A propósito de "Audi vai cortar 9.500 empregos na Alemanha até 2025"
"Audi shocked Germany yesterday with the announcement of almost 10,000 job cuts, leading to prompt accusations of mismanagement. We are no experts in management but would offer the observation that mismanagement is as prevalent in the car industry today as it has been before. The decline of the fuel-driven car and the diesel scandal have been a huge problem for Audi and the other German car makers. They need the money for new investments.Há cerca de um ano que as empresas de moldes estão a sentir a travagem brutal da cadeia de fornecimento de novos modelos automóveis. Ainda hoje vi um mapa comparativo que ilustra a guerra de preços em que até as multinacionais de peças e serviços estão a entrar.
The decline of the German car industry is happening on many levels. Car component suppliers are being hit the hardest. Some are so specialised that the phase-out of the fuel-driven engine puts them out of business. Electric engines are much simpler than combustion ones and they use only a fraction of the parts. These, in turn, are not as highly tuned. The technological know-how, and the value-added, lies in the battery.
Audi is the first of the big German car makers to announce job cuts. Next year, most of the job losses in the sector are likely to occur in the supplier industries. Jobs in the car industry still protected until 2021 and 2022, due to job guarantees. The employment effect will therefore reveal itself over a longer period of time.
We note two overlapping effects - one is a relatively mild global cyclical downturn. The other is a structural technology shock. The impact of the latter will be much longer lasting."
Entretanto, numa leitura matinal que fez lembrar o ministro da Economia apanhei:
"Yet it took Xerox about 10 years to begin rethinking how to find a radically different relationship, between a new set of (a) capabilities and (b) its understanding of customers' value creation"Portanto, muita turbulência a caminho. Nada que não prevêssemos aqui.
Surpresa? Só para os fragilistas.
Masoquismo ou mau feitio? Não, apenas as "certezas" que resultam da conjugação de uma série de factores:
- alterações tecnológicas;
- advento de Mongo e as suas encomendas pequenas com muita variedade;
- incapacidade de um modelo de negócio durar para sempre (lembram-se do tempo de Cavaco?)
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