quinta-feira, fevereiro 13, 2020

Pricing power

Mais um excelente artigo de Stephen Liozu sobre pricing. Desta vez "Make pricing power a strategic priority for your business" publicado por Business Horizons (2018).

"Pricing power has little to do with pricing; it mostly concerns innovation and differentiation.
More compelling is the lack of significance found in the relationship between competitive intensity and pricing power.

The research results indicate that the appropriate response to competitive pressures might not be more price competition or potentially fatal price wars but more innovation to improve the level of true differentiation.
This study also demonstrates a positive and significant link between pricing power and firm performance as defined in terms of EBIT, sales growth, and EBIT growth–—also a first.
This research further confirms that pricing power increases profit power. A similar study conducted in 2011 showed that superior pricing power leads to superior financial results when comparing the stock value of the top performers in pricing power with the S&P 500 index over a 10-year period.
But pricing power does not come on its own; it must be intentionally captured. A firm might have the necessary market position to capture pricing power through innovation, differentiation, and customer management, but its leaders might not understand where their pricing power resides and how to capture it fully."