to anyone else’s. No two in the world are the same. We can get any product we want from any geography via the infinite online retail stores and we can co-create using the tools that have been handed over to us by the smarter brand houses out there — the ones that have realised the brand is actually ‘ours’. From sports shoes to media, products are increasingly coming from platforms where the final product is not what we buy, but a set of ingredients we can use to make our own recipe."

Trecho retirado de "The Great Fragmentation : why the future of business is small" de Steve Sammartino

domingo, janeiro 22, 2017

"acerca das perspectivas futuras para a indústria em Portugal"

O @nticomuna no Twitter chamou-me a atenção para um texto que é a cara dele e dos seus "rants" e. também a cara deste blogue. O @nticomuna consegue ser ainda mais optimista do que eu acerca das perspectivas futuras para a indústria em Portugal. Vejamos então "Inovadora cadeira auto com airbags vai ser produzida em Portugal":
"Além de cumprir com a mais recente norma de segurança (a i-Size, que classifica as cadeiras segundo a altura da criança e tem crash testes mais rigorosos), a nova cadeira possui airbags próprios, armazenados no interior do arnês que prende o bebé.[Moi ici: Aposta em produtos mais seguros, com mais atributos e diferentes. Produtos inovadores]
Além da produção da cadeira inovadora, a Dorel Portugal conquistou mais três modelos (dois da Bébéconfort e Maxi Cosi e um que era produzido na Holanda e passa a ser produzido apenas cá) e vai começar a montar carrinhos Quinny – o topo de gama da marca –, o que lhe permitirá aumentar em 20% o volume de negócios, que atingiu 47 milhões de euros em 2015.
Esta evolução não se deveu aos salários baixos em Portugal. O nosso custo de produção já não é o mais baixo da Europa há algum tempo. Não se pode confundir produtividade com eficiência [Moi ici: A mensagem deste blogue acerca do eficientismo e do numerador versus denominador] ... “O que nos distingue é a qualidade e os prazos de entrega. [Moi ici: Outra mensagem deste blogue, a rapidez, a flexibilidade] E o Norte está repleto de fornecedores de matérias-primas de qualidade, desde plásticos a parafusos, além dos recursos humanos à altura”, explica ainda. [Moi ici: Isto é tão o discurso do @nti-comuna]
“Trabalhámos com a Volkswagen para desenvolver um protótipo de um carrinho que, com os sensores que eles usam para estacionamento, segue os pais e está ligado a uma app no telemóvel que alerta se alguém tentar tirar o arnês ao bebé”.[Moi ici: Isto é um exemplo do nosso "é meter código nisso"]
Ao contrário do que seria de esperar, apesar de a crise económica e financeira de 2008 ter afetado a natalidade nalguns países, a Dorel conseguiu equilibrar as vendas. “Em Portugal, no segmento médio, sentimos quebra. A solução foi apostar na gama alta da Quinny, que tem uma imagem muito forte cá e em Espanha. Resultou, porque os que têm dinheiro continuam a ter mesmo durante as crises”, revela Paulo Anjos."[Moi ici: Outra "receita" clássica deste blogue e que explica isto, quando se deixa de ser competitivo no preço uma PME só tem um caminho, subir na escala de valor, não o enterrar-se numa race-to-the-bottom,]

terça-feira, dezembro 27, 2016

Um exemplo de miopia na vida real (parte II)

Recomendo vivamente a leitura da parte I.

Posso ser um anónimo consultor da província mas costumo falhar menos que os das empresas com muitos zeros antes da vírgula.
"Exoskeletons are wearable robots designed to move or strengthen limbs. Already, lower-body models help paralysis patients in clinics around the world. As long as the devices can continue to shed weight and cost, they should become common as replacements for wheelchairs within five years, says Homayoon Kazerooni, founder of two of the companies below."
Interessante e previsível que estes avanços sejam feitos por outsiders, Os gigantes do sector estão concentrados no produto, na solução, em vez de no JTBD. Imagino-os entretidos em jogadas de consolidação do mercado e em aperfeiçoamentos incrementais da herança.

Trechos retirados de "Robotic Exoskeletons Are Helping People Walk Again"

terça-feira, dezembro 06, 2016

Sempre a meter código nisso

"let’s say you wanted to build an application that could monitor machines in your factory, respond to voice commands and verify users. No problem. You can access Amazon’s IOT platform to integrate sensors, pull speech recognition and voice identification from Microsoft and access IBM’s Watson to help you make decisions based on the data.A decade ago, even the world’s most sophisticated companies wouldn’t be able to access these capabilities at all. Even if they could, it would entail hiring teams of expensive consultants to spend months working to integrate the technology. Now, it can be done so easily that even non-technical teams can participate in designing solutions."

Trechos retirados de "Today, Every Business Must Transform Itself Into A Platform"

quinta-feira, novembro 24, 2016

As doenças da inovação (parte III)

Parte I e parte II.

Mais uma doença:
"Hidden Gem. Hidden gems are products that a company should have developed, but didn’t because it goes against the grain of what it normally offers.
How to harness hidden gems: The big miss with hidden gems lies in failing to recognize the value and often disruptive power they represent. “
Your company may have hidden gems lying around if you are going through any of these inflection points:
  • Changes in business model
  • Disruption in your industry
  • Differentiation of an existing commodity business A change from selling a product to a service
  • A shift from offline to online business
  • A move from analog to digital
  • A switch from hardware to software"
 Aquele "A switch from hardware to software" faz lembrar o "É meter código nisso" que usamos aqui no blogue com referência.

quarta-feira, julho 20, 2016

Mongo e código na indústria química

A propósito de "Mais um exemplo de onde o "é meter código nisso" pode chegar, "Industry 4.0 and the chemicals industry":

"The initial momentum of Industry 4.0 in the chemicals industry is primarily at the level of business operations, mainly due to the abundance of historical sensor data collected by chemicals companies over the years.8 The long-term potential for business growth applications promises to be equally, if not more, transformational, but those applications take time to develop.

sexta-feira, junho 17, 2016

Acerca da servitization (parte I)

Não é exclusivo para o sector da metalurgia e metalomecânica, que produz máquinas e ferramentas, mas aplica-se como uma luva:
"Because it changes the way in which the firm creates and appropriates value. The imperatives to servitize and to develop the activities accordingly are increasing and becoming more vital than ever.
In the manufacturing firm´s value chain, the value adding potential is moving from production activities to the intangible pre- and post-production activities. Therefore, the firm needs to extend these activities to keep the total value adding stable.
Technological development like IOT, production systems for high cost countries and additive manufacturing may contribute to a concentration of the value chain back to high cost countries.[Moi ici: Ainda os gurus da nossa praça cantavam o refrão "China a fábrica do mundo e já neste blogue se reflectiva sobre o reshoring]
However, they also contribute to further lowering the value adding potential in the production part of the manufacturing firm´s value adding activities.[Moi ici: Nunca esquecer o esquema de Pine e Gilmore e o trabalho corrosivo constante da erosão da comoditização]
The competitive pressure reduces margins and opens a disintermediation of the service delivery value chain parts similarly as has already happened to the production part of the value chain.
Thus, besides servitization to compensate for the continuous reduction in value adding potential relating to production activities, the manufacturing firm also needs to create service monopolies by product or service attributes that lock out competing service providers and ultimately, they must continually innovate also in the domain of services.
Reaching ever higher service content requires a change in the organization, culture, processes and customer interaction as well as the development of new competencies and capabilities."
Como não recordar "PME e código, já pensou nisso? (parte IV)" e "Mais um exemplo de onde o "é meter código nisso" pode chegar"


Trechos retirados de "Servitization - an Increasingly Critical Strategy for Manufacturing Firms"

sábado, junho 11, 2016

Código na agricultura

É melhor ler o artigo "The future of agriculture" bem sentado para poder absorver bem o impacte das mudanças que aí podem vir na agricultura e o que podem significar.
"ONE way to view farming is as a branch of matrix algebra. A farmer must constantly juggle a set of variables, such as the weather, his soil’s moisture levels and nutrient content, competition to his crops from weeds, threats to their health from pests and diseases, and the costs of taking action to deal with these things. If he does the algebra correctly, or if it is done on his behalf, he will optimise his yield and maximise his profit.
The job of smart farming, then, is twofold. One is to measure the variables going into the matrix as accurately as is cost-effective. The other is to relieve the farmer of as much of the burden of processing the matrix as he is comfortable with ceding to a machine."
Impossível ficar insensível às mudanças na calha.

sábado, junho 04, 2016

Mongo, código e modelo de negócio

Mais um sintoma da evolução para Mongo, para o Estranhistão e da entrada do "é meter código nisso":
"Technology advancements and the Industrial Internet of Things are making this outcome orientation [Moi ici: As empresas deixarem de ver-se como produtores de produtos com atributos mas antes como facilitadoras de recursos para que os clientes vivam determinadas experiências e/ou atinjam determinados resultados] more feasible every day."
Impressionante mesmo a lista de dificuldades que se colocam às empresas que querem ir por esta via:
"The transformation requires manufacturers to redesign every major function in its organization - especially commercial functions charged with defining, selling and servicing value propositions.
[Moi ici: Muito interessante o trecho que se segue e o seu alinhamento com Mongo] For instance, in a traditional, customer-centric organization, marketers identify customer segments across multiple dimensions, then define solutions (a mix of products and services) to meet each segment’s needs. But in an outcome-centric organization, marketers target individual customers. Then they tailor value propositions to each customer in order to deliver an outcome.
For an outcome-centric company to carry out marketing’s promise, sales organizations must know the customer well enough to understand the specific outcomes it seeks. This requires a strong partnership between sales organizations and customers.
Becoming outcome-centric requires more than changes to marketing and sales, however. Product development teams will need to focus on delivering products as a service to enable real-time service level monitoring. [Moi ici: É aqui que entra o "é meter código nisso"] This way, engineers and product designers no longer have to make educated guesses about how their products perform in the field, because they can collect actual performance data instead.
Pricing is another function that has to adapt. [Moi ici: Tanto tema dilecto deste blogue!!!] While many manufacturers today use a cost-plus or market-based pricing model, pricing in an outcome-centric organization must change to something like price per outcome or usage. This is critical if manufacturers are to capture a greater share of the revenue from the outcomes they help deliver. But for many industrial companies, developing advanced pricing capabilities has not been a priority.
After-sales support and customer service are also affected as they increasingly focus on predictive interventions.
Becoming an outcome-centric organization is arguably one of the most important strategic decisions your company can make. And it’s becoming more feasible every day, thanks to technology advancements and the Industrial Internet of Things. Without an outcome-centric mindset and operational model, companies risk falling behind. But it involves a foundational shift in organization and culture. Embracing this major undertaking and maintaining the discipline to follow through will likely mean the difference between future success and stagnant survival."

Trechos retirados de "Manufacturing Companies Need to Sell Outcomes, Not Products"

sábado, maio 28, 2016

Meter código nisso é bem mais difícil

"The Internet of Things Will Change Your Company, Not Just Your Products" um texto que me veio alertar para as muitas barreiras que existirão na transição para um Mongo carregado de código.
Nunca pensei que fosse o mundo de facilidades prometido aqui "Armas para a revolução industrial chegam daqui a três meses" e resolúvel com grupos de trabalho comandados por multinacionais, quando Mongo é insurgente e avesso à velha ordem.

Voltando ao texto inicial:
"Successful IoT plays require more than simply adding connectivity to a product and charging for service — something many companies don’t immediately understand. Building an IoT offering requires design thinking from the get-go. Specifically, it requires reimagining the business you are in, empathizing with your target customers and their challenges, and creatively determining how to most effectively solve their problems.
When product-based companies add services and connectivity, operational requirements increase. The resulting challenges may include new contract-manufacturing relationships, which can be a complicated and disorienting process for the uninitiated.
The addition of third-party services and shared customer ownership can introduce tiers of customer-support challenges. Inventory requirements, warranties, and returns may change. In addition, companies may suddenly find themselves having to comply with unfamiliar laws and regulations, including those related to the U.S. Federal Communications Commission, the U.S. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and customer “Personally Identifiable Information” (confidential data such as names, addresses, contact information).
[Moi ici: O meu lado cínico leva-me a pensar que as multinacionais vão sobretudo concentrar-se em proteger-se dos davids] Since new companies built from the ground up as IoT businesses lack the departmental baggage of older firms trying to make the transition into the IoT world, the former’s learning curve is often shorter. However, the immaturity of the IoT industry means that the practices and capabilities that suffice today will not tomorrow. An ability to evolve — and to do so quickly — is a prerequisite for success."
BTW, em "Tom Peters Wants You to Read" encontrei este trecho delicioso relevante, também, para esta conversa:
"Peters also recommends Marc Levinson’s The Box, about the invention of the shipping container. “The idea of containerizing freight was irrelevant until you completely redesigned ports, dealt with the longshoremen, etc.,” he said. “The reinvention of the context is what made all the difference.”

terça-feira, maio 10, 2016

T-TIP, Mongo e o código (parte III)

Parte II e parte I.
"We build upon legacy not only because it’s what we know, but because we’re still profitable doing so.
But what happens when your connected customers outnumber your legacy customers? Well, it’s either happened or is happening.
We’ve lulled ourselves into satisfaction with incrementalism; we’ve come to a point where we need to substantially reinvent."
É isto que embala muitas PME e impede que façam a transição para Mongo mais rapidamente, com um sentido de urgência.
BTW, quando escrevo sobre Mongo e o "é meter código nisso" esqueço-me sistematicamente de realçar um outro factor, a arte.
Trecho retirado de "X: The Experience When Business Meets Design" de Brian Solis.

sexta-feira, maio 06, 2016

Código e modelo de negócio

Um texto, "Case Study: Should You Adjust Your Business Model for a Major Customer?", que sublinho aqui numa dupla função.
Primeiro, mais um exemplo de até onde o "é meter código nisso!" nos pode levar:
"Lumiscape’s products [Moi ici: Lâmpadas e luminárias para iluminação pública] were designed to gather all sorts of data, including humidity, motion, and seismic activity, and, most important, UVA, UVB, and ambient light so that they could save electricity by dimming when appropriate. The innovative system promised to reduce local governments’ energy consumption and maintenance costs and improve their constituent relationships."
Segundo, mais um exemplo dos novos modelos de negócio:
"The year before, prompted by all this, Lumiscape’s leadership had decided to pivot from a sales model to a subscription model. Instead of selling the streetlights and leaving the cities to manage them, the company would rent them out for a monthly fee, with installation, maintenance, and monitoring software all included. Lumiscape had also piloted a program in three sites to add Wi-Fi connectivity to the lights, allowing cities to offer internet service in public spaces."

quinta-feira, maio 05, 2016

T-TIP, Mongo e o código (parte II)

Parte I.
Um texto, "Harnessing the True Potential of Internet of Things Technology", sobre o "é meter código nisso":
"Transaction to relationship
It used to be that, if you were in the product business, your goal was to sell the product, get the transaction done and book the revenue. In part, this was because once the product left your store or warehouse, you had very little visibility into how it was being used. That’s all changing now as IoT technologies become more affordable and available. These technologies now provide an opportunity to monitor the use of the product throughout the lifetime of the product.
Well, what if you offered to charge the customer based on usage of the product, rather than requiring them to make large upfront payments for the product regardless of usage patterns down the road?
Here’s an even more intriguing option. What if customers could use IoT technologies not just to monitor usage of the product but also to track the impact that the product has in generating value for them? What if, for example, we could track the impact of a machine on the cycle time of a manufacturing process?
Vendors might even take this one step further and develop insight from the data that would enable them to offer prescriptive advice for the customer. They would not just help customers anticipate certain events, but give them advice on what they should do to enhance the value of the product given these circumstances. Depending on the value created from this advice, these prescriptive services could become a significant additional source of revenue. As these business models evolve, one might even imagine that the “sale” of the product would diminish in importance relative to the revenue generated from data-driven services enabled by the product purchase. In some cases, this could help companies evolve into a trusted advisor business model.
IoT technologies also have the potential to help vendors evolve into platform-based business models, where the value to the customer increasingly comes from being connected to a much broader range of more diverse resources."

quarta-feira, maio 04, 2016

T-TIP, Mongo e o código

Ontem, durante o meu jogging ao final da tarde, enquanto chegava aos 5km, no noticiário das 19h na Renascença discutia-se o T-TIP. Lembrei-me do seu provável impacte no sector mais exportador de Portugal, o da produção de máquinas, recordar:
Relacionei logo essa preocupação com uma ideia com que tento seduzir as PME industriais, com o "é meter código nisso": PME e código, já pensou nisso? (parte V).
"New industrial processes, such as on-demand machining and additive three-dimensional printing, may have a tremendous effect on the U.S. economy. Roughly 33 percent of the economy is fueled by manufacturing and it’s one of the arenas that has been most resistant to incursions from the technology world. Now, all of that is changing for several well-documented reasons.
The cost of hardware and infrastructure to support the application of technology in manufacturing has come down dramatically even as organizations are looking to improve efficiency by collecting more data on their processes and determining where there are costs to be saved.
[Moi ici: Interessante esta ideia] MakeTime is an online capacity utilization marketplace for machining. The company provides a way for computerized machining companies to offer their manufacturing services for customized parts during times when those machines would typically sit idle.
By distributing those orders across a number of different manufacturers during their down-times, MakeTime potentially provides a way for companies to do larger production runs at lower prices.
“The goal of this whole game is to democratize the manufacturing floor to make things faster, better, and cheaper for a generation of entrepreneurs.” [Moi ici: O equivalente a dar mais poder aos criadores, aos membros das tribos] To make that happen, he adds, the whole manufacturing chain will need to be digitized.
“It’s all going to play a part in Just in time or on-demand manufacturing,” he said. “We all rise up and we march to the hallowed ground and we bring our manufacturers home to the promised land.”[Moi ici: Míopes! A democratização da produção vai alterar o papel dos produtores, não voltaremos ao modelo século XX]"
Como é que a sua PME vai lidar com estes desafios?

domingo, maio 01, 2016

"acredito e construo para que venha esse tempo"

Em Portugal, se calhar só na geração dos meus futuros netos há-de chegar esse tempo mas acredito e construo para que venha esse tempo, o tempo em que um presidente de câmara não tome partido por um incumbente porque é um incumbente.
A democratização da produção, as plataformas cooperativas, o avanço de Mongo, o código nisso e o aliviar do jugo fiscal, porque por essa altura já a geração Tu-Tu-Tu estará morta e enterrada, vão permitir emergir uma cultura muito mais libertária e menos dependente do Estado. Outros países, já lá estão:
"More than half of millennials believe they will start their own business, and the majority of them believe that businesses must be driven by more than profit — seventy-seven percent of Millennials chose their place of work based on their employers’ purpose. Given a choice, this generation does not want to work at the corporations created by their forebears. This, of course, is an existential threat to the world’s great corporations."
Um tempo em que o paradigma do trabalho no século XX esteja morto e enterrado, um tempo em que a massa dê lugar ao artista.
Trecho retirado de "Does Your Company Know Why It Exists?"