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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta planeamento estratégico. Mostrar todas as mensagens

quinta-feira, junho 23, 2016

“plans are worthless, but planning is everything”

Um excelente artigo, "Strategic Plans Are Less Important than Strategic Planning", a esta hora estou numa empresa a lançar o pontapé de saída de um conjunto de iniciativas estratégicas, alinhadas com o mapa da estratégia. Os dois últimos slides são:

Chegámos à fase em que a transformação deliberada da empresa vai começar, com o desenvolvimento e implementação das iniciativas estratégicas. Cada iniciativa é como uma aposta num cavalo. Demos o nosso melhor mas podemos ter apostado no cavalo errado. Além disso, à medida que exercitamos a estratégia transforma-nos e começamos a ver oportunidades que antes não existiam ou nos estavam vedadas. Por uma razão e/ou pela outra podemos ser obrigados a mudar ou a ajustar a estratégia e as iniciativas

Recordar o tweet do @miguelppires.
"Think of the plan as a guidance tool. The problem for many managers is that their expectations are all skewed from what can be realistically achieved via a strategic plan. Their image is more of the house-plan type or travel itinerary. They anticipate that by doing the necessary analysis and writing down how their business will succeed the world will be converted from uncertain to certain. In their eyes the strategic plan becomes a device for control rather than one of guidance.
Look for disagreements and toward the future. Even though your plan is liable to become immediately irrelevant, you still need to invest in writing it up.
wasn’t advocating not having a plan to start with but that the plan itself and the planners needed to be flexible because it generates preparedness.
Focus on the organization and key stakeholders, not individual actions. A plan can’t be “strategic” if it’s simply about action by individuals. While action is fundamental to implementation and success, there’s another level above that — the organization level.
Assume the plan is a work in progress. A strategic plan is not a set-and-forget instrument. It’s a living and breathing document that guides decision making and helps marshal resources. When managers talk about “giving up on strategic planning” I suggest that they haven’t thought through how to keep their plan fresh. The fact that circumstances are changing rapidly is a very good reason to visit their plan regularly."

sábado, fevereiro 06, 2016

Para reflexão

"“Today’s culture of quarterly earnings hysteria is totally contrary to the long-term approach we need,”
“To be clear, we do believe companies should still report quarterly results — long-termism should not be a substitute for transparency,” he said. “But C.E.O.s should be more focused in these reports on demonstrating progress against their strategic plans than a one-penny deviation from their E.P.S. targets or analyst consensus estimates.” (E.P.S. stands for earnings per share.)
Annual shareholder letters and other communications to shareholders are too often backwards-looking and don’t do enough to articulate management’s vision and plans for the future,” Mr. Fink wrote. Without management providing a road map for the next few years, he said, “some short-term investors (and analysts) offer more compelling visions for companies than the companies themselves, allowing these perspectives to fill the void and build support for potentially destabilizing actions.”"
Trechos retirados de "Some Heresy on Wall Street: Look Past the Quarter"

quinta-feira, maio 07, 2015

Isto não é estratégia!

"And what appears to be strategy, isn’t.
Best practices. “Follow the leader” is by definition a losing proposition. It immediately and forever relegates you to also-ran status.
They neglect context entirely. They forego thinking in favor of the silver bullet.[Moi ici: Recordar "Não existem boas-práticas"]
thinking is the main event of strategy…thinking about how to be unique, not be the same. Even if you fool yourself into believing that you can adopt a best practice and do it better, you’ll never hold a winning position that way. A same-but better approach will result in long-term mediocrity, in which case you’ll be easily comprised by another fast follower.
Organizational effectiveness. Certainly the optimization of a firm’s resources and processes is important, and a critical component of long-term success. But it’s just that…a component. No firm I know of ever created a sustainable leadership position or competitive advantage solely on the basis of a method like lean or six sigma.[Moi ici: Pois, recordar "Cuidado com o que escreve, não culpe a caneta"]
Corporate efficiency has ruled many a firm in the last decade. But that’s not strategy, because it neglects a real danger: resource exhaustion at the hands of overoptimization of the wrong capabilities and activities.
Plans. Nice, dense, long documents or decks that spell out a detailed, tactical to-do list, complete with resource allocations, timelines, budgets, and even balance sheets. What’s missing, almost every time, is the clear thinking on how all these wonderful and ambitious actions will add up to a winning position, much less a sustainable one. [Moi ici: Alinhamento!]
Denial. “Strategy doesn’t work in a fast-changing world.” Those aren’t the exact words I hear, but they reveal the sentiment. It’s a debilitating and defensive mindset which ignores the fact that the pace of change is being set by players with new and creative strategies. It’s a mindset that almost automatically puts a firm in an entirely reactive and defensive mode, ever vigilant for possible disruption. The old cliche of “the best offense is a good defense” simply doesn’t work over the long haul.
None of these approaches are true strategy, which is always focused outwardly on the future, and all about making the difficult choices required to win with customers and against competitors."

Trechos retirados de "What Appears To Be Strategy…Isn’t"

sábado, fevereiro 07, 2015

Focalização, focalização, focalização

Mais umas ideais interessantes sobre a superior importância da focalização nos negócios:
"In its simplest form, strategic thinking is about deciding on which opportunities to focus your time, people, and money, and which opportunities to starve.  One of history’s greatest strategic thinkers, Napoleon Bonaparte summed it up this way: “In order to concentrate superior strength in one place, economy of force must be exercised in other places.” If dead, despotic French emperors are not really your style, Michael Porter said it like this: “The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do.”
Strategic thinkers must decide where to focus, not merely what’s “important.” Strategic leaders must consciously table some “important” projects or ignore some “important” opportunities.
Napoleon once said, “Nothing is more difficult, and therefore more precious, than to be able to decide.” Perhaps that’s also why this precious ability to decide is the defining feature of those deemed worthy to hold the highest leadership positions."
Só a focalização permite a concentração de recursos no aprofundamento de uma proposta de valor que leve ao "sell it for more" ou ao "make it for less", sem focalização são precisos compromissos que reduzem a especialização numa vantagem competitiva, que reduzem o alinhamento do mosaico de actividades.
Trechos retirados de "3 Myths That Kill Strategic Planning"

domingo, dezembro 14, 2014

Estratégia e rentabilidade

"One interesting result from McKinsey’s survey was firms with higher profitability are “twice as likely to review strategy on an ongoing basis (as opposed to say annually or every three to five years).” If we return to the origins of strategy, what general doesn’t review his strategy on a regular basis?"
Recordar "Quantas vezes por mês?"
Trecho retirado de "Strategy a must when making business plan"

domingo, novembro 23, 2014

Acerca da estratégia

"engaging in strategic planning isn’t the same as having a strategy (in fact, an organization can have a well-written strategic plan, but no real strategy).  Strategy is much more about choices than it is a plan."
Estratégia é o caminho que nos leva do hoje para o futuro desejado. Contudo, estratégia é também e, primeiro, escolher qual é o futuro desejável possível, tendo em conta o nosso ADN e o contexto e constrangimentos enfrentados.
Trecho retirado de "Why Managers Don’t Understand Strategy, Part 1: The Tyranny of the Strategic Plan"

quinta-feira, novembro 20, 2014

Quantas vezes por mês?

Em "Free Your Strategy from Annual Planning" leio:
"The next step is to decouple strategy development from plan formulation. When formulating plans, the focus is on efficiency and internal matters (“what actions, resources, and performance will we commit to?”). Developing strategy is, in contrast, a creative act. It requires innovation, external focus, and significant iteration. If the two processes are mashed together, plan formulation will usually dominate and strategy will be relegated to high-level packaging.
The final key to unlocking the true power of strategy is to free it from the calendar."
Em "Business Strategy - Managing Uncertainty, Opportunity, and Enterprise" de  J.-C. Spender leio:
"Strategy’s meanings are always “situated” reflections of the knowledge absences the strategist chooses to grapple with in the pursuit of profit. “What are we going to do now?” is the key question, and time matters."
Em "Elevate" de Rich Horwath leio:
"A major reason managers don't become more strategic over time is because they only perform the related task once a year during the annual planning process.
A skill deteriorates if the primary circuits comprising the activities in a particular behavior are not used for 30 days. If you're not dedicating time at least monthly to questions and frameworks to think strategically about the business, then you will not ne strategic." 
E na sua empresa, quantas vezes por mês se têm conversas estratégicas?

quarta-feira, março 19, 2014

Acerca da estratégia (parte I)

"All executives know that strategy is important. But almost all also find it scary, because it forces them to confront a future they can only guess at. Worse, actually choosing a strategy entails making decisions that explicitly cut off possibilities and options. An executive may well fear that getting those decisions wrong will wreck his or her career.
The natural reaction is to make the challenge less daunting by turning it into a problem that can be solved with tried and tested tools.
COMFORT TRAP 1: STRATEGIC PLANNINGVirtually every time the word “strategy” is used, it is paired with some form of the word “plan,” as in the process of “strategic planning” or the resulting “strategic plan.” The subtle slide from strategy to planning occurs because planning is a thoroughly doable and comfortable exercise.
COMFORT TRAP 2: COST-BASED THINKINGThe focus on planning leads seamlessly to cost-based thinking. Costs lend themselves wonderfully to planning, because by and large they are under the control of the company. For the vast majority of costs, the company plays the role of customer.
COMFORT TRAP 3: SELF-REFERENTIAL STRATEGY FRAMEWORKSThis trap is perhaps the most insidious, because it can snare even managers who, having successfully avoided the planning and cost traps, are trying to build a real strategy. In identifying and articulating a strategy, most executives adopt one of a number of standard frameworks. Unfortunately, two of the most popular ones can lead the unwary user to design a strategy entirely around what the company can control."

Trechos retirados de "The big lie of strategic planning"

sexta-feira, outubro 04, 2013

Acerca do planeamento estratégico

Um artigo "Is Strategic Planning Too Focused on the “Negatives”?", uma reflexão que vem de alguém que está no terreno e que já me passou pela cabeça. No entanto, a minha conclusão é diferente.
"I run up against the sentiment that strategic planning is a process that, at its core, is focused on the negatives in business. (Moi ici: Não creio que assim seja, é impossível para uma PME melhorar olhando só para o lado negativo, sobretudo quando é preciso mudar de estratégia) ... Why, I get asked, doesn’t strategic planning focus more on identifying, recognizing and celebrating, and leveraging the successes and strengths an organization has?
 “Is the strategic planning process too focused on gaps and should strengths play a bigger role in the process?” (Moi ici: Claro que sim, claro que uma estratégia com possibilidade de contribuir para a melhoria dos resultados tem de começar sempre, sublinho, SEMPRE, pela conjugação das Oportunidades existentes no exterior com as Forças que a PME tem no seu interior, na sua experiência, no seu ADN)
this approach is simply an outgrowth of some fundamental beliefs including (1) ALL organizational strengths are good (and should therefore be maintained), and (2) that they will somehow continue to remain our strengths over time. And, furthermore, (3) to move forward, companies need to put more energy into focusing on identifying and closing critical strategic and operational gaps. (Moi ici: Acerca dos pontos 1 e 2. As Forças e as Fraquezas de uma empresa são sempre uma classificação subjectiva. Quantas vezes, com a mudança do entorno, aquilo que era uma Força passa a ser uma Fraqueza e vice-versa. Por exemplo, um país como Portugal, bem posicionado na Fortaleza Europa, para ser muito competitiva como centro de produção low-cost, viu tudo isso cair por água abaixo com a entrada da China no campeonato. Uma coisa é apostar em subir na paisagem competitiva enrugada, escalando o pico actual, outra coisa, é perceber que se tem de competir noutro pico, até porque por vezes o pico que se estava a escalar... abateu-se)
While it makes sense to put a focus on closing key gaps, I have come to the conclusion that not giving due consideration to strengths translates into a flawed strategic planning approach.
So perhaps, based on this initial assessment, the feeling that strategic planning focuses too much on the negatives is actually an incorrect perception. (Moi ici: Estratégia, consiste em percorrer o caminho entre a realidade actual e o futuro desejado. Se a situação actual não coincide com a situação futura desejada, algo vai ter de mudar)
 The thinking is that weaknesses must be effectively addressed to move forward. Rarely are strengths considered at this point, primarily because talking about organizational strengths simply does not fit into a gap closing paradigm. (Moi ici: Quem, como eu, aplica a Theory of Constraints, sabe que temos de "atacar" os gargalos. De nada serve reforçar uma Força se temos gargalos a impedir a optimização do desempenho.)
The bottom line is that, as it is with most things, focusing attention and efforts too far on either end of the strengths-weaknesses continuum is a sub-optimal place to be. To ensure a sound business strategy, both strengths and weaknesses must receive equal treatment and fair consideration through the strategic planning process." (Moi ici: Não creio que tenham de receber tratamento igual... cada caso é um caso; que tenham de receber "fair consideration" sem dúvida)
Ao olhar para a conjugação das Oportunidades com as Forças, uma empresa estabelece a base para a narrativa sobre como vai ter sucesso, descrever o funcionamento da empresa e do seu ecossistema da procura no futuro desejado.
Depois, ao confrontar a realidade actual com o futuro desejado, uma empresa tanto aposta em colmatar gaps das Fraquezas, como na minimização das Ameaças. O plano operacional que implementa e executa a estratégia, tem de actuar a este nível; contudo, tem também de melhorar aquelas Forças alinhadas com a estratégia e que contribuem para chegar ao futuro desejado. Por exemplo, empresa que já tem uma marca pode decidir potenciar ainda mais essa marca

quarta-feira, fevereiro 06, 2013

Estratégia começa pelas escolhas

"Strategy is not planning — it is the making of an integrated set of choices that collectively position the firm in its industry so as to create sustainable advantage relative to competition and deliver superior financial returns."
Estratégia é o caminho e caminho implica movimento, daí:
"Obviously you can't execute a strategy without initiatives, investments, and budgeting. But what you need to get managers focused on before you start on those things is the strategy that will make these initiatives coherent." 
Mas antes de chegar aí há que fazer as escolhas.
Desconfio que esta confusão de misturar estratégia com planeamento, de que fala Roger Martin em "Don't Let Strategy Become Planning", resulta de uma postura, de um modelo mental herdado de outro tempo,um tempo em que existir era a estratégia.
Imaginemos 2 ou 3 concelhos vizinhos com boas acessibilidades, vamos ter 2 ou 3 hospitais a competirem entre si como se fossem empresas, comprando todos os mesmos equipamentos caros que vão ficar disponíveis, sub-utilizados prontos para um just-in-case. Se pesquisarmos os seus documentos estratégicos veremos n iniciativas, quase todas de expansão, mais serviços, para chegar a mais gente e não dar desculpa a ninguém para ir a outro hospital de outro concelho...
Estratégia é fazer escolhas! O que vão fazer? O que não vão fazer? Quem vão servir? O que podem partilhar? Que parceiros podem ter?
BTW, interrogo-me e, sem informação decente, especulo: a fusão de universidades que está em curso em Lisboa resulta em parte da incapacidade para sair do modelo mental da existência como estratégia. Se as universidades pensassem em diferenciar-se, em especializar-se, talvez fizesse sentido continuarem separadas e a cooperarem, sempre mais pequenas, por causa da demografia.

domingo, novembro 07, 2010

Estratégia não é o mesmo que Planeamento Estratégico... ou melhor, Planeamento da Estratégia.

"When change is slow within an environment, when conservative forces predominate and when we are secure in our predictions, strategy is reduced to planning. The fundamental issues have been effectively determined. During such times goals are clear, targets are easily defined, and the actions required for their accomplishment are predictable.
In contrast, when change is happening at an accelerated rate, when technology and its applications are unpredictable and when competition appears around every corner, strategy takes on a major role; there is an unprecedented demand for thinking in new ways and distinguishing new levels of abstraction. The fundamental issues of the times have not yet been determined.
When rapid changes are occurring everywhere in areas seemingly unconnected to us, we can be certain that they will soon affect us. When well-informed, intelligent people are being surprised by new developments, we can be certain that it is time for a new level of strategic thinking. The longer that we rely on inherited strategies that are mere technical functions, the more we will have to learn when it is time for new depth in strategic thinking. It is time now (for some it may be too late) to take on the challenge of discovering what strategic thinking really can be." (Moi ici: We are here today! Both at the macro-economic level as a country and at the micro-economic level where business units are embedded in a see of abundance, in an ocean of overproduction and underdemand.)
"For most of the twentieth century, our corporations have only required planning. Because of the impoverished demand in the field of strategy, planning has been mistaken for strategy. Strategy and planning, however, have no more to do with each other than deciding to get married and planning the wedding. Strategic thinking attempts to understand the nature of things. It creates the opportunity to respond to current circumstances and actions in such a way that the future created far surpasses any future that would have been created by the mere continuation of what is already in existence. To be considered effective, strategic thinking must be shared with many individuals in such a way that action can be independently coordinated throughout an organization. (Moi ici: E voltamos outra vez ao desafio do trapezista - a comunicação de algo que não está fechado, de algo que não é mas vai sendo)
The first and most important task in strategic thinking is to provide a theory by which an uncertain and constantly shifting world can be approached.
Once strategic thinking is underway, planning can then begin. Planning is a practice in and of itself. It is concerned less with the source of the idea than with ensuring that action is consistent with the original intention. Planning is a design methodology and practice that creates structures for fulfilling ideas. The challenge of planning is to create structures that are perfectly aligned with the principles of the original intention."
Assim como escrevo "mapa da estratégia" em vez de "mapa estratégico", também devíamos escrever e dizer "planeamento da estratégia" e não "planeamento estratégico".
Trechos retirados de "The intelligence advantage : organizing for complexity" por Michael D. McMaster

sexta-feira, junho 18, 2010

Desmascarar mitos (parte III)

"great bosses do set very challenging goals and communicate them to their followers. But you're a bad boss if, once those goals are known and accepted, you keep mindlessly invoking them. Rather than continually drawing people's attention to that distant horizon, help them see what they can and must accomplish right now. Let them proceed calmly, with confidence, and with the motivation that comes from taking clear little steps — and they may just accomplish those big hairy goals."
Em vez de mitos...
... ou seja, lançar um grande, distante, espampanante, audacioso objectivo sem especificar o que fazer para lá chegar.
Visualizar o caminho todo entre o hoje e o futuro desejado...
... quais as etapas que vamos ter de atingir?
O que fazer, por quem e até quando, para passar da etapa n para a etapa n+1?
Robert Sutton chama a atenção para este truque em "Hey Boss — Enough with the Big, Hairy Goals". Sutton chama a atenção para um artigo já aqui referido "Small Wins" de Karl Weick.

quinta-feira, dezembro 24, 2009

Danças tribais

"Rather than preparing executives to face the strategic uncertainties ahead or serving as the focal point for creative thinking about a company’s vision and direction, the planning process “is like some primitive tribal ritual,” one executive told us. “There is a lot of dancing, waving of feathers, and beating of drums.
No one is exactly sure why we do it, but there is an almost mystical hope that something good will come out of it.”
But something good ought to come out of it. In a business environment of heightened risk and uncertainty, developing effective strategies is crucial. But how can companies reform the process in order to get the payoff they need?"
Retirado de "Tired of Strategic Planning?" de Eric D. Beinhocker e Sarah Kaplan no The Mckinsey Quarterly, 2002

quarta-feira, março 12, 2008

Imagine, se...

Há anos num qualquer zapping entre canais televisivos, apanhei o seguinte diálogo num canal italiano ou espanhol. O entrevistador perguntava a um padre a sua opinião sobre as pessoas que iam todos os domingos à missa, e que, no entanto, tinham um comportamento reprovável.
O padre respondeu algo do género, "Imagine, se eles não fossem à missa eram muito piores!"
Lembrei-me deste tipo de resposta ao ler este artigo no DN de hoje "Uma em cada cinco empresas familiares vai mudar de mãos" assinado por Ana Tomás Ribeiro.
"Outro ponto crítico revelado pelos dados dos estudo da PricewaterhouseCoopers, que abrangeu também outros 28 países, é que um em cada cinco dos inquiridos reconheceram que não têm um plano estratégico para a empresa, apesar de a maioria considerar que estas são competitivas e estão preparadas para aproveitar novas oportunidades de mercado.
O que é um facto é que quando se quando se lhes pergunta quais são os seus pontos fortes e os dos seus concorrentes, metade não sabe responder. "O que revela grande falta de análise estratégica", diz Jaime Esteves. Quanto a negócios, a maioria tem perspectivas de expansão e a maioria prepara-se para fazer investimentos.
E 28% está satisfeita com o aumento da procura no último ano."
Como dizia o padre da entrevista televisiva... "Imagine, se tivessem planeamento estratégico!"
Ou, "Imagine, se tivessem interiorizado quais são os seus pontos fortes e os dos seus concorrentes!"