quarta-feira, maio 13, 2015

Outro sintoma do futuro em Mongo

Quando escrevo sobre o futuro do mundo económico para onde caminhamos, uso a metáfora de Mongo, ou do Estranhistão.
Em Mongo falo do triunfo das PME, dos prosumers, da democratização da produção, do regresso dos alfaiates e modistas, o regresso dos artesãos. Por isso, foi com muito gosto que encontrei e li este texto "How 3-D Printing Is Saving the Italian Artisan":
"Italy’s craftsmen have been undermined by competition from China and other parts of Asia. [Moi ici: Recordar Manzano]
Techniques such as the 3D printing used by Pomini and Armani have helped turn northeastern Italy into an unlikely hothouse of innovation. Last year growth in the region was positive for the first time since 2007, at 0.5 percent. Exports rose by 3.5 percent in 2014 and are expected to keep climbing.
the use of 3D printing and other similar technologies has the potential to boost revenue at Italy’s small-scale manufacturers by 15 percent, or at least €16 billion ($17.8billion). At their best, these technologies inject elements of the digital economy into the physical world, allowing a galaxy of small companies to compete with multinationals, [Moi ici: Lembram-se do óbvio de que ninguém fala?] in much the same way homemade YouTube videos hold their own against traditional video production. The advent of rapid prototyping and other innovations means “you can compensate for your disadvantages with variety, customization, and a rapid response to what the market is demanding,”
New production processes are not the only technologies leveling the playing field for Italy’s small-scale producers. The connecting power of the Internet opens the possibility for small manufacturers to rapidly find new markets, even as Italian demand remains low."

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