"Adidas plans to close high-tech "robot" factories in Germany and the United States it launched to bring production closer to customers, saying on Monday that deploying some of the technology in Asia would be "more economic and flexible."O artigo não é claro quanto aos motivos do encerramento. No entanto, acho estranho aquele "deploying some of the technology in Asia would be "more economic and flexible.""
Adidas started production of shoes largely by robots at its "Speedfactory" in the southern town of Ansbach near its Bavarian headquarters in 2016 and opened another near Atlanta in 2017."
O que é que costumo escrever aqui sobre os elogios desbragados à automação? Que Mongo tem demasiada variedade para um autómato resolver. Recordo:
- Um mesmo processo automatizado é demasiado rígido para Mongo (Abril de 2014)
- Mongo e a automatização... pois! (Fevereiro de 2016)
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