sexta-feira, junho 24, 2016

A inovação não é a resposta para tudo

Escrevi este postal na madrugada de ontem. Depois, ao final da tarde, desafiaram-me para um projecto sobre: quando a inovação morre na praia.
"Too frequently, companies decide what they’re going to do before determining why they’re going to do it. That’s challenging, because developing innovations that have a lasting impact requires going beyond doing one single thing. Improving innovation is a system-level issue, requiring a coherent and consistent set of organizational interventions. [Moi ici: Recordar o problema dos que inovam produtos sem mudar de modelo de negócio - "Um conselho, um desafio" e "Uma aposta manca (parte I)"] To begin to determine what set of interventions makes the most sense for your company, first you need to step back and answer a fundamental question: What problem does innovation need to solve? The answer to this question matters substantially because it determines in which part of the organization a company needs to intervene, what resources leaders need to be ready to commit to, and how long it will take before any impact is felt.
Finally, innovation is not a one-size-fits-all proposition. Leaders need to make the strategic choice: whether to isolate new growth efforts, infuse everyday innovation into daily routines or truly institutionalize innovation. Taking the time to determine which choice is appropriate for you will focus your attention and accelerate the impact of your subsequent innovation efforts."
Trechos retirados de "Innovation Isn’t the Answer to All Your Problems"

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