domingo, abril 23, 2017

"Entretanto, no retalho físico a mortandade continua" (parte II)

Parte I.
"In the first four months of 2017, retailers have announced a total of 2,880 store closures, and some financial services firm Credit Suisse predicts that around 8,600 stores will close this year. That’s more than closed during the financial crisis in 2008, and twice the number that closed in 2016.
The convenience of online shopping is a big reason for declining store sales, but retailers also misread the markets in the past few years, opening more stores than their businesses could sustain."
A sua PME está a par disto? Tem um plano B?

Trechos retirados de "Nearly Ten Thousand Stores Could Close This Year As Retail ‘Bubble’ Bursts"

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