Embora cá em casa haja gente que aposta em Wiggins:
É claro que a unanimidade perdura em torno de Cavendish para as vitórias ao sprint e para a camisola verde:
"The annoying thing about plans is how rare it is for everything to go just right. (Moi ici: Lembra-me logo Col. John 'Hannibal' Smith: "I love it when a plan comes together.")… they were moving toward a goal: the Big Climb, where the plan, a memory of the future, tries on reality to see if it fits. Sometimes an idea can drive action as powerfully as an emotion. Plans are an integral part of survival. Plans are generated as one of the many outputs of the brain as it goes about its business of mapping the body and the environment, along with the events taking place in both, resulting in adaptation.
…Ter um plano é bom, planear é óptimo. Estar apaixonado por um plano é perigoso. Seguir planos do Grande Planeador é um acidente à espera de acontecer.
The human brain is particularly well suited to making complex plans that have na emotional component to drive motivation and behavior. Plans are stored in memory just as past events are. To the brain, the future is as real as the past. The difficulty begins when reality doesn’t match the plan.
Memories are not emotion, and emotion is not memory, but the two work together. Mental models, which are stored in memory, are not emotions either. But they can can be engaged with emotion, motivation, cognition, and memory. And since memories can exist in either the past or the future, the brain it’s the same thing. You bookmark the future in order to get there. It’s a magic trick: You can slide through time to a world that does not yet exist.
we all make powerful models of the future. The world we imagine seems as real as the ones we’ve experienced. We suffise the model with the emotional values of past realities. And in the thrall of that vision (call it the “the plan,” writ large), we go forth and take action. If things don’t go according to the plan, revising such a robust model may be difficult. In an environment that has high objective hazards, the longer it takes to dislodge the imagined world in favor of the real one, the greater the risk.
In nature, adaptation is important; the plan is not. It’s a Zen thing. We must plan. But we must be able to let go of the plan, too.
Psychologists who study survival say that people who are rule followers don’t do as well as those who are of independent mind and spirit. When a patient is told that he has six months to live, he has two choices: to accept the news and die, or to rebel and live. People who survive cancer in the face of such a diagnosis are notorious. The medical staff observes that they are “bad patients,” unruly, troublesome. They don’t follow directions. They question everything. They’re annoying. They’re survivors. The Tao Te Ching says:
The rigid person is a disciple of death;
The soft, supple, and delicate are lovers of life.
The closer they got to the goal, the harder they tried, the more excited they became. Halfway through a Hollywood movie, the hero becomes totally commited to his goal. … the plan gradually became unshakable. The overwhelming evidence that conditions in the real world were rapidly diverging from their memories of the future made no difference.
… There is a tendency to make a plan and then to worship the plan, that “memory of the possible future.” But there is also a tendency to think that simply by putting forth more and more effort, we can overcome friction. … Rather than accept friction as a fact of life, they tried to overcome it. And as history shows, the harder we try, the more complex our plan for reducing friction, the worse things get."
"We don’t choose between experiences, we choose between memories of experiences. Even when we think about the future, we don’t think of our future normally as experiences. We think of our future as anticipated memories."Por isso, foi com gosto que apreciei:
"The first lesson is to remain calm, not to panic. Because emotions are called “hot cognitions,” this is known as “being cool.”Percebo perfeitamente porque é que Camilo Lourenço, esta manhã, confessou ter saudades de Zapatero, apesar de nada tenha feito no seu consulado para evitar o desastre.
Only 10 to 20 percent of people can stay calm and think in the midst of a survival emergency. They are the ones who can perceive their situation clearly; they can plan and take correct action, all of which are key elements of survival. Confronted with a changing environment, they rapidly adapt.
You’re sitting there sucking oxygen, you’d better have a plan. Because if you don’t, you’re screwed, and then you’re fucked.
The first rule is: Face reality. Good survivors aren’t immune to fear. They know what’s happening, and it does “scare the living shit out of” them. It’s all a question of what you do next.
Survivors “laugh at threats… playing and laughing go together. Playing keeps the person in contact with what is happening around [him].” To deal with reality you must first recognize it as such. … if you let yourself get too serious, you will get too scared, and once that devil is out of the bottle, you’re on a runaway horse. Fear is good [Fear puts me in my place. It gives me the humility to see things as they are]. Too much fear is not."
“ the intentionality behind science and design needs to shift from aiming to increase prediction, control and manipulation of nature as a resource, to a transdisciplinary cooperation in the process of learning how to participate appropriately and sustainably in Nature”Vivemos em sociedades cada vez mais socialistas, que namoram e se enamoram com o poder de controlar, de ditar, de receitar. Exemplo de hoje:
"Motivation: How hungry are you for innovation?
The Team: Does the team believe in the vision and the leader?"
"Competence: Is the initiative set up for success?...
The Team: Good team competence implies having people with the right skills, expertise, and temperament. Expertise builds over time."
"Espanha não pode continuar “durante muito mais tempo a financiar-se a estes preços” e que desta forma a economia não poderá crescer."O que significa a economia espanhola não deixar de crescer nos tempos mais próximos?
"Aliás, para António Souto é absolutamente imperioso que "as empresas portuguesas aumentem a sua dimensão", recorrendo à capitalização, neste momento mais complicada, ou através do criação de parcerias."Vou deixar os factos falarem por si:
"In the Industrial Era, both money and power came from being bigger than the other guy, defending one's turf, and keeping everyone out of your ecosystem. That's why the icon of "success" is the 800-pound gorilla. The person who owned the machine was the person who created capital wealth. ...Not so much in the Social Era. In the Social Era, seemingly disparate individuals gather together and can form a powerful tribe that can do things that once only centralized organizations could do. This fundamentally changes the rules of competitiveness."
""Exports would have gained something from devaluation but it would have been short term gains," he said. "The basic issue remains unsolved. You have to get more competitive. You have to be ready to adapt to new conditions. You get none of this with devaluation.""Lembram-se da desvalorização do escudo? Lembram-se dos vícios gerados?
"how Apple’s non-commissioned floor has elevated the customer experience and how its innovations have inspired many other businesses to re-examine how they treat their customers and to improve every aspect of the experience."Há muita coisa a mudar no sector, "Online Fashion Retailers Tap Offline Opportunities".
"Por ele se constata que em 1986 a dimensão média das empresas em Portugal, medida pelo número de trabalhadores, era de 17,72. Passados quase quatro décadas, esse valor reduziu-se drasticamente para 8,89 trabalhadores, em termos médios por empresa, uma quebra de 50%. Há assim cada vez mais pequenas empresas em Portugal e cada vez menos grandes empresas."Pergunta, como tem sido a legislação laboral em Portugal? Quão fácil é despedir uma pessoa? Que soluções arranjaram as empresas para contornar essas dificuldades num mundo que lhes exige cada vez mais flexibilidade?
"O INE estima-os em 77 mil em 2010. Mas, por outro lado, existem mais de 870 mil trabalhadores por conta própria sem pessoal a cargo ("isolados"). Quantos desses serão falsos recibos verdes, mais uma vez, não se sabe."Cada falso recibo verde estraga a interpretação dos números!
"Quais são as consequências desta evolução? Primeiro, uma redução da produtividade geral da economia, porque as PME são, em geral, menos eficientes e competitivas, com menor competência e capacidade de gestão. Depois, uma PME não consegue, ao contrário de uma grande empresa, explorar mercados globais e beneficiar de economias de escala que lhe permita baixar significativamente os custos de produção. E as exportações ressentem-se, porque as pequenas empresas têm muito menos capacidade de chegar aos mercados externos."Tanta asneira junta que é difícil escolher por onde começar... o mundo mudou e Nicolau Santos, preso a modelos mentais que aprendeu porque se ensinavam nas universidades dos anos 70 do século passado, e como membro da tribo dos ares condicionados e gabinetes de Lisboa não tem acesso à realidade dos dias de hoje, por isso não recicla os seus modelos mentais.
"Primeiro, uma redução da produtividade geral da economia, porque as PME são, em geral, menos eficientes e competitivas, com menor competência e capacidade de gestão"Nicolau Santos continua a medir a produtividade à moda antiga, cometendo um erro generalizado. Segundo ele a produtividade tem a ver com a capacidade de aumentar a produção de algo num mesmo espaço de tempo. Pois, as PME fazem batota e deitam por terra esse modelo. São muito mais produtivas porque mudam as características do que produzem. Em vez de serem mais eficientes, em vez de vomitarem mais peças por hora, são mais eficazes e produzem menos peças por hora mas cada uma com muito mais valor acrescentado. O sector do calçado, do têxtil e do mobiliário são exemplos disso:
"Depois, uma PME não consegue, ao contrário de uma grande empresa, explorar mercados globais e beneficiar de economias de escala que lhe permita baixar significativamente os custos de produção."Será que Nicolau Santos conhece os números do calçado, por exemplo? Será que sabe qual a diferença de preço entre um par de sapatos fabricado na China e um par de sapatos fabricado em Portugal? Será que sabe a diferença entre vender por preço e vender por valor? Será que sabe que o valor é um sentimento e não um cálculo? Será que Nicolau Santos acha que os casos de sucesso das exportações portuguesas têm a ver com os custos de produção?
"E as exportações ressentem-se, porque as pequenas empresas têm muito menos capacidade de chegar aos mercados externos.""As exportações ressentem-se"? Depois de uma década a bajular o betão e a finança agora acordou... pois as PMEs há muito que fizeram, ou começaram a fazer o by-pass ao país. Basta ir a uma feira internacional para encontrar PMEs portuguesas, basta estar atento e pesquisar na internet para ver como um comprador internacional pode contactar com uma empresa portuguesa
"Como se viu, a existência de cada vez mais PME é um dos grandes problemas da economia portuguesa e uma das razões da sua fraca produtividade"É preciso ter uma lata de todo o tamanho para escrever isto... está tão obsoleto que vive no mundo dos dinossauros, no mundo das bolas azuis... acorde, vivemos num mundo de bolas pretas.
"Finally, someone said out loud what was on everybody’s mind: “But do we have the courage to turn away business? Do we really have the confidence to tell paying customers that we are not right for them?”....
My answer? “Not only should you do that, but the only way you can achieve any strategic distinction is to do that. Strategy is deciding whose business you are going to turn away.”"
"The very essence of having a strategy is being selective about choosing the criteria on which a firm wishes to compete, and then being creative and disciplined in designing an operation that is finely tuned to deliver those particular virtues."...
"Staying focused and true to a strategy is something that has always been, and will always be, hard to do.
The hunger for volume (and the use of managerial scorecards that emphasize it) has meant that many individuals and firms are often uncomfortable with (or even shocked by) the notion that, to achieve a distinctive strategy, they will need to turn away work that a major competitor might reasonably want to serve.
“Oh, we don’t want to take it that far!” they say. “Our strategy is to emphasize certain things, not to exclude others. If a client opportunity comes along outside the strategic areas we have chosen, we’ll serve that client. We’re under too much fiscal pressure to turn away cash opportunities. Can’t we just develop a clear and crisp value proposition and then let the clients decide if they want to pay for it?”
My answer is that (as I argued in my previous article “Strategy and the Fat Smoker”) you can’t get the benefits of a strategy that you don’t implement, and half-measures are unlikely to work. Strategy is not about understanding something—or planning to get around to it—it’s about having the courage to make it happen. You can’t let other people, even clients, determine the pace at which you create your distinctiveness."
"“In China, you have high minimum quantities you have to order, so you’re building a couple thousand of every guitar pedal,” Bethke says. “Your carrying costs start to get huge.” Today the company only makes those pedals it’s confident it can sell quickly."
" The cheap labor that is helping Mexico surpass China as a low-cost supplier of manufacturing goods to the U.S."E na Europa?
"Where does trust come from? .Como escreve Kahneman, nós não recordamos o que vivemos, os clientes não recordam o mau bocado que passaram por causa de um produto entregue com defeito, nós recordamos as memórias que ficaram desse evento. Assim, uma reclamação de um cliente pode ser uma oportunidade para construir algo de interessante e, sem querer, uma empresa que não pensa de forma sistemática no aprofundamento da relação com o cliente, pode deixar uma impressão favorável num mundo em que ninguém se interessa e é tão fácil ignorar.
Hint: it never comes from the good times and from the easy projects.
We trust people because they showed up when it wasn't convenient, because they told the truth when it was easier to lie and because they kept a promise when they could have gotten away with breaking it.
Every tough time and every pressured project is another opportunity to earn the trust of someone you care about."
"customer portfolio size has an inverse U-shaped relationship to the number of new products developed and that the more relationally embedded the customer set, the more new products the firm develops. (Moi ici: É o contexto) Dependence stemming from revenue concentration has a negative impact on new product output. Furthermore, the authors find that relational embeddedness can compensate for too small of a customer portfolio and can help offset the negative effects of a highly concentrated portfolio."...
"we argued and found that customer portfolio size has an inverse U-shaped relationship to new product output. In other words, interaction with more external parties may become counterproductive beyond a certain point. It is not simply that “more is better”; there are costs and trade-offs involved in using external relationships for innovation. Transaction costs and limited managerial capacity lead to diminishing and, ultimately, negative returns to the number of relationships....
Although this finding may seem to contradict the basic tenets of open-source innovation, it is consistent with recent research on successful open-source innovation projects. Far from being wide-open communities, successful open-source projects tend to have, at their heart, a small, close-knit group of expert participants."
"revenue concentration in a customer portfolio hinders new product development "...
"Our results regarding relational embeddedness indicate that the innovation outcomes for firms with a small or highly concentrated customer portfolio are not a foregone conclusion. We found that relational embeddedness not only has a direct, positive impact on new product output but also can compensate for an otherwise suboptimal portfolio. Relational embeddedness is found to have a greater impact the smaller or more concentrated a firm’s customer portfolio. Although still beneficial for firms with a large or well-balanced portfolio, relational embeddedness is not as critical for them."...
"In contrast to the common belief among entrepreneurs, it is not always better to have more customers. Pursuing new customers should be the result of thoughtful consideration of the trade-offs involved in diverting managerial attention from existing customer relationships. Entrepreneurs should have a clear sense of where on the portfolio size continuum their firm operates: Is the number of customers so small that the firm has limited sources of revenue and gets insufficient input into the new product development process, or has the customer set grown so large that it is cumbersome to deal with and managerial attention is spread too thinly to enable learning from customers?"...
"The quality of relationships matters. Our results suggest that the relational embeddedness of a customer portfolio has a positive impact on a firm’s new product output. Close relationships can help the young firm acquire valuable knowledge on, for example, customer needs, market trends, competitors’ offerings, and complementary technologies from customers. Thus, entrepreneurs should treat customer relationships not just as sources of revenue but also as valuable learning opportunities. Closer relationships with customers not only directly help in a firm’s innovation process but also compensate for the negative effects of both dependence and small portfolio size. The implication of these findings is that entrepreneurs should strive to forge closer, more cooperative relationships with customers—particularly if the firm is dependent on key customers or has few customers."Acerca do mesmo estudo:
"While searching for a bike rack recently, I discovered why Amazon is poised to outpace even Walmart’s revenue within the decade. I could get the exact product I wanted for $25 less, avoiding California’s high sales tax and a drive on the crowded I-5. Amazon’s competitive advantage rests in an unfair tax advantage and, lacking stores, lower cost structure. ... So how might we rev up the local retail sector? Let’s start by removing Amazon’s unfair tax advantage. Pine and Gilmore have the rest of the answer – move retail into an “experience economy,” one where customers buy an overall experience and attributes of the experience provide benefits, beyond product and service benefits."Nestes tempos de crise, quando é que as lojas vão começar a mudar? Se calhar tem de ser gente nova (ou seja, com modelos mentais novos), com estruturas mais leves e ágeis, mais conscientes do potencial gerado pela interacção...
"Imagine if a San Diego bike dealer had reached out to me as a newcomer to its city, asking me to visit his store, where I’d be invited to join a bike group with other women or newcomers, making my life here feel far more connected. The benefits would have far exceeded any price premium over Amazon."
"o aumento do desemprego no último trimestre de 2011 e o primeiro trimestre de 2012 ocorreu maioritariamente em sectores de menor valor acrescentado."Para terminar os comentários ao referido relatório: Agora aqui vai uma especulação de um engenheiro de província que não estudou economia.
"The future is not an 800-pound gorilla. It's 800 gazelles."
"Shoppers see value based on a varied mix of quantity, quality and price, according to research that will make interesting reading to large retailers battling for market share using price-based promotions."Vale e Azevedo disse-o melhor do que ninguém: "Um estudo é um estudo!"
"While a quarter look for the lowest absolute price, 28% seek value in getting the largest quantity for the money they plan to spend, according to new research from retail analysts Shoppercentric.Meanwhile a significant proportion, 21%, see value as getting the best quality within their budget."Engraçado... faz-me recordar Bruce Chew em "The Geometry of Competition" e esta figura daqui:
"“Vencer nos mercados implica, em primeiro lugar, ir à procura desses mesmos mercados, apostar neles, aproveitar as oportunidades que encerram. Este é um esforço que, visivelmente, as nossas empresas estão a fazer. Mas o sucesso implica também maior competitividade, adequando a evolução dos custos aos ganhos na produtividade. No curto prazo, a contenção de custos é incontornável. Por isso a nossa insistência na redução da taxa social única, …”Como se o preço mais baixo fosse o modelo mais recomendado para o aumento das exportações portuguesas...
"En lo que va de año, textil, confección y calzado acumulan aumentos de sus exportaciones del 7,6%, del 10,6% y del 2,1%, respectivamente."Como é que os custos espanhóis se comparam com os custos portugueses?
"O emprego evoluiu de formais favorável nos sectores transaccionáveis.Agora, recordem as palavras do presidente da CIP sobre a importância de reduzir a TSU para conquistar mercados lá fora... pois, lembram-se? Maio de 2011!!!
Entre os sectores que apresentam variações percentuais do emprego mais positivas ... estão alguns dos mais transaccionáveis e com elevados graus de abertura"
"Much of the switch to mobile purchasing occurs in company showrooms and involves customers trying out products and then ordering them from online competitors for less, especially for purchases over $100"Sugestões sobre como dar a volta à situação:
"Small retailers especially must leverage their built-in advantages: Customer service and immediacy. “Any place where you have a mediated sale, vs. the majority of online sales taking place in self-service mode, you have the advantage of personal attention,"Quase que diria que é a regra número um da formulação de uma estratégia: trabalhar com base nos pontos fortes. Serviço e recompensa imediata.
"I believe this gives brick-and-mortar companies, even the small guys, a huge advantage.” Making sure that employees are trained as salespeople—not just clerks—and having them stress the benefits of taking delivery then and there can go a long way toward mitigating showrooming.
Human interaction will always prevail over ordering online"
"Another possibility is to work with your suppliers ... asking for exclusive product mixes and getting commitments from manufacturers not to show those products online ... Small retailers who handpick specialized items that appeal directly to their customer base have a much better chance of competing for revenue than they would selling mainstream commodity items,"Outra vertente a explorar, procurar produtos exclusivos.
“I think part of the solution would be for retailers to identify key products and price them as aggressively as possible in order to limit the price gap, to the degree that the instant gratification of pay-and-carry can be capitalized upon.”...Outra vertente, procurar chamarizes em que o preço possa ser atraente.
The sweet spot for small retailers is in what Sorensen calls the “surprise and delight” purchase, where shoppers come across an unexpected, must-have treat. Savvy entrepreneurs look for merchandise that can be bargain-priced and offered on a limited basis, lending some urgency, he says."
"O ex-ministro das Finanças disse também que a crise não está no euro, mas sim na desindustrialização do mundo ocidental em contraponto com os países emergentes e da Ásia."Embora não siga a cartilha proteccionista de Medina Carreira, há muito que escrevo aqui neste blogue que o desafio não é o euro, foi a China. Por exemplo:
"Medina Carreira afirmou hoje no parlamento, comentando a última reforma laboral, que Portugal deve "copiar" os seus directos adversários da competitividade em vez de se entreter "com tretas".Muitos empresários pensam como Medina Carreira, acreditam na competição assente em ser o melhor. Pelo contrário, muito boa gente que tem dedicado a sua vida ao estudo da estratégia recomenda:
"Devemos comparar o código laboral de Portugal com a Hungria ou a República Checa e ver o que temos de fazer, é simples", frisou."
"Michael Porter has a name for this syndrome. He calls it competition to be the best. It is, he will tell you, absolutely the wrong way to think about competition. If you start out with this flawed idea of how competition works, it will lead you inevitavitably to a flawed strategy. And that will lead to mediocre performance."(1)Ainda há dias falamos sobre o perigo da paridade aqui:
"So if reaching parity—being as good as others—is a bad idea, isn’t being the best a great idea? Maybe not. Striving to be the best at everything, to be the best in your industry, can be an all too common misstep."Agora imaginem que Portugal copiava, igualava os códigos laborais da Hungria ou da República Checa... sim, o que é que ia acontecer? Competir por salários?
"Selling a $27,000 camera is no snap—especially when that hefty price doesn’t even include the lens. For Leica Camera, the challenge is compounded by the fact that it has lost more than a third of its U.S. dealers, who have fallen victim to competition from the likes of Best Buy (BBY) and Costco Wholesale (COST)."
"So at a time when an increasing number of brands are bolstering their ability to sell online, the German camera maker is rolling out its own stores to woo serious photography buffs."
"Leica’s first U.S. outlet opened in Washington, D.C., last month, and the company is rolling out two more stores in Miami and New York this summer. By March 2016, Leica says its current roster of 37 stores will have grown to 200 worldwide. They’ll stock a range of models from the entry-level $700 V-Lux 40 point-and-shoot camera to the top-of-the-line $27,000 S2."
"“It is a high-risk strategy,” says Walter Loeb, president of retail consulting firm Loeb Associates. “Leica needs to establish itself more directly in the U.S., but it’s a small market for high-priced cameras, and it’s highly competitive.”
Leica is opening stores at a time when U.S. consumers are buying fewer cameras, given the quality and convenience of taking photos with smartphones such as Apple (AAPL)’s iPhone."
"Leica’s new stores are luxurious and minimalist, like its cameras. The outlets feature black leather furniture from Germany and gray tiles from Italy. The sole color accent: the red featured in the Leica logo. Stores include a retail space, a studio area to demonstrate products, and a gallery—to exhibit photographs shot with Leica cameras—that can be converted into a lecture room for the company’s Leica Akademie photography courses."Esta descrição da distribuição do espaço nas lojas é interessante e, deveria chamar a atenção dos lojistas que se sentem ameaçados pelo online... um espaço para a interacção, para a aprendizagem, para a partilha...
“We stand for a certain image of quality, and this is something we wanted to show in this environment,” says Schopf, who wouldn’t say how much Leica is spending on the stores. “We are showing a dedication to the quality of photography.”"
"The bottom line: Mimicking luxury clothing designers, pricey camera maker Leica will open 160 of its own stores by 2016 to sell the allure of photography."
"A ATP sempre defendeu que a dimensão é crítica para as empresas poderem sobreviver aos tempos difíceis, e mesmo para além deles. Ser grande pode não ter muito significado para uma empresa industrial, pois a reduzida dimensão pode até conferir vantagens do ponto de vista da flexibilidade e reactividade, hoje indispensáveis para o modelo de negócio em que ainda somos competitivos, mas já tem muita importância ter maior dimensão numa perspectiva comercial, pois aí confere capacidade negocial, ao comprar melhor e ao vender com mais margem."BTW I, sim, é verdade, Espanha representa uma fatia perigosamente grande das nossas exportações de vestuário:
"A situação económica da União Europeia é um forte motivo de preocupação para a indústria têxtil e de vestuário, uma vez que se trata do espaço comercial para o qual tradicionalmente se dirigem as nossas exportações. Cerca de 85% de tudo que vendemos ao exterior vai para a Europa, com destaque para a Espanha. As perspectivas económicas menos positivas, e até negativas, que estão a desenhar-se na União Europeia e, em especial, em Espanha constituem motivo de apreensão e razão suficiente para olharmos o futuro com alguma inquietação, e, sobretudo, muita prudência."But, always look on the bright side of life, ...
"O grupo Inditex, dono da Zara, obteve lucros líquidos de 432 milhões de euros no primeiro trimestre fiscal (Fevereiro a Abril), o que representa mais 30 por cento relativamente ao período homólogo de 2011."Sim, OK, não é clara qual a parcela destes lucros que se referem ao mercado europeu. Contudo:
"Inditex is becoming less-reliant on sales in Spain, its home market, where it has 1,932 stores. But even though the Spanish economy is sinking into recession and consumption is down sharply, Inditex managed to eke out 1% sales growth from its Spanish stores."BTW II,
"Analysts say Inditex has performed better in the economic downturn than rivals such as Gap Inc and Hennes & Mauritz AB, because of the tight control it has over production and the speed with which it can get the latest trends from the design table to stores."
"At the heart of its business model is a complex logistics system and heavy use of information technology to track data on consumer tastes gathered at each of its stores around the world. It also makes half of what it sells close to its headquarters and delivers new garments in small batches to all of its stores in 82 countries on five continents by plane or truck twice a week."Agora para a tríade:
"The system makes production costlier, but the model has also proven successful during the economic downturn of recent years, because Inditex can adapt more quickly to the ebb and flow of demand."
"It is widely believed that restructuring has boosted productivity by displacing low-skilled workers and creating jobs for the high skilled."Mas, e como isto é profundo:"In essence, creative destruction means that low productivity plants are displaced by high productivity plants." Por favor voltar a trás e reler esta última afirmação.
"Lovaglia’s Law: The more important the outcome of a decision, the more people will resist using evidence to make it."
"If an organisation is too stable it can ossify, but if it is too unstable it can disintegrate. Successful organisations work between these two conditions or states, in what Stacey called ‘the chaos zone’."
"If the customer doesn't care about the price, then the retailer shouldn't care about the cost,"
“It's not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what's required”.
"Das Leben, das uns gegeben ist, ist uns nicht als etwas Fertiges gegeben, sondern wir müssen es uns gestalten, und zwar jeder sein eigenes."
"Eine Regierung, die nichts wert ist, kostet am meisten."
"Forget trying to persuade them; light their pants on fire."
"O futuro é o que importa. O futuro é a base do significado, é de onde vem o projecto que alguém tem para si próprio"
"The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place."
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent; it is the one that is most adaptable to change.”
"o Marketing só existe a partir do pensamento estratégico, caso contrário "não resulta""
"It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it"
"Perder diversidade é como arrancar páginas de um livro. Quantas páginas poderemos arrancar até deixar de compreender o enredo?"
The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie – deliberate, contrived and dishonest – but the myth, persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic. Belief in myths allows the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."
"By strategy, I mean a cohesive response to a challenge. A real strategy is neither a document nor a forecast but rather an overall approach based on a diagnosis of a challenge. The most important element of a strategy is a coherent viewpoint about the forces at work, not a plan."
"Un desastre està punt de succeir a Espanya. El malentès de la gravetat de la crisi costarà car als inversors, ja que tindrà profundes conseqüències per a tot el sistema bancari europeu", afirma.
Entre d'altres coses, Mauldin diu que "els inversors estan fumant crack si creuen que els bancs espanyols són entre els més forts d'Europa, ja que estan amagant les seves pèrdues".
“… there are no “sunset” industries condemned to disappear in high wage economies, although there are certainly sunset and condemned strategies, among them building a business on the advantages to be gained by cheap labor”
"o vencedor da vida, o optimista que vive em incesto com o próprio ego, é o traço mais frágil do líder"
"We shall not grow wiser before we learn that much
that we have done was very foolish."
You may not be able to change the world but can at least get some entertainment & make a living out of the epistemic arrogance of the human race.
"I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It's when you know you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do."
“Trust your guts. But not too much!”
"Customers will try 'low-cost providers,' because the majors have not given them any clear reason not to." "
"Natal é quando as Crianças pedem e os Pais pagam. Défices é quando os Pais pedem e as Crianças pagam."
"A imprevidência dos povos é infinita, a dos governos é legal"
"What a man sees depends both upon what he looks at and also upon what his previous visual-conceptual experience has taught him to see"
“The leaders first task is to be the trumpet that sounds a clear sound”
"lamented the lack of any systematic data on the scale of unfunded IOUs that care-free politicians have handed out like confetti."
"Let them call me rebel and welcome, I feel no concern from it; but I should suffer the misery of devils, were I to make a whore of my soul..."
O problema não é o consumo. O problema é o consumo assente em endividamento."
"There are designations, like "economist", "prostitute", or "consultant" for which additional characterization doesn't add information."
When it becomes more difficult to suffer than change, you will change"
"Hope is not a strategy and a crisis is a terrible thing to waste"
The more you can see of the present, the more you can see of the future"
Yes, You can change the future, but only changing the present"
"Entrepreneurship is 'Having aspirations greater than your resources'"
“The single biggest reason companies fail is they overinvest in what is, as opposed to what might be."
"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself - and you are the easiest person to fool. So you have to be very careful about that"
"A estabilidade é uma ilusão"
"When we create the conditions of possibility, the universe becomes our co-conspirator"
Thinking about doing is not doing. Talking about doing is not doing. Doing is doing."
"'God has created me to do him some definite service. He has committed some work to me which he has not committed to another'.
"Each of us has a mission, each of us is called to change the world, to work for a culture of life, a culture forged by love and respect for the dignity of each human person.
"As our Lord tells us in the Gospel we have just heard, our light must shine in the sight of all, so that, seeing our good works, they may give praise to our heavenly Father."
"The future is not there waiting for us. We create it by the power of imagination."
"confusing testosterone with strategy is a bad idea"
"Much consulting involves the application of models to a system, as opposed to getting involved in the system as a positive change agent""
"O Portugal que pára sem orçamento é precisamente aquele que vive dele e que há todo o interesse em parar."
"credibilidade da política financeira e dos seus executores está ao nível da credibilidade de uma barraca das farturas"
"The role of the manager is thought to be reduction of uncertainty rather than the capacity to live creatively in it"
"today an entrepreneur is closer to artists than managers"
"A business without a path to profit isn’t a business, it’s a hobby"
"If no one’s upset by what you’re saying, you’re probably not pushing hard enough. (And you’re probably boring, too.)"
"Storytelling isn’t just how we construct our identities, stories are our identities"
"'He who has a why to live can bear almost any how' "
"They can because they think they can"
"Se há coisa que não suporto é misturar catequese com negócios, é a incapacidade para calçar os sapatos do outro e só pensar na nossa posição de coitadinhos, pobres vítimas indefesas dos maus e que por isso precisamos do Estado todo poderoso para nos proteger e, nem percebem na volta, os juros que o Estado cobra por esse serviço mafioso de protecção que, ainda por cima não resolve nada."
"Empathy is like a universal solvent. Any problem immersed in empathy becomes soluble."
"In victory, do not brag; in defeat, do not weep"
"Value it's a feeling not a calculation"
"An economist is someone who has had a human being described to him, but has never actually seen one."
"Don't finish first--it's not about running a rat race. Start with a better ending in mind."
"If you sit in on a poker game and don’t see a sucker, get up. You’re the sucker.”
"The 'value added' for most any company, tiny or enormous, comes from the Quality of Experience provided."
"Crediting government with the success of entrepreneurs is like crediting the guy who built Bill Gates’ garage with the success of Microsoft."
"I have found that assuming social scientists understand the difference between correlation and causality is not generally a good one."
"Promising never to raise taxes, without reaching a deal on spending, really means a high and rising commitment to future taxes."
"Some things are so foolish that only an intellectual could believe them, for no ordinary man could be such a fool"
"os bancos não financiam a economia, a poupança sim"
"I do not know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody"
"Never be afraid to try, remember... Amateurs built the ark. Professionals built the Titanic."
"terms such as 'experiment' and 'observation' cover complex processes containing many strands. 'Facts' come from negotiations between different parties and the final product - the published report - is influenced by physical events, dataprocessors, compromises, exhaustion, lack of money, national pride and so on."
"'science in the making' is 'the consequence of [a] settlement' of 'controversies'."
"If the state wishes to spend more, it can do so only by borrowing your savings or taxing you more. And it's no good thinking someone else will pay, that someone else is you."
"All failures of strategy are rooted in the assumption that outcomes are predictable."
"Doing things like your bigger competitors is how to get killed in the wars out there"
“Uma moeda boa e forte é como a saúde. Só lhe damos verdadeiramente valor quando não a temos.”
"Life’s tough. It’s tougher if you’re stupid"
"O homem de bem exige tudo de si próprio; o homem medíocre espera tudo dos outros"
"Change is a threat when done to me, but an opportunity when done by me."
"As elites foram deixando de falar das exportações à medida que se foi percebendo que o país consegue exportar sem elas"
"Your toughest competition is the little voice inside your head telling you to stop"
"Pain is just weakness leaving your body"
"Built to last" is bad economics. Built to do something great" is the better idea. Think: "Creative destruction."
"the world is an uncertain place no matter how many Greek letter equations you affix to a problem."
"You never change things by fighting existing reality. To change s.th., build a new model making the existing model obsolete"
“No, no, you're not thinking; you're just being logical.”
"Success is not a destination. It's the trail you leave behind you."
"Winners make a habit of manufacturing their own positive expectations in advance of the event."
“You’ve got to start with the customer experience and work back toward the technology – not the other way around”
"Strategy as the "smallest set of - intended or actual - choices and decisions sufficient to guide all other choices and decisions sufficient to guide all other choices and decisions."
"When something is commoditized, an adjacent market becomes valuable"
"nature evolves away from constraints, not toward goals"
"There aren't any textbooks on what to stop doing!"
"With great power comes great irresponsibility "
"Weird things happen when you take price out of the equation for consumers"
"‘It’s so damn complex. If you ever think you have the solution to this, you’re wrong and you’re dangerous.’"
"Saruman believes it is only great power that can hold evil in check, but that is not what I have found. I found it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love."
"Increasing stuff that doesn't add value dilutes existing value."
"O federalismo não é a alternativa à troika, é a troika para sempre."
"Never underestimate the difficulty of changing false beliefs by facts"
"Stressors are information"
“If you hear a “prominent” economist using the word ‘equilibrium,’ or ‘normal distribution,’ do not argue with him; just ignore him, or try to put a rat down his shirt.”
"The advantage of experiences over things for most of us is that we can make them seem unique, which = scarce, which = value"
"Pedras no caminho?
Guardo todas, um dia vou construir um castelo"
"Without risk, faith is an impossibility."
"Não posso com quem vive a achar que os outros lhe devem sempre alguma coisa."
"In a world of increasing automation, our ability to perform tasks is not nearly as important as our ability to dream. The questions we need to ask are not ones of action, but ones of meaning"
"Me arrancam tudo a força e depois me chamam de contribuinte."
"Letting people vote for expensive programs that “somebody else” will finance is a good recipe for getting people to vote irresponsibly"
"what's fairness gotta do with pricing based in value?"
"The epic battle of our generation is between the status quo of mass and the never-ceasing tide of weird."
“Price is emotional”
"There will always be a reason why you can't pursue it, until competitors create a reason why you must."
"The most important thing to study is opening theory"
"The greater the contrast, the greater the potential"
“Customers don't care about your solution, they care about their problems.”
"Todos querem conhecer a verdade, mas o que desejam é que lhes contem uma mentira em que não sejam protagonistas."
"Execution efficiency strangles innovation in the crib, but not with malice, by default.”
"Our obsession with scalability is getting in the way of unleashing the potential of the 21st century."
"The system is optimized to mitigate risk, not create value"
"Champions are made when no one is looking"
"Don't bargain on value. Half as expensive is often twice as cheap."
"Customers care about outcomes, not effort, technology, or originality."
"You don't have to pick between 1) playing the game and 2) not playing the game. You can *change* the game."
""The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool." "