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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta freelance. Mostrar todas as mensagens

segunda-feira, outubro 07, 2019

Um mundo diferente

Um mundo diferente do Normalistão e de Magnitogrado/Levittown.
"According to the sixth annual “Freelancing in America” survey, released on October 3 by the Freelancers Union (which has 450,000 members) and Upwork, a digital platform for freelancers and their employers, for every freelancer who sees their work situation as temporary, there’s another who sees it as a long-term career path.
As more people opt for full-time freelance—28% did this year, as opposed to the 17% who did in 2014—it’s worth looking at their share of the U.S. economy. Freelance income currently makes up almost 5% of the country’s GDP, or close to $1 trillion. That’s a greater share than those of industries like construction and transportation.
In the U.S. this year, 57 million people worked as freelancers, up from around 53 million in 2014, the first year this study was conducted. That’s about 35% of the U.S workforce.
This year, 60% of freelancers started working that way by choice as opposed to by necessity (say, due to an unexpected layoff). The number of people who see freelancing as a long-term career option jumped from 18.5 million to 28.5 million between 2014 and 2019."
Trechos retirados de "35% of the U.S. workforce is now freelancing—10 million more than 5 years ago"

sexta-feira, dezembro 15, 2017

Precário, flexível and proud of it

Nos media em Portugal, quando se fala de recibos verdes é sempre com uma conotação negativa. Também por isso, cada vez mais leis atrapalham e dificultam a vida a quem assume levar uma vida profissional que passa por esse meio de formalização do pagamento de serviços.

Julgo que este gráfico devia fazer com que muita gente reflectisse no que ele representa e, no impacte que dele decorre na forma como o trabalho é visto e concebido numa sociedade a caminho de Mongo e a afastar-se do século XX e do seu modelo de Magnitograd.

Vale a pena ler "4 predictions for the future of work":
"Our education system is broken. The way we educate future generations no longer prepares them adequately for the skills and jobs of today. The idea that you study math and science and art in your youth as separate disciplines, and then work to solve real world problems in today’s economy, does not add up. Preparing students for tomorrow’s jobs requires breaking down the silos within education."

Recordar "Em todo o lado a mesma doença"

domingo, agosto 16, 2015

Não confundir com perigosa propaganda neoliberal, é só a biologia a funcionar

Mais sintomas do avanço de Mongo:
Para a maioria isto é perigosa propaganda neoliberal, para mim é a simples evolução de uma etapa da economia para outra etapa.
Não a considero nem melhor nem pior em si mesma. Considero-a a mais adequada para um novo ecossistema. Há 150 anos a maioria dos cidadão de um país não eram empregados de uma empresa ou do Estado. Hoje, são-no. No futuro, talvez não.

"It is true that some of these new websites undermine existing business models, just as file-sharing wrecked music-publishing companies.
By reducing the cost of information, the internet kills some business models. But not all.
Many more people are likely to be self-employed, offering services to a wide range of customers. In a sense, they will be artisans, not employees. Activities such as sales, marketing and accounting—matters that salaried employees leave in the hands of specialist colleagues—will become the responsibility of the individual. Such workers will have to be more, not less, sensitive to the market economy than the typical office drone."

"The existence of high transaction costs outside firms led to the emergence of the firm as we know it, and management as we still have it. A large part of corporate economic activity today is still designed to accomplish what high market transaction costs prevented earlier. But the world has changed.
What really matters now is the reverse side of the Coasean argumentation. If the (transaction) costs of exchanging value in the society at large go down drastically as is happening today, the form and logic of economic entities necessarily need to change! Coase’s insight turned around is the number one driver of change today! The traditional firm is the more expensive alternative almost by default. This is something that he did not see coming.
Accordingly, a very different kind of management is needed when coordination can be performed without intermediaries with the help of new technologies. Digital transparency makes responsive coordination possible. This is the main difference between Uber and old taxi services. Apps can now do what managers used to do.
For most of the developed world, firms, as much as markets, make up the dominant economic pattern. The Internet is nothing less than an extinction-level event for the traditional firm. The Internet, together with technological intelligence, makes it possible to create totally new forms of economic entities, such as the “Uber for everything” -type of platforms/service markets that we see emerging today. Very small firms can do things that in the past required very large organizations. [Moi ici: O que lêem os que frequentam os Encontros da Junqueira ou os Avelinos de Jesus?]
We stand on the threshold of an economy where the familiar economic entities are becoming increasingly irrelevant."
A economia co-evoluiu em função do meio que também altera, é uma continuação da biologia.

sábado, julho 04, 2015

Para reflexão

Por um lado "Shocker: 40% of Workers Now Have 'Contingent' Jobs, Says U.S. Government":
"“Because contingent work can be unstable, or may afford fewer protections depending on a worker’s particular employment arrangement, it tends to lead to lower earnings, fewer benefits, and a greater reliance on public assistance than standard work.”"
Por outro, "This Is Why You Should Consider Dumping Your Traditional Job":

Recordei-me logo dos vereadores e da sua piedade.

segunda-feira, março 16, 2015

Evolução do trabalho e do emprego em Mongo

Primeiro, uma tendência que costumamos salientar aqui no blogue, acerca da evolução do trabalho e do emprego em Mongo:
"This is perhaps one of the most exciting and impactful trends that is going to disrupt organizations over the next few years.
Today it’s estimated (according to the Freelancers Union) that around 34% of the U.S. workforce is already freelancing to some degree and according to a study conducted by Intuit they predict that 40% of American workers will be freelancers by 2020.
I absolutely think that freelancers are taking over the world!"
Segundo, a conjugação desta tendência com a nossa postura, como portugueses, face à incerteza:
"Different societies deal differently with the fact that the future can never be known, and there is a well-known index to measure the extent to which the members of a culture feel threatened by ambiguous or unknown situations. High uncertainty-avoidance cultures try to minimize the occurrence of unknown circumstances and proceed by implementing rules, laws, and regulations. In contrast, low uncertainty-avoidance cultures accept and feel comfortable in unstructured situations or volatile environments, try to have as few rules as possible, and tend to be more tolerant of change."

E já agora, este título que revela tanto sobre o quão mergulhado na economia do século XX se pode ainda estar, mentalmente, "Papa quer “emprego estável e dignificado”".

Primeiro trecho retirado de "Why Freelancers Are Taking Over The World"
Segundo trecho e imagem retirados de "If Greece Embraces Uncertainty, Innovation Will Follow"

sábado, dezembro 20, 2014

"para a maioria é uma possibilidade que nunca tinham equacionado"

Algo que está escrito nas estrelas há muito tempo "Dear Enterprises: Now Is The Time To Get Freelance Work Right":
"Not only are the the sheer number of independent contractors increasing, but so are the companies leveraging said workers. These companies are hiring contractors at scale to serve multiple functions across multiple industries. These enterprises are realizing how valuable independent workers can be in improving the bottom-line, accelerating the pace of innovation and outperforming fiercely-competitive rivals."
Sempre que um técnico desempregado me fala do problema da idade como barreira ao arranjar novo emprego, levanto sempre a hipótese-oportunidade de experimentar a ia da prestação de serviços de consultoria de marketing, de manutenção, de informática, de ... para a maioria é uma possibilidade que nunca tinham equacionado mas quando as empresas têm estas contas...

segunda-feira, dezembro 15, 2014

Acerca de Mongo

"Now more and more of us are eschewing 9-to-5 jobs to plow our own paths, pursue our career passions, and wrest control of our daily grind. And that transformation is only accelerating. Soon, we’ll look back on the desk-jockey era as a distant memory.
In this Gig Economy (i.e., the rising labor force of entrepreneurs) we’re increasingly independent by choice. Last year, nearly 80% of new entrepreneurs made the leap, even though they weren’t coming off unemployment. And we’re happy that we took the plunge, with eight of 10 solopreneurs saying that they’re satisfied with their work.
Here are the trends that are fostering the independent work revolution.
Generation Gig...
This tech-savvy, uber-connected generation thinks differently about earning a living. They care more about the content and impact of their toils than how much money they earn or status they acquire. They want to pursue the work they’re interested in while maintaining flexibility. Indeed, a recent study shows that 79% of them would consider quitting their traditional job to freelance.
With this Generation Gig dominating the workforce, our rise into independent work is sure to reach meteoric heights.
SaaP: Services as a Product...
The Sharing Economy Goes Mainstream...
Startup America...
The Rise of the Digital Nomads...
A Toast to the Future of Work...We’re increasingly living in a world where passion, collaboration, and technology all play an equally crucial role in the way make our livings."
Trechos retirados de "2015 Forecast: You'll Never Work the Same Way Again"
Recordar "Portugal é terceiro país da UE com mais trabalhadores por conta própria"

segunda-feira, setembro 22, 2014

Não é bem o que eu esperava (parte II)

Parte I.
A propósito de "Sexy ou tecnológica. Há nova moda em português" lembrei-me de um texto de Steve Blank que não consigo localizar e, de um outro de Chris Anderson no livro "Makers".
Blank recorda a história de Silicon Valley e da transição que ocorreu por volta do ano 2000. Silicon Valley começou por ser um local que trabalhava inovação para o complexo militar norte-americano, cada empreendedor tinha de montar uma unidade produtiva com todos os custos associados. Empreender significava começar por montar uma estrutura e contratar empregados para unidades produtivas.
Hoje, com o software e a internet, é mais fácil e barato empreender, não é preciso fábrica, pode ser na China, o que sai fora das estatísticas, ou pode ser numa unidade produtiva que trabalha para marcas.
Anderson recorda a história do seu avô, emigrante suiço na Califórnia, que tendo inventado e patenteado algo, não conseguiu avançar para a produção própria porque não tinha o capital próprio para isso.
Hoje, com a internet é fácil descobrir uma fábrica estabelecida, disposta a trabalhar para outros.
Voltando ao artigo "Sexy ou tecnológica. Há nova moda em português", quantas fábricas foram construídas? E quantos postos de trabalho no retalho tradicional foram eliminados?

  • o efeito da consolidação na distribuição primeiro, com o aparecimento de centros comerciais e o desaparecimento do pequeno retalho independente;
  • o efeito do comércio online que contribui para o desaparecimento do retalho físico;
  • o efeito do aparecimento e generalização do fenómeno da produção em nome de outros em cada vez mais sectores;
  • o efeito do aumento das barreiras à entrada com regulamentos e legislação;
  • o efeito de novas versões de emprego e sub-emprego "Does Silicon Valley Have a Contract-Worker Problem?"; e
  • o efeito da deslocalização para a Ásia.
Podem ajudar a explicar a contradição entre a fragmentação que Mongo está a trazer e o que revelam as estatísticas:

sexta-feira, setembro 05, 2014

Não é bem o que eu esperava

Acerca de Mongo e do que costumamos escrever aqui no blogue sobre a evolução dos independentes e free-agents, a informação deste artigo "Breaking Down the Freelance Economy":
"This doesn’t really support the claims we’ve been hearing for almost two decades now that the U.S. is becoming a nation of free agents, freelancers, or supertemps. It doesn’t entirely contradict them either, though."

sábado, março 29, 2014

Isto é tão Mongo!!!

Isto é mesmo a cara chapada de Mongo!!!
"Freelance work is becoming the new normal, and by 2020, freelancers are predicted to make up a whopping 40% of the entire US workforce. With this influx of independent workers, the landscape is surprisingly devoid of platforms or services that not only help freelancers organize their schedules, but also make it easier for companies and peers to find them.
Avbl is aiming to change all of that.
Short for “available,” the platform hopes to make it easier for people of various disciplines to collaborate with each other. Members are prompted to create their own profile pages, and can list their skills, upload profile pictures, and show off samples of their work."

Trecho retirado de "Airbnb For Freelancers Helps People Find Creative Collaborators"

sexta-feira, novembro 15, 2013

Mais sintomas de Mongo - Freelancing

Daqui "Why everybody's going freelance" e daqui "More workers choose independence":
"More Americans are declaring their independence: as in the 17 million that self-indentified as indepenendent workers--as in freelancers, temps, self-employed consultants and the like--as of May 2013, up 10% from 2011."
Daqui "Before You Go Freelance, Read This":
"A 2004 research study of 1,000 people by the Work Foundation suggests I’m not alone: More than 80% of those surveyed who were self-employed said they were satisfied or very satisfied with their jobs.”
In a world where job security is a quaint 20th century artifact, perhaps evolving an independent, freelance career for oneself is a cleverly Darwinian means of survival."
No meu caso foi perceber que queria especializar-me em algo que gostava e perceber que não fazia nenhum sentido para a maioria das empresas ter esse especialista nos seus quadros a tempo inteiro. Como eu dizia:
"Elas só precisam de alguém que aprenda até ao j.
Eu quero ir até ao z."
BTW, este fenómeno em Portugal para o INE não existe, ou não é captado pelos indicadores do emprego. Um freelancer não é considerado como tendo um emprego.