Lembram-se deste esquema?
"A fábrica pode retirar a loja da equação e substituí-la por uma plataforma onde os clientes vêem a colecção, escolhem e pagam adiantado o que a fábrica irá produzir e entregar. O arcaboiço financeiro reduz-se fortemente, com o cliente a pagar adiantado e, a fábrica a poder interagir directamente com os consumidores, com os utilizadores, e a poder iterar muito mais rapidamente apostando na carta da personalização.Como não relacionar com "Etsy Welcomes Manufacturers to Artisanal Fold":
Ou, sendo ainda mais radical, dada a redução do arcaboiço financeiro necessário, a fábrica pode passar a ser só o fabricante contratado pelo criativo. Ou seja, a relação é entre o criativo e os consumidores, via plataforma"
"When she started selling the quirky animal coats on Etsy, she was soon swamped with orders. Her aha moment, she said, was a bulk order for 400 coats from Gilt, the flash sales website that had heard about her hot-selling product.BTW, bonito isto:
“I was sewing all the time. My husband would come home from work and cut fabric for me on the kitchen table, while I was sewing on the dining room table,” said Ms. Goodall, who has run an Etsy store from her home in McKinney, Tex., since 2010. “It became clear that if I wanted to grow and if I wanted to develop more designs, which is the part I love, I was going to have to find help.”
This fall, Etsy is set to introduce Etsy Manufacturing, a new service in the United States and Canada that matches sellers like Ms. Goodall with small manufacturers."
"“I’ve never seen anyone make something so creative, and that’s why she is successful,” Ms. Martin said. “I don’t want to do 10,000-piece garment runs. I want to do something with more value.”"BTW2, eheheh a senhora ainda não percebeu isto:
"“We ship everywhere. We even ship to China, and that cracks me up,” she said. “We’re sewing coats and shipping them to China. They love the bunny coats.”"