"Unfortunately, old-fashioned protectionism will not boost American industrial competitiveness, even if it saves a few thousand jobs in sunset sectors."O uso daquela terminologia "sunset sectors" cheirou-me a conversa da tríade... recuei a Fevereiro mas de 2006 e a:
“… there are no “sunset” industries condemned to disappear in high wage economies, although there are certainly sunset and condemned strategies, among them building a business on the advantages to be gained by cheap labor”O que motivou uma segunda leitura mais atenta. Então, mais espinhas surgiram:
"think of US products as being made not in the US, but in Factory North America. The goods made in Factory North America must compete with goods made in Factory Asia, Factory Europe, and so forth."Jogo de soma nula... não foi isto que as PME portuguesas fizeram e fazem. Migraram para nichos/segmentos que podem servir melhor, que podem servir com vantagem competitiva evitando um confronto directo com os tipo-alemães ou os tipo-chineses.
De resto, de acordo que o proteccionismo é um veneno que cria ilhas de custos-altos e pouco competitivas:
"This means that if the Trump administration imposes tariffs, it will turn the US into a high-cost island for industrial inputs. Firms might be induced to move some production back to the US, if it is strictly aimed at US consumers. But they will be equally encouraged to offshore production that is aimed at export markets, so that they can compete with Japanese, German, and Chinese producers outside of the US."[Moi ici: O Brasil é um bom exemplo da falência desta política]Aquela cultura dos "sunset sectors" afunila as cabeças a só verem:
"With US workers already competing against robots at home, and against low-wage workers abroad, disrupting imports will just create more jobs for robots."Ou seja, só se concebe a competição pelo preço, logo, a melhoria da eficiência pela automatização. Algo ilustrado neste relato "An inside look at how automation and robots are transforming work in a manufacturing town".