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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta servitization. Mostrar todas as mensagens

sábado, julho 29, 2017


"A Elis opera no aluguer e manutenção de roupa de cama, de cozinha e para casa-de-banho, de utensílios de limpeza para casa-de-banho, dispensadores de água e de tapetes e na personalização de fardas de trabalho para os sectores da hotelaria e restauração, saúde, indústria, comércio e serviços."
Tudo é serviço!

Servitização: Produz-se roupa de cama mas já não se vende roupa de cama, vende-se um serviço onde entra a roupa da cama.

Trecho retirado de "Francesa Elis investe 20 milhões e cria até 350 empregos em Torres Vedras"

quarta-feira, março 29, 2017

Conspiração (parte IV)

Conspiração (parte III).

Outro trecho que se enquadra na tal conspiração:
"“Nós queremos juntar produto e serviço, criar uma experiência de utilização do produto e uma experiência do cliente em todas as fases da interação connosco”. Este é o principal princípio norteador na estratégia da Fapajal. Ou seja, mais do que vender um produto, quer-se vender um acompanhamento, uma interação entre fornecedor e cliente em todos os momentos."
Até porque:
Ou seja:

 Perceber como o produto é usado para promover o progresso dos clientes e assumir uma atitude proactiva nesse transformação.

Trecho retirado de "Como se transforma uma empresa familiar de 1755 numa “micro-multinacional” inovadora"

terça-feira, março 21, 2017

Conspiração (parte II)

Parte I.

A conspiração continua. Desta vez via "To change the game, change the business model":
"Change the interaction and you’ll find a different business model.
Seen from a traditional business perspective, businesses are just business models competing against each other; it’s why we have all this sameness out in the world. But what if you shift your perspective, look at things differently and change the components of the business model?"

segunda-feira, março 20, 2017


Parece uma conspiração ... depois de "Cuidado com as explicações generalistas simplistas" encontro outro trecho que me fez regressar à tal reunião:
"You can dollarize anything!
I am always excited when I hear stories about companies that have transitioned from being a product-focused company deriving over 8o percent of their revenue from unit sales to a service-oriented one deriving over 8o percent of their revenue from consulting and other services. And this happens all within the same industry with the same customers! These companies accomplish this because they understand the value of all the things companies do, and they offer clients economically attractive alternatives. ... Similar to what you would do in product development or in reverse-engineering, you are using a cross-functional team to understand how much it would cost you to deliver a particular service. Then you try to understand the cost that a customer incurs when they perform that service themselves. These services could be maintenance, application decisions, plant or supply chain management, or any other areas that a company could potentially outsource. If you can document a way to offer that service more economically (cost savings) or do it better (creating a revenue opportunity), you have the ability to conduct a rational, value-based talk with customers."
Trechos retirados de "Dollarizing Differentiation Value: A Practical Guide for the Quantification and the Capture of Customer Value"

segunda-feira, junho 20, 2016

Acerca da servitization (parte II)

Parte I.
Esta semana, já depois de ter escrito "Acerca da servitization" ouvi, incrédulo na rádio uma versão deste caso "Update on Incident: TAP A332 at Lisbon on Jul 12th 2014, engine shut down in flight". O meu lado cínico à solta pôs-me logo a pensar em que muito do que se escreve como exemplo pode não passar de infoplacement, uma forma mais rebuscada de publicidade sem conteúdo real.
Isto é muito lindo:
"Equipment focussed product life-cycle offerings including maintenance services support products already sold. An ongoing support tends to become on-site maintenance.
Asset focused managed services create a higher level of complexity as they are made up of different but interlinked or interdependent pieces of equipment and several suppliers. This calls for a dedicated organizational function to manage the assets and coordinate the support activities. A servitizing manufacturing firm can find an opportunity to enter this area of managed services.
Process focused advisory or consulting services can offer technical and management advice, pro-active problem solving through co-innovation as well as reactive problem solving. Given sufficient understanding of their customer´s and user´s world the servitized manufacturing firm can offer and even implement solutions using their own monetary resources, their own equipment and other physical assets, their own relationships, their competence in people and processes, their own brands etc."
Contudo, quando se adia uma manutenção programada porque não havia espaço na agenda do responsável pela manutenção...
"The difficulty for the engine manufacturer, for reasons related to the contracts with the various operators and/or availability, to schedule an earlier Quick Turn that resulted in ESN 811471 engine reaching a CSN above the desired (taking into account the record of previous events) for its removal;"

sexta-feira, junho 17, 2016

Acerca da servitization (parte I)

Não é exclusivo para o sector da metalurgia e metalomecânica, que produz máquinas e ferramentas, mas aplica-se como uma luva:
"Because it changes the way in which the firm creates and appropriates value. The imperatives to servitize and to develop the activities accordingly are increasing and becoming more vital than ever.
In the manufacturing firm´s value chain, the value adding potential is moving from production activities to the intangible pre- and post-production activities. Therefore, the firm needs to extend these activities to keep the total value adding stable.
Technological development like IOT, production systems for high cost countries and additive manufacturing may contribute to a concentration of the value chain back to high cost countries.[Moi ici: Ainda os gurus da nossa praça cantavam o refrão "China a fábrica do mundo e já neste blogue se reflectiva sobre o reshoring]
However, they also contribute to further lowering the value adding potential in the production part of the manufacturing firm´s value adding activities.[Moi ici: Nunca esquecer o esquema de Pine e Gilmore e o trabalho corrosivo constante da erosão da comoditização]
The competitive pressure reduces margins and opens a disintermediation of the service delivery value chain parts similarly as has already happened to the production part of the value chain.
Thus, besides servitization to compensate for the continuous reduction in value adding potential relating to production activities, the manufacturing firm also needs to create service monopolies by product or service attributes that lock out competing service providers and ultimately, they must continually innovate also in the domain of services.
Reaching ever higher service content requires a change in the organization, culture, processes and customer interaction as well as the development of new competencies and capabilities."
Como não recordar "PME e código, já pensou nisso? (parte IV)" e "Mais um exemplo de onde o "é meter código nisso" pode chegar"


Trechos retirados de "Servitization - an Increasingly Critical Strategy for Manufacturing Firms"

sexta-feira, novembro 13, 2015

Acerca da democratização da produção

"the crisis in the music industry.
Attali now says manufacturing will be hit by an identical crisis - this time caused by 3D printing. Apparently some spare parts have already started to appear on pirate websites. Thus instead of paying the manufacturer for a spare part, you might be able to download and print it yourself. Given that many manufacturers sell their products at low margin, in order to make money from spare parts and maintenance, [Moi ici: Servitization] this could seriously disrupt the economics of manufacturing."
Trecho retirado de "The New Economics of Manufacturing"

quarta-feira, outubro 07, 2015

Como se vai preparar para o T-TIP?

Há dias chamamos aqui a atenção para o impacte da aprovação do T-TIP. Acabamos o postal com:
"Ou seja, a paisagem competitiva enrugada vai movimentar-se, com alguns picos a passarem a vales e vice-versa. Uma direcção associativa sectorial devia estar a estudar a "exploration" necessária para enfrentar o novo cenário:
  • como podemos aproveitar as oportunidades que se vão abrir?
  • como podemos minimizar as ameaças que vão aparecer? Será que podemos usar a técnica do judo virar o jogo em nosso favor?"
Uma linha de acção, agora já ao nível de cada empresa, para desenvolver a resposta a este desafio pode passar por estas ofertas híbridas referidas em “Hybrid Offerings: How Manufacturing Firms Combine Goods and Services Successfully”, publicado por Journal of Marketing Vol. 75 (November 2011), 5–23
“Traditional manufacturers have moved into service and customer solution fields to solidify their positions in increasingly competitive markets and grow their revenues and margins, leading to the well-documented shift from a goods-dominant to a service-dominant logic in business markets
The authors find that “the effects [of service transition strategies] on firm value become pronounced only after the level of service sales reaches a critical mass, which averages approximately 20%–30% of total firm sales” [Moi ici: O que poderá funcionar como uma barreira à activação desta transformação]

customers and suppliers approach solution offerings from very different angles. Whereas vendors typically view solution offerings as customized and integrated combinations of goods and services for meeting a customer’s business needs, customers perceive solutions as relational processes.

According to a Bain & Co. study, only 21% of companies succeed with their service strategies (Baveja, Gilbert, and Ledingham 2004), and few firms that enter service markets outperform their pure goods-centric counterparts in terms of revenue growth, margins, or returns on equity. Stanley and Wojcik (2005) find that approximately half of all solution providers realize only modest benefits, and 25% actually lose money.

Which particular strengths in operations, product development, and marketing can a goods manufacturer leverage particularly well for hybrid offerings? What unique opportunities exist that pure service players cannot access? Rather than just a general agreement about why manufacturers move toward services, we need a better understanding of how they can ensure that their service activities succeed.

  1. What distinctive capabilities must goods-focused manufacturers (compared with pure-service players) develop to generate successful hybrid offerings?
  1. Which unique resources must manufacturers leverage to build these distinctive capabilities? 
  1. How can goods manufacturers translate unique resources and distinctive service capabilities into positional advantages, and how do these effects vary across different types of services?
E na sua empresa, como é?
Como se vai preparar para este desafio?
Viu o que aconteceu ao sector leiteiro? Sabiam que as quotas iam acabar desde 2006 (?), quantos só acordar para o problema depois do fim efectivo das quotas?
Recorde o método alemão para lidar com estas situações e compare com o nosso aqui.

quinta-feira, julho 16, 2015

Mongo no B2B, é óbvio que é urgente

"So far, much of the attention around smart, connected products has been around consumer-facing goods like watches and thermostats. Industrial companies have tended to be among the last to create digital strategies that harness the new opportunities arising from the proliferation of smart products. That lag poses  dangers. Tech titans such as Google and Amazon are working to connect more and more types of objects to the web by offering mobile interfaces for managing just about anything. If someone else designs the apps and software that allow customers to monitor machines, the ripple effects across value chains could force industrial giants into the role of being mere suppliers of commodities.
In this respect, creating an industrial internet of things is an even more urgent endeavor, because industrial systems represent huge capital expenditures, have longer lifecycles, and are placed in mission-critical and often hostile environments that can cause costly and dangerous systems failures.
Turns out, data from all of these little things can make a big difference. SKF now provides 45 different iPad apps so managers can monitor the maintenance, speed, and reliability of up to 8,000 kinds of smart objects. This has led to new business models, putting SKF squarely in a position to provide “knowledge as a service” (KaaS), as more than a half million machines are already connected to the SKF Cloud.
By changing the basis of competition in old-line industries, smart, connected  products are precipitating three strategic shifts that we believe will eventually  transform virtually all companies that manufacture things:
From selling equipment to selling outcomes.
Designing solutions that transcend the notion of products and services:
From value chains to value networks"
A juntar a este manifesto, recomendo, também, a leitura de "Strategy, not Technology, Drives Digital Transformation"

Trechos iniciais retirados de "How Industrial Systems Are Turning into Digital Services"

terça-feira, abril 07, 2015

"Uma outra abordagem (parte VII)

Parte I, parte IIparte IIIparte IVparte V e parte VI.

Gostei neste artigo, "What service transition? Rethinking established assumptions about manufacturers' service-led growth strategies" de Christian Kowalkowski, CharlottaWindahl, Daniel Kindström e Heiko Gebauer, publicado em Industrial Marketing Management 45 (2015) 59–69, da sistematização dos caminhos como os fabricantes de equipamentos podem subir na escala de valor acrescentando serviços:
"we identify three distinct service growth trajectories, including both the expansion and standardization of service offerings to become: (1) an availability provider; (2) a performance provider; and, (3) an ‘industrializer’.
The transition from a transactional to a relational nature of the customer–provider relationship encourages a gradual implementation of increasingly proactive, flexible, customized, and long-term relationships with customers and partners. The transition from product to process-oriented offerings highlights the need to gradually move towards more complex offerings, add service components, and change the earning logic from discrete to continuous cash flows.
Additionally, rather than making a complete transition, many suppliers ‘increasingly work towards becoming more of a certain role’.
rather than transitioning from products to services, firms expand their business through the addition of new, and the bundling of existing, services to their portfolio, infusing higher levels of service into their offerings.
This paper shows that system suppliers generally perform several distinct roles simultaneously, rather than transitioning from one role to another on a product–service continuum."
Bom para relacionar com "Uma outra abordagem (parte I)"

domingo, março 24, 2013


A propósito da progressiva servitização dos fabricantes de equipamentos, a propósito do fervilhar de novos modelos de negócio com novas vias para o pagamento, a propósito do progresso das ideias que defendem que tudo é serviço e os produtos não passam de um avatar, este interessante artigo "Firms’ Intentions to Use Nonownership Services":
"Fierce competition and high market complexity have forced traditional product manufacturers to gradually shift their focus from tangible products to intangibles, such as skills and knowledge, and to extend their service offerings
adopting a service-dominant logic may help firms to restructure their business model away from selling goods and towards offering access to goods
Business-to-business (B2B) services are an important force driving the growth of the service sector. Important subsectors of B2B services that are also examples of nonownership services include rental, outsourcing, and leasing. Leasing is one of the most widely used nonownership B2B services and the focus
of this study. Leased equipment accounted for approximately one third of the capital equipment in the United States in 2010, and for 28% of the same in Europe in 2008.
we define nonowner-ship service as service in which customers acquire some property rights to an asset and are offered a certain degree of freedom in using this asset for a specified period while the burdens of ownership remain with the owner. Intentions to use nonownership services are defined as a firm’s definite plan to acquire access to an asset through nonownership
Cash and liquid asset management....
Our qualitative study shows that many firms that are struggling to raise funds and/or do not have sufficient collateral for loans will opt for nonownership to preserve liquidity. According to seven of the ten interviewees, non-own ership provides a viable alternative form of financing and liquidity.
Control over assets.The use of nonownership services affects firms’ strategic orientation, such as their maintenance strategy. Thus, we conjecture that firms choosing nonownership services not only take financial issues into account but also consider whether leasing will support other strategic objectives.
Latest technology and tools....
We argue that the rapid development of technology leads to a cycle of gaps that continue to widen once a new technology has been implemented. Managers seeking to fill these gaps adopt suggestions and innovations promoted by fashion setters.
We believe that to close these gaps, firms adopt new technologies that put them at the forefront of their industries. The new technologies lead to new management techniques that lead to new performance gaps, creating a constant cycle of replacement and renewal. Here, we propose that nonownership is especially attractive to firms striving to obtain access to the latest technology and tools.
Half of the respondents from the qualitative study state that companies interested in using the latest assets use nonownership services. Nonownership seems especially attractive to firms using assets that are constantly replaced by new developments and quickly go out of fashion
The moderating role of firm size....
firm size shapes firms’ nonownership services use. Specifically, small firms are more focused (or often must focus) on the liquidity-related aspects of non-ownership than larger firms are. For many smaller firms, nonownership services are a substitute for high cost financing and necessary for either survival or growth. Thus, firm size, liquid asset management, and nonownership are linked. We conjecture that the size of the company moderates the relationship between the extent to which firms value liquidity and their intentions to use nonownership services.
The moderating role of risk of obsolescence.Firms’ asset replacement decisions are driven by either the poor performance of the current asset (performance obsolescence) or the availability of a newer, improved version of the asset (technological obsolescence). Firms interested in using the latest technology and tools continuously face the risk of asset obsolescence because the introduction of a new version may create the sense that the current asset is outmoded. Nonownership allows firms to transfer this risk to the service provider."

quinta-feira, janeiro 19, 2012

Fugir à abordagem eficientista (parte II)

Por um lado, estamos praticamente todos de acordo que a "servitização" é um facto.
Cada vez mais, os produtos fabricados são um artificio para o desenvolvimento de uma relação. Cada vez mais camadas de serviços são fundidas com os produtos criando um híbrido.
A lógica da servitização é a de fugir à comoditização crescente dos produtos. Produzir é fácil, produzir é o mais fácil. Quem compete na produção de produtos, aposta na escala, no volume, por isso, recorre o mais possível à uniformização, à padronização que reduz custos e aumenta a eficiência.
O que acontece é que a mentalidade eficientista invade a parcela do serviço e comoditiza-a eliminando a vantagem que ele poderia trazer.
"Many service companies just aren’t designed for service delivery. They are designed like factories, optimized for the mass-production of inputs into outputs. This makes perfect sense in a rapidly-industrializing economy. But in an economy where manufacturing is shrinking and services are expanding, it doesn’t work anymore.
Traditional management thinking looks at a customer service call as an input to the “service factory.” Most companies try to standardize these inputs as much as possible so they can process them efficiently. The factory’s job is to produce “resolutions.” This is how we end up with complicated voice menu systems that attempt to route calls to the appropriate department while keeping costs as low as possible.
In a service-driven marketplace, the focus needs to shift from the line of production to a different line; the front line. The line of production is a one-way arrow, starting with raw materials and suppliers and ending with the customer who buys the product.
A production line requires efficiency.(Moi ici: Depende da proposta de valor) Inputs can be standardized, and environments and processes can be internally controlled. But a front line requires optionality. Front line people deal with environments and circumstances that cannot be predicted."

domingo, setembro 11, 2011

O erro de análise dos Custos Unitários de Trabalho (parte II)

Continuado daqui.
Os Custos Unitários de Trabalho (CUT) não medem, não capturam a evolução da qualidade (atenção, aqui qualidade não é ausência de defeitos, aqui qualidade é mais complexidade, mais moda, mais tecnologia incorporada, mais operant resources incorporados, mais rapidez, mais flexibilidade, mais diferenciação, mais ...), apenas medem o custo laboral por unidade produzida durante um dado período de tempo.
Se, para fazer face à concorrência internacional ou para encaixar a inconsistência estratégica dos políticos, as empresas que querem sobreviver e prosperar evoluem para produtos mais complexos, e/ou enveredam pela servitização, e/ou se adaptam a produções de nicho... os CUT não apanham nada disso.
Os CUT não sobem porque as empresas evoluem, não é esse o ponto. Os CUT são cegos relativamente à evolução do que as empresas colocam no mercado. São um fóssil que era útil para monotorizar a economia do século XX, não para lidar com a economia de Mongo.
A não perder:

quinta-feira, agosto 18, 2011

Vantagem competitiva, Skinner e esquizofrenia

Mão amiga fez-me chegar cópia do artigo "A colar um pouco por todo o mundo", publicado no Caderno de Economia do Expresso no passado Sábado, sobre a Colquímica.
O artigo, na linha de um publicado em Maio passado no Público e que referimos neste postal, chama a atenção para as vantagens competitivas de uma PME portuguesa (ainda hoje de manhã registei estas regras de polegar):
"Num negócio dominado por multinacionais (Moi ici: Muito provavelmente grandes, pesadas, burocráticas, senhoras do seu nariz, amantes da escala, temíveis nos preços baixos), a empresa portuguesa, fundada em 1953, usa "a flexibilidade e a disponibilidade para trabalhar directamente com os clientes na resolução dos problemas e desenvolvimento de soluções à medida" como uma vantagem competitiva." (Moi ici: Em linha com o que andamos a ler, reflectir e a descobrir sobre a co-criação, sobre a co-produção, sobre a servitização...)
O que este artigo acrescenta de novo ao que era referido no artigo do Público é este pormaior, tão em linha com o que defendemos neste blogue:
"A produção deste ano deve andar nas 25 mil toneladas, mas temos algumas linhas no limite, estamos em laboração contínua e queremos estar preparados para o futuro", defende o gestor, que já tem duas fábricas em Valongo, "uma para produções de grande consumo e outra para especialidades". (Moi ici: Em linha perfeita com o que aqui defendemos e com as ideias de Skinner, por exemplo. A disciplina interna, o mosaico de operações optimizado para grande consumo é contrário à filosofia e organização para o mosaico de operações optimizado para especialidades. Tantas empresas desprezam esta regra... mesmo sem dinheiro para duas unidades distintas fisicamente têm o PWP de Skinner)
Já agora, num registo completamente diferente. Percebem a esquizofrenia da minha vida, ao ouvir, ler e ver os media sobre economia é só desgraças (claro a visão lisboeta da economia que vive do e para o Estado), ao trabalhar durante o dia só vejo raios de sol e confiança no futuro:
"... a Colquímica está animada com o crescimento de 28% nas vendas em 2010, para €42 milhões, e a previsão de um salto de mais de 45% este ano." (Moi ici: Vejam bem, o discurso da economia rentista, o discurso de quem vive do e para o, e dependente de um Estado falido, sem rumo, incapaz de se reformar, gordo, pesado, provinciano... e a realidade de tantas e tantas PMEs que não precisam de viajar nas comitivas do Estado, nem de frequentar os corredores e carpetes do poder... como dizia alguém uma vez e registei aqui no blogue, são reféns dos seus clientes)

terça-feira, agosto 16, 2011

Um exemplo de servitization

Já pensaram em juntar podologistas e sapateiros, para criar calçado específico?
Pois neste artigo descubro uma empresa têxtil que fez mais, a NG Wear de Barcelos, que juntou o CITEVE e o Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para criar vestuário anti-mosquito.
"Empresa portuguesa cria roupa repelente"
"A t-shirt que repele insectos"
Um exemplo simples de servitization: a fusão do produto com o serviço... espero que percebam que tem de ser trabalhado comercialmente como um serviço.

quinta-feira, julho 21, 2011


"The 5 Myths of Servitization"
O nome é esquisito... mas é sobre isto que tenho de pensar nos próximos dias.
Quando uma empresa tem um produto super-atraente, como acrescentar operant resources aos operand resources? Que serviços acrescentar, que pontos de interacção desenvolver, para poder evoluir para o nível seguinte do jogo?