- Curiosidade do dia (Maio de 2013)
- Big Data (Junho de 2013)
- Big Data, pois (Outubro de 2013)
- Big data e PMEs (Dezembro de 2013)
- Cuidado com o Big Data (Abril de 2014)
Muita da conversa de "Achieving Hyper-Segmentation To Reach Personalization At Scale" é demasiado técnica para mim. No entanto:
"With the rising adoption of machine learning and automation, a human touch becomes more important than ever. Companies that have figured out how to utilize data to create deeper personalization are not only improving the overall customer experience by talking in a language customers appreciate; they’re also winning more deals and generating more revenue dollars.Um outro artigo, ainda mais interessante e sobre o mesmo tema "Here’s How An Old Pair of Sneakers Saved Lego":
[Moi ici: Depois, o artigo começa a dar uma receita para optimizar o Big Data] Prioritize Segments And Personalize Outreach
Both prioritization and personalization are key when it comes to your hyper-segmentation strategy. Rather than creating a few rigid personas or a large list based on broad firmographic characteristics, hyper-segmentation allows you to use all of your customer data to pinpoint specific marketing problems you can solve for smaller customer groups, aka a “segment of one.” [Moi ici: Oh, wait! Com segmentos de um para que preciso de Big Data? Esta é a vantagem das PME!!!]
With a highly segmented profile, you can speak to each prospect as an individual [Moi ici: Deve haver algo aqui que me escapa. Ignorância minha certamente, como é que gigantes conseguem lidar com segmentos de um?]"
"As accurate as big data can be while connecting millions of data points to generate correlations, it is often compromised whenever humans act like, well, humans. As big data continues helping us cut corners and automate our lives, humans in turn will evolve simultaneously to address and pivot around the changes technology creates. Big data and small data are partners in a dance, a shared quest for balance - and information.
In our small data lies the greatest evidence of who we are and what we desire, even if, as Lego executives found out more than a decade ago, it’s a pair of old Adidas sneakers with worn-down heels."