terça-feira, novembro 12, 2019

Tem um armazém?

Há muitos anos que aqui se escreve sobre o que seria o boom futuro da home delivery.

O que é que está associado à home delivery?
  • Fabrico de camiões e carrinhas comerciais;
  • Fretes aéreos;
  • Armazéns;
  • ...
Lembrei-me disto a propósito deste título "Warehouse Sales Boom as Online Shopping Grows", no WSJ de 8 de Novembro último:
"Warehouses are emerging as New York City’s hottest property type, with the pace of growth in sales of these ecommerce distribution centers exceeding those of office and apartment buildings this year.
Driving that boom is the growing number of companies looking to speed up online deliveries to urban customers.
“The technology and businesses’ desire to solve for that last-mile element has radically turned around the appetite for those buildings,”"

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