terça-feira, maio 16, 2017

Economia e biologia

Há muito que gosto de encarar a economia como uma continuação da biologia. Por isso, gostei de e registo aqui o artigo "Building a Resilient Business Inspired by Biology":
"First, the potential for economic arbitrage is decreasing as a result of narrowing labor cost differentials across nations and increasing capital intensity of production, leading to a discernible trend of reshoring production. Direct-cost differentials in manufacturing between the US and the Yangtze River Delta in China, for instance, are now estimated to be only 1%. When indirect costs such as logistics are considered, many goods destined for the US market can now be manufactured more cheaply in the US. [Moi ici: Quando há dias referi isto a um empresário do calçado ele não acreditou] Whether this trend will persist or strengthen, however, is impossible to say given other uncertainties.
The unpredictability stemming from these economic, technological, and political shifts is unlikely to decrease anytime soon, given the continued momentum of technology and the arithmetic of election cycles. The formula for the global enterprise itself—where to make what and how, as a function of technology, taxes, exchange rates, and trading arrangements—is up in the air.
What to do now? Biology can provide some inspiration. Biological systems, which have evolved the properties of robustness and resilience on multiple timescales, offer valuable lessons on how to manage under extreme uncertainty. Resilient biological and social systems display six characteristics, all of which are directly applicable to business.
1.Redundancy. [Moi ici: Recordar a Ecco e os Nabateus]

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