A certa altura podia ler-se esta afirmação do presidente do conselho de administração da Bosch:
"Se vocês implementarem o que está previsto na flexibilização dos horários de trabalho, os países da Europa de Leste não constituem concorrência para Portugal"E se eles "não constituem concorrência para Portugal" porque não querem concorrer nesse campeonato?
Estranho, não?
O que falta aos jornais, para sobreviverem e prosperarem, é um pouco mais de investigação...
Atentemos neste artigo "Central and Eastern Europe: Moving up the value chain", dá para pensar que muitos desses países da Europa de Leste já estão noutra... subiram na escala de valor da captação de investimento directo estrangeiro.
"In recent months, a new trend has emerged: a move away from reliance on foreign direct investment (FDI) in low-cost labour production toward strategic FDI, emphasising high-quality labour forces, excellent infrastructure and technological support. On the surface, the shift may seem like a minor adjustment of policies that support export-orientated FDI, but it is in fact a strategic turn of the entire FDI framework toward high value-added production.Por que houve esta mudança?
Opportunities are emerging in the region for investors seeking strategic assets crucial for high value-added sectors. As companies weigh various investment opportunities, fundamentals such as political stability and a sound regulatory framework will be crucial, as will the capacity of individual governments to implement the institutional and policy changes necessary to build a knowledge economy."
"The 2008–2009 global financial crisis and the ensuing Eurozone sovereign debt crisis have proved that FDI in CEE (Central and Eastern Europe) countries is highly vulnerable to economic downturns. The share of FDI as a percentage of GDP peaked between 2005 and 2007, but has dropped significantly over the past few years.Interessante é perceber que não são só as empresas a escolher, também os países começaram a fazer escolhas:
These circumstances have prompted rapid capital flight from the CEE region and decreased demand for the exports on which these countries’ economic growth models depended.
In a sharp contrast to the pre-crisis period, almost all CEE countries currently trend below the EU average in terms of FDI. For companies seeking new investments, this situation creates an opportunity to take advantage of a strong negotiating position as countries once again compete with each other for a limited pool of FDI."(Moi ici: É neste campeonato que estamos)
"However, governments across the CEE region are not competing with one another in the same way as before. The Eurozone crisis has spurred them to rethink their FDI strategies. Empirical observation, as well as economic data, suggests that high value-added sectors have been considerably more resilient to the crisis than those relying on low-cost manufacturing.Do que já li sobre as ideias do ministério da Economia para atrair investimento directo estrangeiro, um dos critérios é a dimensão do investimento, quanto maior melhor. Pois bem:
Shared experience motivated governments across the region to redirect their FDI strategies and launch new campaigns to attract investors."
"Investment incentive frameworks, which have typically been the most widely used supply-side measure in the CEE region, are now being tailored to accommodate high value-added projects—for instance, by reducing the size of eligible projects (since high value-added investments tend to be smaller) (Moi ici: E por cá? Ainda continuamos com os PINs? Como os governos querem ver impactes no emprego, valorizam acima de tudo grandes projectos... o que nos diz a evolução do tamanho médio das empresas no calçado, no mobiliário, no têxtil e vestuário, no... empresas que exportam são pequenas, apostam na flexibilidade, na rapidez, as pequenas séries) and introducing new schemes for small businesses and for cross-border mergers and acquisitions (since high value-added firms are often new and innovative and have steep costs). New industrial parks focusing explicitly on sophisticated business process outsourcing, software development or biotechnology are being constructed throughout the region."Estratégia é fazer escolhas, é fazer apostas. Onde nos encaixamos, onde nos diferenciamos?