Olho para o desempenho económico de Portugal e recordo Mateus 7, 15-20:
"Cuidado com os falsos profetas! Vêm ter convosco como se fossem ovelhas, mas por dentro são lobos ferozes. É pelos seus frutos que os hão de reconhecer. Porventura podem colher-se uvas das silvas ou figos dos cardos? Portanto, a árvore boa dá bons frutos e a árvore má dá maus frutos. Assim pois, uma árvore boa não pode dar maus frutos e uma árvore má não pode dar bons frutos. Toda a árvore que não dá bons frutos corta-se e deita-se ao fogo. Portanto, é pelas suas ações que poderão reconhecer os falsos profetas."
O que é a estrutura legislativa de um país? Uma teoria sobre como pôr esse país a dar bons frutos.
Lembrei-me disto ao assistir a esta conversa:
“… with science what we get that's new is precise mathematical, precise statements of the limit of the theory and what a wonderful cure for dogmatism because when your own theory tells you its limits, if you buy the theory you have to buy the limits, and so you have to buy that you don't have the final answer and that's really the cure for dogmatism. So, theories that I love … a theory where the theory itself is humble enough to tell you where it stops, and also smart enough to be able to veto any bad ideas you have for what's next on that note where do you both see your own theories indicating their limits. [Moi ici: Estruturas legislativas que empobrecem o país deveriam ser enviadas para o caixote do lixo da história. No entanto, estão talhadas em pedra, independentemente dos resultados]
The notion of truth as orientational and navigational rather than as a completed grasp of something, I think is really, really important right now
if what he said is true, and I agree it is, and I'm saying is true, that means that there are a lot of, and this ties back again to what the spiritual traditions can hold out for us, there are a lot of truths that are not accessible to us unless we're willing to undergo significant transformation.
Right, once you give up “oh no, I can just grasp this thing with this universal method Leibniz's calculus”. Once you give that up and you say “no, no, no”. There's going to be this constantly going on that the demand, like the presupposition that you can sort of remain epistemically unaltered in order to get access to truth. I think that is deeply challenged, if not outright falsified, but that presupposition of a universal method is that does not require personal transformation is fundamental to the whole cartesian framework, and see I think the spiritual traditions are there reminding us that “no, no, no”, your methods can do a lot but there's a lot of truths that are only disclosable to you after you go through profound self-correction, which is profound self-transcendence, which is profound transformation, I just wanted to make that point very clear”