"After the capabilities were identified at a high level, the next step is to create an analytical framework as shown in Table 6 (table shows a partial list of capabilities):
Each cell contains a score to reflect the state of the capability the following information:
- 0 (zero): The capability does not exist at all
- 1 (one): The capability needs to be improved
The cells could be colored green, yellow or red for visual effect.
- 2 (two): The capability is good enough for meeting customer and stakeholder outcomes
This analysis prepares the organization for the hands‐on effort in executing strategy. To efficiently carry out the operational activities required for designing and administering sales compensation, the organization needs to:
- For cells with a ‘0’ identify the specific capabilities that are missing
- For cells with a ‘1’ identify the specific capabilities that need to be improved
- Perform a detailed analysis to identify programs and projects that will create or improve the capabilities. This list is a very key input to the strategy execution effort of the organization
- Select programs and projects to implement (see the section on ‘Portfolio Management’ below for some details on how to select a program or project)
- Monitor the core objectives to ensure the strategy execution stays on track (accountability)
- Build organizational processes to ensure continuous improvement"
Isto é muito parecido com a abordagem que seguimos para identificar que investimentos realizar ao nível da perspectiva de recursos e infra-estruturas.
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