quinta-feira, março 10, 2016

"conduzem mais do que são conduzidas"

"Elite athletes use visualization techniques to prepare for games, and the evidence shows they improve their focus and help them perform better.
It turns out we could all benefit from doing something similar,
If we run through events ... in our head before we take them on, we’re better prepared and more able to react to the unexpected,
Creating mental models “primes our brain to be able to pay attention to the right things,”
“If you want to do a better job of paying attention to what really matters, ” Duhigg wrote, “narrate your life as it’s occurring.”"
Juro que é isto que sinto que acontece, quando uma empresa constrói e interioriza um mapa da estratégia e as cascatas de escolhas, de renúncias e de prioridades. As pessoas concentram-se, estão mais atentas e "conduzem mais do que são conduzidas"

Trechos retirados de "Here’s a technique the most productive people use to stay focused"

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