"From the firm’s point of view, managing productivity is a matter of the management of the economic results. By increasing productivity, the economic results are assumed to improve. As long as this indeed is the case, managing productivity makes sense. However, if improved productivity does not lead to better economic results, increasing productivity does not make sense.
The traditional productivity concept has been developed for manufacturers of physical goods as a production efficiency concept. Existing productivity models and produc- tivity measurement instruments are also geared to the context of manufacturers. Moreover, they are based on assumptions that production and consumption are separate processes and that customers do not participate in the production process. [Moi ici: E a co-criação?] Although following market research customer preferences are incorporated into the manufactured products, traditional production systems in manufacturing are closed systems, and traditional productivity models and measurement instruments are developed for such systems. In such closed systems where customers are not directly involved in design and production processes, these assumptions make perfect sense, of course. In service contexts, where the service process (or service production process) to a large extent is an open system, they create confusion, lead to misleading measurements and may guide decision making astray.
A totally different approach to productivity has to be taken to obtain a global measure of how well a service provider uses resources to create outputs in the form of acceptable perceived quality and customer value. This is the case for most high-tech and high-touch services."
Trechos retirados de "Service productivity Towards a conceptualization of the transformation of inputs into economic results in services"