Via Paulo Peres (obrigado, parceiro de S. Paulo) cheguei a este artigo "
Welcome to the ‘Sharing Economy’" que descreve o nascimento da Airbnb.
A Airbnb é uma boa metáfora da economia de Mongo, a economia do "little guy", do micro-empreendedor, a economia com muitos modelos de negócio baseados na partilha e aluguer.
O Paulo salientou a "confiança" associada a estes modelos de negócio e a esta partilha/aluguer.
Como somos todos pessoas diferentes com percursos de vida diferentes, vivendo em países diferentes, saliento outros tópicos:
"On July 12, Chesky told me, “Tonight we have 140,000 people around the world staying in Airbnb rooms. Hilton has around 600,000 rooms. We will get up to 200,000 people per night by peak this summer.” Airbnb has 23,000 rooms and homes listed in New York City alone, and 24,000 in Paris. Worldwide, “we have listings in 34,000 cities and 192 countries,” added Chesky. “We are the largest short-term rental site of its kind in China today, and we have no office there.”"
Os incumbentes têm de se sentir ameaçados com estes novos modelos de negócio!
Quantos empregos tradicionais e mal pagos desaparecem por causa destes novos modelos de negócio?
Há anos sublinhei aqui no blogue algumas "sovietices" que a hotelaria tem de gramar em Portugal (quase de certeza "sovietices" promovidas a lei pelos gigantes incumbentes para barrarem a entrada no mercado do "little guy", basta
""Em que deve assentar a nova Lei dos empreendimentos?
A actual é muito paternalista e determinista, com o Estado a definir tudo, incluindo, até, a dimensão que um quarto deve ter."
A Airbnb face a esta normalização
à la Magnitogorsk propõe
à la Mongo:
"We have dozens of yurts, caves, tepees with TVs in them, water towers, motor homes, private islands, glass houses, lighthouses, igloos with Wi-Fi; we have a home that Jim Morrison used to live in; we have treehouses — hundreds of treehouses — which are the most profitable listings on our Web site per square footage. The treehouse in Lincoln, Vt., is more valuable than the main house. We have treehouses in Vermont that have had six-month waiting lists. People plan their vacation now around treehouse availability!”
In 2011, Prince Hans-Adam II offered his entire principality of Liechtenstein for rent on Airbnb ($70,000 a night), “complete with customized street signs and temporary currency,”"
O trecho que se segue é, talvez, o mais querido ao meu coração:
"Airbnb has also spawned its own ecosystem — ordinary people who will now come clean your home, coordinate key exchanges, cook dinner for you and your guests, photograph rooms for rent, and through the ride-sharing business Lyft, turn their cars into taxis to drive you around. “It used to be that corporations and brands had all the trust,” added Chesky, but now a total stranger, “can be trusted like a company and provide the services of a company. And once you unlock that idea, it is so much bigger than homes. ... There is a whole generation of people that don’t want everything mass produced. They want things that are unique and personal.”"
Mongo é isto, o triunfo dos "little guys", dos micro-empreendedores, e o triunfo da autenticidade, do customizado. Morte a Metropolis que nos raptou para a produção em massa, viva Mongo onde o único e pessoal vivem e prosperam!!! E é aqui que o Paulo e eu nos encontramos, tudo motivado pela "trust".
Agora reparem nisto:
"There’s more. In a world where, as I’ve argued, average is over — the skills required for any good job keep rising — a lot of people who might not be able to acquire those skills can still earn a good living now by building their own branded reputations, whether it is to rent their kids’ rooms, their cars or their power tools. “There are 80 million power drills in America that are used an average of 13 minutes,” says Chesky. “Does everyone really need their own drill?”"
Qual o impacte deste último sublinhado?
Serão necessárias menos lojas, menos vendedores, menos fábricas, menos operários, menos extracção de minérios, menos mineiros e menor pegada ambiental sem abaixamento do nível de vida!!!
"The sharing economy — watch this space. This is powerful."
Espaço para uma private joke, alguns vão achar que se há muitos "little guys" a fazerem pela sua vida, sem chatearem ninguém, então, isso é sinal de que o IVA tem de ser aumentado.