Quem acompanhar este blogue sabe o quanto aprecio e uso o conceito de ecossistema da procura, um conceito que descobri no trabalho prático do terreno em Agosto de 2004 com resultados impressionantes.
Um conceito que pode resultar na capacidade de mudar um mercado, mudar um sector, mudar as regras de concorrência em favor de quem não tendo mais dinheiro tem algo mais e, pode
orquestrar uma relação simbiótica entre vários participantes.
Acredito que falham completamente quando tentam explicar porque é que os ecossistemas estão na moda. No entanto, sublinhei uma série de notas desta brochura "
The new age of ecosystems" que fazem sentido:
"an ecosystem reflects much more than a network, and it differs fundamentally from a market.
the focus of innovative organizations is likely to shift in the near future from organization-centricity to one that is ecosystem-centric. An ecosystem can be thought of as a complex web of interdependent enterprises and relationships that creates and allocates business value.
Ecosystems comprise entities that operate out of orchestrated, mutual shared-interest
A set of individuals or organizations who formally or informally operate together to produce something of greater value for the mutual benefit of the ecosystem as a whole
In a business context, an ecosystem is a complex web of interdependent enterprises and relationships aimed at creating and allocating business value. There is something mutual and multiplicative about business ecosystems — the whole is greater than the sum of the individual parts.
Ecosystems comprise entities that operate out of mutual self-interest. They are made of sets of individuals who formally or informally operate together to produce something of greater value for the mutual benefit of the organization and the ecosystem as a whole. Ecosystems exist because participants can deliver more value within the ecosystem acting together.
Mutuality reflects an enhanced level of coordination with formally or informally shared ideals, standards, or goals.
Orchestration [Moi ici: Curioso usarem este termo, o mesmo que escolhi há uma série de anos, para designar o trabalho de quem desenha, ou toma consciência do ecossistema e começa a multiplicar o seu efeito fazendo batota] refers to the coordination, arrangement and management of complex environments. In the context of an ecosystem, orchestration refers to the formal or informal coordination of interactions or collaborations among participants within the ecosystem. Orchestration may be informal, through cultural mores and imperatives, or it may be formal through explicit rules or the presence of an actual orchestrator — an explicit entity that facilitates orchestration processes.
By their nature and sustained existence, ecosystems can produce more value as a whole than the sum of the individual participants acting independently.
To create value, organizations need to identify opportunities, develop competencies and leverage synergies. In identifying opportunities, organizations must understand how value is created in the ecosystem. They will need to identify and exploit pockets of potential value creation. And they must maintain flexibility in the role they adopt within the ecosystem, as well as the type of interactions they have with other ecosystem participants.
Orchestration reflects the extent of an organization’s influence over others within an ecosystem, the formality of ecosystem interactions and the degree of enforceability and compliance."