A acção X num certo contexto Z tem o resultado Y.
Já a acção X num certo contexto T tem o resultado Q.
Num cenário de expansão económica, de pleno emprego, de uma certa demografia, qual o impacte da criação de um salário mínimo?
"Germany’s introduction of a minimum wage in 2015 drove workers from small businesses to larger, more productive companies, helping to boost overall productivity at the expense of smaller organisations, new research has shown.Sou tentado a afirmar que independentemente do contexto, qualquer aumento do salário mínimo beneficia sempre as empresas grandes.
About a quarter of the increase could be explained by workers moving to larger companies that paid higher average wages, with more full-time jobs, a more skilled workforce and a lower level of staff turnover, according to the research, which was based on administrative data and published on Tuesday.
But it also suggested that the minimum wage caused some small companies to go out of business — potentially leading to reduced competition and less choice for consumers.
“[The minimum wage] led to increases in average productivity,” said Christian Dustmann, the paper’s lead author, although he noted that this finding was from a period when the country’s economy had been thriving.
However, the study could also reinforce objections to the minimum wage often made in the US, where opponents of the policy say it drives small companies out of business.
Mr Dustmann warned that not everyone benefits from the introduction of a minimum wage: higher overall productivity could leave some companies, workers and consumers worse off. Some small companies were put out of business, the research suggested — potentially leading to reduced competition, and less choice for consumers."
Conseguem recordar o movimento que detectei em Novembro de 2018 e que pretende inverter o sentido tradicional:
- de - aumentamos os salários porque a produtividade aumentou
- para - aumentamos os salários para fazer aumentar a produtividade
BTW, escolham um jornal espanhol de âmbito nacional (El País, El Mundo, ABC) e tentem encontrar um dia em que não tragam notícias sobre o pandemónio em que se encontra a agricultura espanhola com a subida do salário mínimo para 950€.
O final do artigo fez-me lembrar algumas empresas:
"Evidence in other countries of the impact of minimum wages on productivity is mixed. In the UK, the Low Pay Commission found that although employers often intend to offset a higher wage bill by raising productivity, most fail to do so in practice, with some simply asking staff to work harder."Trechos retirados de "Germany’s minimum wage boosted productivity but hit small companies"