"companies bought into the false premise that they exist to maximize shareholder value — which said “keep the stock price high.” As a consequence, corporations used metrics like return on net assets (RONA), return on capital deployed, and internal rate of return (IRR) to measure efficiency. These metrics make it difficult for a company that wants to invest in long-term innovation. It’s a lot easier to get these numbers to look great by outsourcing everything, getting assets off the balance sheet and only investing in things that pay off fast. To do that, companies jettisoned internal R&D labs, outsourced manufacturing and cut long-term investment. These resulting business models made them look incredibly profitable."Trecho retirado de "Intel Disrupted: Why large companies find it difficult to innovate, and what they can do about it".
Recordar o fenómeno da histerese: "Um pouco de histerese". O ângulo de abordagem, o ponto de partida altera muita coisa.
Recordar a obliquidade: "Acerca do conceito da obliquidade".
Conjugar com "Customer Service, or serving customers":
"I do know that there are two kinds of companies: those that believe in Customer Service and those that believe in serving customers (sc)As empresas não existem para satisfazer os accionistas. As empresas, porque satisfazem os clientes, satisfazem os accionistas. Nesta apresentação também mostrei esta mensagem:
Serving customers is not some sort of technique, not a program. It’s a way of life, a philosophy of doing business. Treating customers well because that makes you more $$$ is not sc; it’s CS. In contrast, sc is making more money because you treat your customers well. There’s a difference, namely what comes first in your head. Sure you charge properly for what you give, knowing that if your customers are satisfied, they will come back."