domingo, novembro 11, 2012

Olhar para o futuro

"Everyone was rooting for Jerry and rooting for Yahoo, and one of those people was Steve Jobs. He came and addressed several hundred of the leaders of Yahoo, and I’ll never forget it. He said after he had left Apple, and then came back, there was too much going on — too many products, too many lines — and he said he started to focus the team on prioritization.
Prioritization sounds like such a simple thing, but true prioritization starts with a very difficult question to answer, especially at a company with a portfolio approach: If you could only do one thing, what would it be? And you can’t rationalize the answer, and you can’t attach the one thing to some other things. It’s just the one thing. And I was struck by the clarity and the courage of his conviction. He felt it so deeply, and there wasn’t a person in the audience that day who did not take that with them as a lasting memory."
E na sua empresa?
Depois da exuberância que leva à proliferação de produtos, de linhas e de mercados, ...  onde consegue fazer a diferença? Onde está a concentrar os seus escassos recursos?
"Every time the basketball team goes up and down the court and they complete a sequence, offense or defense, Coach K yells out the exact same thing, every time. He yells out “next play,” because he doesn’t want the team lingering too long on what just took place. He doesn’t want them celebrating that incredible alley-oop dunk, and he doesn’t want them lamenting the fact that the opposing team just stole the ball and had a fast break that led to an easy layup. You can take a moment to reflect on what just happened, and you probably should, but you shouldn’t linger too long on it, and then move on to the next play."
Isto fez-me logo recordar este sentimento "Olhar para o futuro". Ás vezes parece que perdemos demasiado tempo com as jogadas anteriores e ficamos prisioneiros mentais da sua discussão e, esquecemos que a vida continua.

Trechos retirado de "In Sports or Business, Always Prepare for the Next Play"

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