sexta-feira, junho 22, 2012

Mais material sobre a construção de um futuro para o retalho físico

"While searching for a bike rack recently, I discovered why Amazon is poised to outpace even Walmart’s revenue within the decade. I could get the exact product I wanted for $25 less, avoiding California’s high sales tax and a drive on the crowded I-5. Amazon’s competitive advantage rests in an unfair tax advantage and, lacking stores, lower cost structure. ...  So how might we rev up the local retail sector? Let’s start by removing Amazon’s unfair tax advantage. Pine and Gilmore have the rest of the answer – move retail into an “experience economy,” one where customers buy an overall experience and attributes of the experience provide benefits, beyond product and service benefits." 
Nestes tempos de crise, quando é que as lojas vão começar a mudar? Se calhar tem de ser gente nova (ou seja, com modelos mentais novos), com estruturas mais leves e ágeis, mais conscientes do potencial gerado pela interacção...
"Imagine if a San Diego bike dealer had reached out to me as a newcomer to its city, asking me to visit his store, where I’d be invited to join a bike group with other women or newcomers, making my life here feel far more connected. The benefits would have far exceeded any price premium over Amazon."

  • "Overstored" (Apreciar sobretudo a figura 3. Não é uma recessão, é uma recalibração, é um novo standard... é o fim dos standards)
"Merchandising: think exclusive and local. A key method for addressing migration, particularly for products that are easily comparable or simple to understand, is to develop exclusive offerings that
competitors, online or otherwise, cannot match. These offerings can be internally developed (i.e. private label) or designed in partnership with key suppliers. Additionally, retailers can have a more tailored in-store assortment that connects to the surrounding community."

1 comentário:

CCz disse...{8D276B94-1155-44C8-89D1-C75C6516EE16}