Ontem, durante a viagem de ida e volta ao Porto via CP, devorei este interessante artigo "On value and value co-creation: A service systems and service logic perspective" de Stephen L. Vargo, Paul P. Maglio e Melissa Archpru Akaka, publicado em 2008 pelo European Management Journal.
Há aqui material que seguramente vai influenciar a forma como eu percepciono o fenómeno da criação de valor.
"The creation of value is the core purpose and central process of economic exchange. Traditional models of value creation focus on the firm’s output and price. We present an alternative perspective, one representing the intersection of two growing streams of thought, service science and service-dominant (S-D) logic. We take the view that (1) service, the application of competences (such as knowledge and skills) by one party for the benefit of another, is the underlying basis of exchange; (Moi ici: Muita gente e muitas empresas precisam de meter este ponto na cabeça, em vez de quererem vender coisas tangíveis, "operand resources", procurem vender "operant resources", intangíveis, conhecimento e habilidade)(2) the proper unit of analysis for service-for-service exchange is the service system, which is a configuration of resources (including people, information, and technology) connected to other systems by value propositions; and (3) service science is the study of service systems and of the cocreation of value within complex configurations of resources. We argue that value is fundamentally derived and determined in use – the integration and application of resources in a specific context – rather than in exchange – embedded in firm output and captured by price. Service systems interact through mutual service exchange relationships, improving the adaptability and survivability of all service systems engaged in exchange, by allowing integration of resources that are mutually beneficial." (Moi ici: Desde Adam Smith que valor é visto como o que é embutido num produto durante a sua produção, conceito usado por Marx, o trabalho do operário é que é a fonte do valor)
"The alternative view, service-dominant (S-D) logic, is tied to the value-in-use meaning of value. In S-D logic, the roles of producers and consumers are not distinct, meaning that value is always co-created, jointly and reciprocally, in interactions among providers and beneficiaries through the integration of resources and application of competences.
according to S-D logic, the automobile is only an input into the value creation that occurs as a customer uses it (in transportation, self-identity, etc.) and integrates it with other resources." (Moi ici: Ontem, na parte I, dei por mim a escrever, de forma simplificada, um papel do marketing... levar o cliente a valorizar ainda mais o resultado da experiência de uso do produto/serviço)
"The S-D logic view of exchange fundamentally challenges the foundation of economics,though in a real sense, it recaptures Smith’s (1776) original notions of applied, specialized knowledge and skills (service) and value-in-use (real value) as primary. As noted, in the G-D logic view, the purpose of economic exchange is to make and distribute things to be sold. A firm’s production process, which may include resources from other firms, embeds value or utility into a good, and the value of the good is represented by the market price or what the consumer is willing to pay. From this perspective, maximum efficiency – and maximum profit – is achieved by standardization and economies of scale. (Moi ici: Assim, posso considerar que o pecado original, o que cega e impede a visualização do que é a criação de valor, e o papel da eficácia e da identificação dos clientes-alvo é a crença de que o valor é embutido no produto/serviço pelo fabricante/prestador)
The S-D logic view is that all exchange is based on service, and that ‘‘when goods are involved, they are tools for the delivery and application of resources’’. That is, goods are service-delivery vehicles. In S-D logic, knowledge and skills are key resources for competitive advantage. The crux of the contrast between service-dominant and goods-dominant logic lies in the basis of exchange. S-D logic focuses on the action of operant resources (those that act upon other resources), such as knowledge and skills, whereas G-D logic focuses on the exchange of operand resources (those that an act or operation is performed on, such as goods). For S-D logic, value results from the beneficial application of operant resources, which are sometimes transmitted through operand resources or goods. Thus, from this view, value is co-created through the combined efforts of firms, employees, customers, stockholders, government agencies, and other entities related to any given exchange, but is always determined by the beneficiary (e.g., customer).
The S-D logic notion of value co-creation suggests that ‘‘there is no value until an offering is used – experience and perception are essential to value determination’’"
Esta tabela sintetiza as diferenças entre as duas lógicas: