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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta biologia e economia. Mostrar todas as mensagens

domingo, setembro 24, 2017

Biologia e economia

Cuidado com a eficiência.

Every small company  thinks and acts biologically because it lacks the resources to shape its environment through brute force, it lacks the scale to buffer change, and it's constantly thinking about the though odds for a startup to survive.

segunda-feira, agosto 28, 2017

O contexto tem muita força (parte V)

Parte I, parte II, parte III e parte IV.

Em "Strategic Planning in Turbulent Environments: A Social Ecology Approach to Scenarios" de Rafael Ramírez e John W. Selsky, publicado por Long Range Planning em 2014, encontrei uma referência que me despertou curiosidade, "Strategy as Ecology" de Marco Iansiti e Roy Levien, publicado pela Harvard Business Review em Março de 2004.

Como é que tinha passado ao lado de um artigo deste tipo, todo ele em sintonia com o que escrevo neste blogue há anos:
"the performance of these two very different firms derives from something that is much larger than the companies themselves: the success of their respective business ecosystems. These loose networks—of suppliers, distributors, outsourcing firms, makers of related products or services, technology providers, and a host of other organizations—affect, and are affected by, the creation and delivery of a company’s own offerings.
Like an individual species in a biological ecosystem, [Moi ici: Uma frase que junta dois temas que muito aprecio. A economia como uma continuação da biologia e a vantagem de trabalhar com ecossistemas] each member of a business ecosystem ultimately shares the fate of the network as a whole, regardless of that member’s apparent strength.
Your own business ecosystem includes, for example, companies to which you outsource business functions, institutions that provide you with financing, firms that provide the technology needed to carry on your business, and makers of complementary products that are used in conjunction with your own. It even includes competitors and customers, when their actions and feedback affect the development of your own products or processes. The ecosystem also comprises entities like regulatory agencies and media outlets that can have a less immediate, but just as powerful, effect on your business."

sábado, junho 17, 2017

I rest my case: competitividade e CUT (parte X)

 Parte Iparte IIparte IIIparte IV, parte V, parte VIparte VIIparte VIII e parte IX.

Sabem como gosto de ver a economia como uma continuação da biologia.

Este artigo, "Cities should be studied as evolutionary hotspots, says biologist", vem ao encontro de um pensamento que anda a correr em modo batch algures na minha mente.
"Equilíbrio pontuado é uma teoria evolutiva proposta pelos paleontólogos norte-americanos Niles Eldredge e Stephen Jay Gould em 1972, que propõe que a maior parte das populações de organismos de reprodução sexuada experimentam pouca mudança ao longo do tempo geológico e, quando mudanças evolutivas no fenótipo ocorrem, elas se dão de forma rara e localizada em eventos rápidos de especiação denominados cladogênese.
O equilíbrio pontuado é frequentemente contrastado com a teoria do gradualismo, a qual afirma que a evolução ocorre de maneira uniforme, por mudança contínua e gradual de linhagens inteiras (anagênese). Segundo essa visão, a evolução é vista como um processo suave e contínuo."
Na parte IX ficámos neste momento t+1:
E perguntámos:
"O que pode fazer com a empresa verde mude de ideias e resolva voltar para o outro pico onde está a empresa azul?"
Imaginemos que o pico que a empresa verde está a subir é o do valor acrescentado e o que a empresa azul está a subir é o do preço-baixo.

O mais provável é que a empresa verde evolua para:
No entanto, se assumirmos que a empresa verde é um ser vivo, e recordando esta citação da coluna da direita no blogue:
"nature evolves away from constraints, not toward goals"
Se a gestão da empresa verde sentir que os chineses azuis desapareceram, ou rareiam no pico "azul", é provável que a ausência de constrangimentos, o instinto e facilidade de pensar preço, e a ideia de que apostar preço é menos incerta no curto-prazo, pode levar a esta evolução:
Se eu fosse governo interventionista e quisesse evitar este retorno da empresa verde ao mundo do preço aumentaria o SMN, apesar do desemprego que ele geraria. (Por que é que os migrantes de Calais querem ir para o Reino Unido e não colocam a hipótese de ficar em França?)

Se eu fosse governo não-interventionista teria de admitir esta possibilidade de actuação para a empresa verde como uma possibilidade honesta e trataria de estar atento à redução das barreiras à entrada e à redução do custo de falhar no pico do valor acrescentado para que mais agentes individuais aparecessem e optassem pelas várias alternativas nos vários picos.

Estamos em mais um desses momentos de alteração tectónica no fenótipo o que acelera o ritmo da evolução.

terça-feira, maio 16, 2017

Economia e biologia

Há muito que gosto de encarar a economia como uma continuação da biologia. Por isso, gostei de e registo aqui o artigo "Building a Resilient Business Inspired by Biology":
"First, the potential for economic arbitrage is decreasing as a result of narrowing labor cost differentials across nations and increasing capital intensity of production, leading to a discernible trend of reshoring production. Direct-cost differentials in manufacturing between the US and the Yangtze River Delta in China, for instance, are now estimated to be only 1%. When indirect costs such as logistics are considered, many goods destined for the US market can now be manufactured more cheaply in the US. [Moi ici: Quando há dias referi isto a um empresário do calçado ele não acreditou] Whether this trend will persist or strengthen, however, is impossible to say given other uncertainties.
The unpredictability stemming from these economic, technological, and political shifts is unlikely to decrease anytime soon, given the continued momentum of technology and the arithmetic of election cycles. The formula for the global enterprise itself—where to make what and how, as a function of technology, taxes, exchange rates, and trading arrangements—is up in the air.
What to do now? Biology can provide some inspiration. Biological systems, which have evolved the properties of robustness and resilience on multiple timescales, offer valuable lessons on how to manage under extreme uncertainty. Resilient biological and social systems display six characteristics, all of which are directly applicable to business.
1.Redundancy. [Moi ici: Recordar a Ecco e os Nabateus]

quinta-feira, maio 11, 2017

Biologia, economia e diversidade

Parte I.
"If we stand back from the evolution of life on Earth and view it as a whole, a number of patterns are apparent.
2.1. DiversificationAn obvious trend is that living processes have diversified as evolution proceeded. When life first began on Earth, it was limited to exploiting only a tiny proportion of available free energy sources under a very restricted range of environmental conditions. From there living processes have diversified progressively as evolution unfolded, spreading across the planet, adapting to an ever- widening range of environmental conditions and exploiting more and more sources of free energy. This trend towards increasing diversification has continued up until the present with the emergence of humans, albeit now mainly through the processes of cultural evolution, rather than through gene-based adaptation and speciation."
O que é Mongo senão uma manifestação desta tendência?


O século XX e a sua aposta na escala ficará na história como uma espécie de analogia do Jurássico geológico com os seus dinossauros.

terça-feira, maio 09, 2017

Biologia, economia e complexidade

Já conhecem a minha fixação na relação entre economia e biologia.

A economia é uma continuação da biologia!

A propósito de "The direction of evolution: The rise of cooperative organization" onde se lê:
"Is there an overall direction to evolution that is driven by selection? Do evolutionary processes drive the evolution of life in a particular direction? Is evolution headed somewhere?
The hypothesis that seems to have gained most support is that selection tends to drive increasing complexity as evolution proceeds.
If the trend is passive and there is no overall advantage to complexity, simpler organisms will not necessarily be replaced as evolution proceeds. In contrast, if the trend is universal and driven directly by selection, all organisms in all niches could be expected to evolve in the direction of the trajectory, or be replaced by others that do so. If complex organisms are favoured over the less complex overall, simpler organisms cannot be expected to continue to persist.
As Gould (1996) points out in detail, the complexity hypothesis fails this critical test. Relatively simple organisms such as bacteria are still abundant. For extended periods of time, they have not increased in complexity, nor have they been replaced by ones that have."
Ainda ontem em "If You're in a Dogfight, Become a Cat!: Strategies for Long-Term Growth" li sobre o exemplo da disrupção que chega para servir os clientes overserved:

 "Reverse Positioning Practitioners of this approach purposely reverse the trend of constant augmentation of product performance on traditional product attributes. This is not to say that reverse-positioning entrants simply "dumb down" product performance in order to offer budget prices, typical of low-end providers within a current category. Rather, purveyors of reverse positioning recognize that a growing number of consumers are simply not well served by traditional high- or low-end industry incumbents (figure 11.2).6 In such cases, high-end players offer too many enhancements that add more cost than real value. ... But low-end entries simply don't provide enough functionality or convenience to please dissatisfied consumers either. 
In response, successful reverse positioning providers strip out features from high-end offerings that don't add appreciable value for many consumers, and instead add new, unexpected, and highly valued product attributes that were overlooked by existing players. The net result is a far more compelling value proposition for a potentially large segment of consumers whose needs were not served well by any current products on the market."

quinta-feira, abril 27, 2017

"nature evolves away from constraints, not toward goals" (outra vez)

"nature evolves away from constraints, not toward goals"
Foi uma frase que captei em 2007.

E foi dela que me lembrei assim que o Paulo Vaz me chamou a atenção para este artigo "I Have Seen The Future, And The Future Is a Free Market".

Por um lado a ideia de que a economia é uma espécie de ser vivo em permanente mutação:
"The “economy” is not some granite block that remains unchanged for decades and decades. Like any other thing, manifestations of it arise and then pass away. But they do not disappear. They become something else. It’s like people think the Earth came into being, it’s a done deal, and everything here is permanent and remains the same for thousands of years. No. Things come into being here, pass away, and become something else."
Por outro lado a ideia de Mongo relacionada com as empresas grandes:
"as Nature shows, the bigger will always fall to be replaced by the smaller. Thus, the big retailers will go out of business. Of course! The malls will fall into ruins. Of course! And why? Because people can shop online, yes, that’s one reason. But another is because there are literally tons upon tons of consumer goods, clothes, and various other things in perfectly good condition out there to be had for a penny on the dollar of original purchase price."
E ainda:
"None of this means the economy is getting ready to pop another Great Depression on us. It means the economy is changing as all things must. There is no such thing as any human creation being a permanent structure.
The little restaurants of the shopping mall food courts discovered they could do better business as “food trucks” and not bother with paying rent or having furniture. The smaller shops of the malls found they could move into lower rent strip malls. Chain retailers flooded the markets with thousands of tons of consumer goods that thrift stores sell used and, therefore, no one needs to go get this stuff from the chain retailers anymore. In a word, what is happening is a free market is coming into existence right under everyone’s noses and few see it.
How so? Because those food trucks have found a way to beat the government out of property tax or the malls out of rent. The second-hand shops have found a way to sell goods without buying them from major corporations. What’s more, ethnic populations often import goods direct from their own countries, often from their own families, and sell them in their own independent shops and offer new goods at a fraction of the price of what the mall would ask.
The big retailers and malls need to understand that their time has passed. The free market is coming into existence as we speak.
So, no, the economy is not tanking. It is changing.
The free market scares the government because it carves huge chunks out of government revenue garnered through taxes. [Moi ici: Algo que escrevemos aqui há anos] Food trucks alone represent huge losses in property taxes they can’t levy against a moving vehicle that parks where it pleases and vends food. The free market scares Wall Street because they’re locked out of it. Thrift stores move into abandoned or vacant buildings paying cheap rents to landlords just grateful someone moved in after Big Retailer, Inc. went belly up. And they sell all the tons of goods the big retailers flooded America with for decades.
This free market changes faster than the government can adapt and come up with new taxes to go after them. [Moi ici: Daí aquela frase lá de cima "nature evolves away from constraints, not toward goals"] I have seen de facto swap meets pop up in vacant lots and just garner passers-by as customers. They sell out of vans and pickup truck beds and communicate locations on Facebook and through text messages to their customers. They move around from abandoned storefront parking lots to empty lots where buildings once stood. Food trucks passing by see them and pull in and set up. Sometimes it’s all coordinated between them. And the cops don’t care. The presence of people like that deters crime."
The free market does not mean Wall Street gets to continue to exist and run it. In fact, Wall Street is passing away as we speak.
I have seen the future and the future is the true free market. It is being created by people. Not the government, not some political party, not corporations, and not Wall Street. All of them are headed for the same destination as the dinosaurs: Museums."

segunda-feira, abril 10, 2017

"economy is ever-evolving"

Um texto, "Old economics is based on false ‘laws of physics’ – new economics can save us", conotado politicamente mas em linha com uma das mensagens deste blogue: a analogia entre biologia e economia.

Claro que sublinho e concordo com:
"So how can economic policymakers be more like gardeners in their approach? They should think of policy as an adapting portfolio of experiments, says Eric Beinhocker, a leading thinker in the field of evolutionary economics. We should mimic nature’s process of natural selection, which can be summed up as diversify-select-amplify: set up small-scale policy experiments to test out a variety of interventions, put a stop to the ones that don’t work and scale-up those that do.[Moi ici: Isto é tão o meu Verão de 2008]
No one knows for sure what will work, so it is important to build a system that can evolve and adapt rapidly.”
Realising that the economy is ever-evolving is an empowering insight. If complex systems evolve through their innovations and deviations, then this gives added importance to novel initiatives – from complementary currencies to open-source design – that are at the leading edge of new economic design."
Não sei é se o mesmo jornal que publica isto percebe as implicações. Aquilo que resultava num dado contexto pode deixar de resultar quando o contexto muda: cuidado com os direitos adquiridos alicerçados em sociedades que também elas evoluem.

segunda-feira, março 27, 2017

Aleluia meurmão!!!

Via @hnascim no Twitter cheguei a este texto muito interessante, "Está a começar a revolução do pão em Portugal" bem na linha de "pensem na magia que os muggles não conseguem entender..." de Agosto de 2014.
"“Nos últimos 60 anos, com o aparecimento da levedura industrial, houve uma alteração grande no modo de fabrico do pão nas padarias tradicionais”, explica. “O padeiro ganhou qualidade de vida. Antes, o processo levava pelo menos 12 horas desde que se começava a amassar, a tender, etc. Hoje é tudo mais rápido.” Mas isso teve custos.
O problema, acredita, é que “começou a haver uma promiscuidade entre a indústria de panificação e os padeiros mais pequenos”. Perante a ofensiva da indústria, com preços muito baixos, os padeiros tradicionais só tinham duas alternativas para sobreviver: baixar a qualidade da matéria-prima ou aumentar a produção. “Assistimos aos artesãos a entrar no mercado da grande indústria e vice-versa”, ou seja, nas grandes superfícies começou a ver-se cada vez mais pães “artesanais”..
Em 2007, o mercado da padaria entrou em crise. “A Associação dos Padeiros disse que tínhamos de aumentar os preços 20 a 30% e as grandes superfícies tinham um anúncio a dizer: ‘Nós não vamos aumentar o preço do pão’.” José Miguel começou a ver que o caminho tinha de ser outro. Nunca uma pequena padaria como a sua poderia concorrer com a indústria que “esmaga completamente os preços”. E percebeu uma coisa: “Nós, os pequenos, temos de entrar pelos nichos de mercado e oferecer muito melhor qualidade. Para nós, é muito mais fácil do que para a indústria montar um processo de produção de 24 horas para o pão.”[Moi ici: Aleluia meurmão!!! Lc 15:7 por cada empresário que descobre esta Verdade e a põe em prática]

domingo, fevereiro 26, 2017

Biologia e economia

"One particularly memorable set of meetings we had involved a CEO who represented the third generation of his family to run a major public company which his grandfather started. When we met with him he was nearly always focused on macroeconomic issues like Federal Reserve interest rate policy and forecasts about the economy. Talking about these macro issues seemed to make him feel better. He never seemed to know much about his actual business. Over the years that business has declined to a point where all that is left today is the brand. It is a tragic story that negatively impacted not only him and his family, but tens of thousands of people. Of course, startup founders can fail for essentially the same reason at this CEO when they spend too much time on macro, attending industry conferences and shows and posing for photo shoots.
The CEO I am referring to attended one of the most well-known business schools in the world where he was taught that the systems his company had to deal with could be explained by concepts borrowed from physics like “equilibrium.” This was both unfortunate and fatal since the reality is that a capitalist economy is an evolutionary system and the best metaphor for how it works is biology rather than physics. Charlie Munger agrees: “I find it quite useful to think of a free-market economy – or partly free market economy – as sort of the equivalent of an ecosystem.” Unfortunately for people like this CEO there is no formula that will tell someone like him what to do. People who claim to have such a formulas are never right more than once in a row. The good news is that there are processes which can be followed that will greatly increase the probability of success. One process that killed the huge business was customer development. The pace at which new products were developed at his company was so ponderous and expensive that they were unable to react with sufficient speed when customer demand changed."
Como não recordar o que já escrevemos aqui acerca da relação entre a biologia e a economia e os ecossistemas.

Como não recordar o que aqui critico na academia que ainda está no século XX a pensar o Normalistão quando já estamos no Estranhistão. Ah! Mt 11, 25

Como não recordar a superioridade da micro-economia face à macroeconomia quando trabalhamos num mundo repleto de tribos e pleno de idiossincrasias.

quarta-feira, julho 27, 2016

"Granel, Fiambreiras e Rouxinóis"

Eis o título de uma apresentação que vou fazer depois de Agosto, no âmbito de um encontro de empresários abordando os seguintes tópicos:

  • A necessidade de fugir do "granel instituído" e evoluir para práticas de gestão mais modernas: segmentação do mercado; diferenciação e especialização; actividade comercial proactiva;
  • A necessidade de apostar no marketing para relacionar preço com valor e não com custos; para diferenciar as empresas e ensinar os clientes a comprar;
  • A possibilidade de usar as redes sociais como veículo de promoção moderno e económico. Exemplos e objectivos.
Nunca pensei que o título passasse.
Uma outra alternativa, que não tive coragem de enviar era: "Transsexual, Fiambreiras e Rouxinóis"

sábado, abril 16, 2016

Biologia e economia - cuidado com as "leis universais"

Em Novembro passado escrevi "Cuidado com o título", acerca do cuidado a ter quando se estuda o que resulta numa empresa grande para o aplicar numa PME. As empresas grandes e as PME são seres vivos que habitam um ecossistema e ocupam diferentes nichos ecológicos. Por isso, o que resulta para um tipo de empresa não resulta para outro e vice versa. Por isso, as paramécias de Gause e os rouxinóis de MacArthur. Por isso, o sucesso das PME exportadoras portuguesas apesar da China e da Alemanha.
Assim, para alguém que gosta de afirmar que a economia é a continuação da biologia por outros meios, como não apreciar e sublinhar esta reflexão de Mintzberg, "Species of Organizations":
"This may seem obvious, but while we recognize the different species of animals, we often mix up the different species of organizations. How often have management consultants come into one kind of organization and treated it like another
Our vocabulary for understanding organizations is really quite primitive. We use the word organization the way biologists use the word mammal, except that we can’t get past it. Imagine if this was the case in biology.
Each of these species requires its own kind of structure, its own style of management, very different power relationships, and so on."
No artigo Mintzberg identifica quatro grandes grupos genéricos de organizações. Um deles é o da organização tipo-máquina eficientissima:
 "Yet if you read the popular literature on organizations with these species in mind, you will find that the vast majority of it is about machine organizations, without ever admitting or even realizing it. The bulk of this is about how to become more machine-like: get better systems, do more formal planning, measure everything in sight, tighten up, become more “efficient”."
E lá voltamos ao gerente da PME que lia Adriano Freire...
Nota: À atenção do meu amigo Paulo de Natal.

sexta-feira, março 04, 2016

Curiosidade do dia

Este artigo "Protozoa Could Be Controlling Your Brain", pode explicar a actuação de muitos fragilistas que nos desgovernam:
"Some protozoa infect the brain of their host, shaping its behavior in ways most suited to the pathogen, even if it leads to the suicide of the host"
Recordar o paralelismo que faço entre a biologia e a economia.

domingo, janeiro 31, 2016

Biologia e economia

Biologia e economia é uma relação que faço há muitos anos. A biologia ensina-nos muito sobre a economia.
Interessante pois, encontrar este texto "Corporate Survival: Lessons from Biology":
"a typical firm lasts about ten years before it gets merged, acquired or liquidated, and that a firm’s mortality rate is independent of its age, how well established it is or what it does.  While beyond the scope of their study, the authors speculated that biological ecosystems are likely to shed valuable insights into their findings.
“Some business thinkers have argued that companies are like biological species and have tried to extract business lessons from biology, with uneven success,” note the authors.  “We stress that companies are identical to biological species in an important respect: Both are what’s known as complex adaptive systems.  Therefore, the principles that confer robustness in these systems, whether natural or manmade, are directly applicable to business.”
“Public companies have a one in three chance of being delisted in the next five years, whether because of bankruptcy, liquidation, M&A, or other causes.  That’s six times the delisting rate of companies 40 years ago.  Although we may perceive corporations as enduring institutions, they now die, on average, at a younger age than their employees.  And the rise in mortality applies regardless of size, age, or sector.  Neither scale nor experience guards against an early demise.”
companies are dying younger because they are failing to adapt to the growing complexity of their environment.  Many misread the environment, select the wrong approach to strategy, or fail to support a viable approach with the right behaviors and capabilities.”
Corporate mortality is further exacerbated by three broad trends: a more diverse, harsher and less predictable business environment; the faster pace of technological innovation which forces companies to adapt to new business cycles at about twice the rate as 30 years ago; and the increasing integration of business ecosystems and global markets, which while good for economic vitality, adds to the risks of system-wide shocks."
Princípios para aumentar a robustez de sistemas de negócio complexos:
"Maintain heterogeneity of people, ideas, and endeavors.
Sustain a modular structure of loosely connected components.
Preserve redundancy among components.
Expect surprise, but reduce uncertainty.
Create feedback loops and adaptive mechanisms.
Foster trust and reciprocity." 
Sublinhei alguns aspectos que reduzem a eficiência e, por isso, são afastados pelas PME que ainda não perceberam que o truque não é o custeio, o truque é o valor percebido, reconhecido, sentido pelo cliente.

A fazer sombra aos alemães!

Ainda ontem à noite ao fazer zapping pelos canais apanhei a ex-ministra, julgo que ainda eurodeputada, Maria João Rodrigues, em plena lengalenga que eu já julgava obsoleta.
Dizia a técnica que os alemães tinham de aumentar os seus salários para que os europeus do sul pudessem exportar mais para a Alemanha.
Quem lê este blogue já conhece a personagem do anónimo da província. O anónimo da província é o tipo que não frequenta o circuito da carne assada, nem tem experiência de oratória e, por isso, porque não discute por discutir, resolve ir analisar os números em vez de falar de cor.
Comparemos a evolução homóloga das exportações alemãs e portuguesas de bens entre Janeiro e Novembro de 2015.
Quanto aumentaram as exportações portuguesas para a China? 3,5%
E quanto aumentaram as exportações alemãs para a China? Caíram! Caíram 4,3%, a maior queda em 25 anos
Quanto aumentaram as exportações alemãs para os Estados Unidos? 19%
E quanto aumentaram as exportações portuguesas para os Estados Unidos? 24%
Quanto aumentaram as exportações alemãs para o Reino Unido? 13,7%
E quanto aumentaram as exportações portuguesas para o Reino Unido? 13,7%
Os números que se seguem não são exactamente iguais mas não consegui encontrar o ajuste perfeito:
Quanto aumentaram as exportações alemãs para zona euro? 5,5%
E quanto aumentaram as exportações portuguesas para a UE? 6,8%
OK, as exportações portuguesas para o Brasil caíram 10% enquanto as alemãs só caíram 3,3%.
A empresa portuguesa tipo não compete com a empresa alemã-tipo, são animais diferentes que habitam nichos diferentes, até por causa disso se explicam as diferenças dos números para a China e Estados Unidos. Nunca esquecer a biologia e as lições para a economia:
Recomenda-se à eurodeputada Maria João Rodrigues o estudo da obra de Ricardo Hausmann.

BTW, tenho este texto "As exportações não aceleraram durante o período do ajustamento" guardado já há algum tempo. Não consigo deixar de pensar que o ministro não está a ser intelectualmente honesto e ele sabe-o, simplesmente resolveu entrar no campo da política politiqueira. 2009 foi um outlier e ele sabe-o. No entanto, incorpora os seus efeitos na sua narrativa. Pessoalmente prefiro olhar para o gráfico da evolução das exportações portuguesas:
E assumir que antes e depois de 2009 e seus efeitos imediatos, a evolução foi a mesma. No entanto, podem fazer médias ou calcular derivadas para brandirem argumentos.
Ao olhar para o gráfico lembrem-se desta previsão do anónimo da província em Março de 2008:
"Como temos referido aqui no blogue, vários sectores industriais estão a dar a volta, a micro economia está a resolver os seus problemas concretos.
No limite pode acontecer, sair duma crise estrutural e cair numa crise conjuntural."
Ouviram isto dito por mais alguém acerca do sector transaccionável?

terça-feira, dezembro 22, 2015

"Prosperity emerged despite, not because of, human policy"

Já li 3 ou 4 livros de Matt Ridley, "The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves" e "The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature" são excelentes.
Este ano publicou "The Evolution of Everything: How New Ideas Emerge":
"Depending on whose estimate you choose, and how you correct for inflation, the average person alive in the world today earns in a year between ten and twenty times as much money, in real terms, as the average person earned in 1800. Or rather, he or she can afford ten or twenty times as many goods or services. Call it, as the economic historian Deirdre McCloskey does, the ‘great enrichment’.
Surprising as it may seem, the cause of the great enrichment is still unknown. That is to say, there are plenty of theories about why incomes started growing so rapidly in some parts of the world in the early nineteenth century, and this then spread to the rest of the world, and – despite repeated predictions that it would stop – they just keep on growing today. But none of these theories commands universal allegiance. Some credit institutions, others ideas, others individuals, others the harnessing of energy, yet others luck. They all agree on two things, however: no body planned this, and nobody expected it. Prosperity emerged despite, not because of, human policy. It developed inexorably out of the inter action of people by a form of selective progress very similar to evolution....
The great enrichment was an evolutionary phenomenon.
So becoming more prosperous means the same as becoming more productive – growing more wheat, making more tools, serving more customers. And the ‘greatest improvement in the productive power of labour’, Smith argued, ‘seems to have been the effects of the division of labour’. ... Specialisation, accompanied by exchange, is the source of economic prosperity.
The greater the specialisation among producers, the greater is the diversification of consumption:
The more people trade and the more they divide labour, the more they are working for each other. The more they work for each other, the higher their living standards. The consequence of the division of labour is an immense web of cooperation among strangers: it turns potential enemies into honorary friends.
The more open and free the market, the less opportunity there is for exploitation and predation, because the easier it is for consumers to boycott the predators and for competitors to whittle away their excess profits. In its ideal form, therefore, the free market is a device for creating networks of collaboration among people to raise each other’s living standards, a device for coordinating production and a device for communicating information about needs through the price mechanism. Also a device for encouraging innovation. It is the very opposite of the rampant and selfish individualism that so many church men and others seem to think it is. The market is a system of mass cooperation. You compete with rival producers, sure, but you cooperate with your customers, your suppliers and your colleagues. Commerce both needs and breeds trust.
The central feature of commerce, and the thing that distinguishes it from socialist planning, is that it is decentralised. No central direction is required to tell the economy how many woollen coats, laptops or cups of coffee are needed. Indeed, when somebody does try to do so, the result is a miserable mess.
In this way, prosperity, when it grows at all, grows entirely organically, without any direction from above."

domingo, agosto 16, 2015

Não confundir com perigosa propaganda neoliberal, é só a biologia a funcionar

Mais sintomas do avanço de Mongo:
Para a maioria isto é perigosa propaganda neoliberal, para mim é a simples evolução de uma etapa da economia para outra etapa.
Não a considero nem melhor nem pior em si mesma. Considero-a a mais adequada para um novo ecossistema. Há 150 anos a maioria dos cidadão de um país não eram empregados de uma empresa ou do Estado. Hoje, são-no. No futuro, talvez não.

"It is true that some of these new websites undermine existing business models, just as file-sharing wrecked music-publishing companies.
By reducing the cost of information, the internet kills some business models. But not all.
Many more people are likely to be self-employed, offering services to a wide range of customers. In a sense, they will be artisans, not employees. Activities such as sales, marketing and accounting—matters that salaried employees leave in the hands of specialist colleagues—will become the responsibility of the individual. Such workers will have to be more, not less, sensitive to the market economy than the typical office drone."

"The existence of high transaction costs outside firms led to the emergence of the firm as we know it, and management as we still have it. A large part of corporate economic activity today is still designed to accomplish what high market transaction costs prevented earlier. But the world has changed.
What really matters now is the reverse side of the Coasean argumentation. If the (transaction) costs of exchanging value in the society at large go down drastically as is happening today, the form and logic of economic entities necessarily need to change! Coase’s insight turned around is the number one driver of change today! The traditional firm is the more expensive alternative almost by default. This is something that he did not see coming.
Accordingly, a very different kind of management is needed when coordination can be performed without intermediaries with the help of new technologies. Digital transparency makes responsive coordination possible. This is the main difference between Uber and old taxi services. Apps can now do what managers used to do.
For most of the developed world, firms, as much as markets, make up the dominant economic pattern. The Internet is nothing less than an extinction-level event for the traditional firm. The Internet, together with technological intelligence, makes it possible to create totally new forms of economic entities, such as the “Uber for everything” -type of platforms/service markets that we see emerging today. Very small firms can do things that in the past required very large organizations. [Moi ici: O que lêem os que frequentam os Encontros da Junqueira ou os Avelinos de Jesus?]
We stand on the threshold of an economy where the familiar economic entities are becoming increasingly irrelevant."
A economia co-evoluiu em função do meio que também altera, é uma continuação da biologia.

quarta-feira, agosto 12, 2015

Paz à sua alma

Soube há momentos, via Twitter, da morte de John H. Holland. Um dos gigantes sobre os ombros do qual comecei a acreditar que a hipótese Mongo, o Estranhistão, tinha mesmo pernas para andar.
Lembro-me de um dia quente, sentado na ombreira da porta da cozinha para o pátio traseiro, a acompanhar o vídeo relatado em "Um admirável mundo novo pleno de oportunidades", de onde sublinhei:
"“A complex adaptive system, CAS, is an evolving, perpectually novel set of interacting agents where:
  • There is no universal competitor or optimum
  • There is great diversity, as in a tropical forest, with many niches occupied by different kinds of agents
  • Innovation is a regular feature – equilibrium is rare and temporary
  • Anticipations change the course of the system."[Moi ici: Nem vale a pena sublinhar, senão teria de sublinhar tudo]
Paz à sua alma e obrigado pela ajuda.

segunda-feira, agosto 03, 2015

Para reflexão

Para quem está com mais tempo:

Para recordar o que escrevemos por aqui acerca do eficientismo e da crença na escala num mundo que deixou de ser o Normalistão e está a caminho de ser o Estranhistão:
"Companies that have been around for more than 20 years are very good at building out large scale infrastructure with technology systems and business processes that provide efficiency and scale. These companies have as many manufacturing plants or retail locations or bank branches as they can to support their business.
With the Internet in the 1990s, some industries, like media and retail, changed significantly, but because we did not yet have ubiquitous Internet or mobility, most industries did not. Now, the proliferation of digital technologies is creating a new dimension of competition for every business.
This new competition does not depend on scale or number of locations. This new competition is grounded in how good companies are at building networks and delivering a customer experience."

Para recordar o quão difícil para os gigantes de uma era, apesar de todos os recursos de que dispõem, entrarem numa nova era com novas regras do jogo ... interessante para quem acredita que a economia é uma continuação da biologia.

Com uma leitura da realidade bem diferente da perfilhada por este blogue, a ler em conjugação com:

Muito mais em linha com o que penso.
E, para temperar a coisa, "Why Stock Buybacks Are Good For The Economy And Country". Não invalidando os pontos de Denning, complica os do artigo da HBR

domingo, julho 12, 2015

Curiosidade do dia

Há exactamente uma semana Estarreja apareceu nos noticiários televisivos da noite por causa do aparatoso incêndio em vários pontos em torno de uma zona industrial.
Hoje de manhã, aproveitei o céu nublado para fazer uma caminhada por lá. E parei diante deste símbolo:
No ar ainda se sente o cheiro a queimado e, no chão, preto e cinza, salientam-se já uns tufos de erva fresca de cor verde-benetton.
Sou um fã de usar a biologia como uma metáfora da economia... aliás, a economia é a continuação da biologia.
Depois da desgraça, depois da recessão, depois da depressão, os recursos que restam são reaproveitados para novos projectos, novas tentativas, novos sonhos.
Sem necessidade de planeamento central.