sábado, setembro 06, 2014

Eficiência vs inovação (parte II)

Recordando "Eficiência vs inovação", e bem na linha do que aqui escrevemos ao longo dos anos sobre a incompatibilidade da eficiência pura e dura com a inovação e a customização, este texto "How to learn when you’re playing at scale", aliás o tema será objecto de tratamento em peça futura da série "Acerca do caminho para Mongo":
"I believe we are seeing a shift away from traditional scalable efficiency as the predominant rationale for business. [Moi ici: É bom encontrar boa companhia quando a viagem é longa e tem muita gente que nos tenta demover] Technological advances have, in many cases, reduced the need for scale, and they are driving rapid and accelerating change; only organizations that are constantly learning will be able to keep up.  Yet, the scalable efficiency model as it has traditionally been pursued - granular demand forecasting, rigid processes, and standardization to ensure predictability and minimize variances - is not only increasingly difficult; it is fundamentally incompatible with learning. Learning requires experimentation, and organizations that learn how to experiment faster will have an advantage."

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