- Combinação 1 - Dinheiro deixado em cima da mesa e cliente com grande probabilidade de ser mal servido
- Combinação 2 - Aposta em inovação no produto quando o resto da cadeia quer um produto maduro. Acontece tanto... apoios comunitários a projectos de inovação em parcerias com universidades que nunca dão fruto porque, mesmo que o produto desenvolvido seja 5 estrelas, não há cadeia para o produzir e vender
- Combinação 3 - Com uma cadeia assim, o cliente nunca vai pagar o preço que sustente a organização
- Combinação 4 - Comercial habituado a vender preço nunca vai ser capaz de pôr a empresa a ganhar o retorno adequado da inovação
- Combinação 5 - Come on, onde é que este cliente vai pagar a estrutura e o retorno da inovação?
- Combinação 8 - Se é o cliente certo as operações e a comercial estão erradas. Se é o cliente errado, a comercial tem de mudar de clientes, e a inovação tem de se concentrar no processo, não no produto, assim, como as compras.
quinta-feira, maio 13, 2021
"é cada vez mais perigoso querer ser tudo para todos"
quarta-feira, maio 12, 2021
"customer profitability analysis" (parte II)
"Unlike measures that gloss over differences among customers or omit cost-to-serve elements, pocket margin gives a company a clear view of how much revenue each transaction generates, how much it costs the company to generate that revenue, and — crucially — when and why those costs are incurred. And because pocket margin is measured for every transaction, metrics based on pocket margin can provide insight into costs and revenues at any desired level of detail, from individual clients all the way up to broad marketplace segments."
Gosto destes títulos e das mensagens que ilustram: What your customers won’t tell you (but pocket margin can):
- You're losing money on me
- “You’re spending too much to serve me”
- “I’m in the wrong segment”
- “You should be charging me more for …”
- “Sell me _____ now, and I’ll keep coming back for more”
Trechos retirados de "How profitable are your customers … really?"
terça-feira, maio 11, 2021
O que mudar para que o que se tem se transforme numa vantagem competitiva?
"Rather than thinking of Best Buy’s more than 1,000 stores as a liability that made it difficult to compete, the company reimagined their role and turned them into assets. Going forward, the stores would serve four functions: points of sale (the traditional role), showrooms for brands that built stores-within-a-store, pickup locations, and mini-warehouses."
Ontem ao ler este trecho parei... parei e recuei a Outubro de 2015 e a "Do concreto para o abstracto e não o contrário":
"Uma PME-tipo em Portugal não tem condições para começar com uma folha em branco e partir do zero num exercício racional de desenvolvimento de uma estratégia.
Uma PME-tipo em Portugal ao desenvolver uma estratégia:
para aproveitar uma oportunidade com que chocou inadvertidamente; ou
para estancar uma hemorragia competitiva que a está a enfraquecer.
Tem, quase sempre, de partir daquilo que tem. Não tem a liberdade de ir à procura do próximo hit, porque isso exige recursos e uma cultura que normalmente não tem."
segunda-feira, maio 10, 2021
Caderno de apontamentos - I
domingo, maio 09, 2021
"Better decisions"
"Catastrophic decisions live on in the business lore as testament to the perennial difficulty of making good decisions.
1. Make sure you truly understand the problem. There is often an unavoidable tendency to fall into what I call ‘the conclusion trap’. In a fast-changing environment, executives often feel pressured to make decisions quickly. Combine that with years of training and reinforcement with the kind of System 1 (automatic, intuitive) thinking that Daniel Kahneman describes, and you have a perfect recipe for jumping to incorrect conclusions or solutions that can sink an organization.
Perhaps the most important step you can take in this regard is to go and see. Like a good detective, go to the ‘scene of the crime’ and directly observe the situation.
2. Define a process. We tend to think of decision-making as a fine art that comprises intuition, experience and myriad other unquantifiable factors — rather than as a process that can be improved. Humans are afflicted with far too many cognitive biases to rely on the alchemy of ‘gut feel’.
To mitigate the pernicious effects of cognitive biases, organizations need to view decision-making as a process that can be monitored and improved with appropriate systems and structures. Here are five ideas that will help:
- Send materials in advance. To avoid peer conformity, allow people to think through the issues in advance, individually. Share the relevant information before every meeting and ask people to develop recommendations. Collect these ahead of time and discuss them at the meeting. The different perspectives will lead to more productive and thoughtful discussions.
- Clarify the assumptions. It is essential that everyone starts out with the same assumptions. The materials provided must specify what those critical assumptions are and what the goals are for the decision. Are you striving to maximize market share? Are you anticipating a flat, declining or growing market? People must have the same starting point for their analysis.
- Conduct a pre-mortem. Pretend that the decision agreed to turns out badly. Assess ‘what went wrong’ and why. This discussion will identify weaknesses in the plan.
- Assign a devil’s advocate. A devil’s advocate arguing against your recommended course of action will point out any holes in the ‘solution’. Because the role is assigned, there will be less of a temptation to succumb to peer pressure to conform.
- Define the rules of engagement. Tribal knowledge in organizations teaches people how to behave in meetings.
3. Solve at the right level. Decisions should be made, and problems solved, as close to the issue as possible.
4. Run experiments. The amount of data available to organizations today enables them to run experiments quickly and inexpensively, enabling them to easily validate new pricing strategies, marketing campaigns or product features. Before committing to a decision, run an experiment with a small group of customers, or with just one factory or geographic region.
5. Train and institutionalize these behaviours. Commit to teaching employees this decision-making approach. Make sure they know how to use the tools and structures listed here. Companies provide training for their employees on all kinds of skills, and decision-making should be treated in the same way. "
Trechos retirados de "The path to better decisions" de Daniel Markovitz, publicado em Rotman Management Spring 2021.
sábado, maio 08, 2021
A economia das carpetes e biombos
Ontem de manhã cedo apanhei este tweet:
"Governments should be business friendly, not friends of business."
— Bruno Vilhena (@BrunoVPires) May 6, 2021
Algo em linha com o que penso há muitos anos e que costumo traduzir pela diferença entre os que conhecem as carpetes e os biombos do poder e os que não têm acesso a esses espaços.
Esta postura "friends of business" ilustra-se be assim:
"A igualdade socialista nota-se nestes pequenos pormenores. De um lado, o pequeno empresário, ou agricultor, agoniza na fila da Câmara Municipal pelo requerimento que lhe permite pagar a licença e aprovar o pedido de informação prévia à CMO, à REN, à RAN, ao PNSACV, ao ICNF, à DRAPAL, para, com sorte, passados 5, 6 ou 7 anos, isto no caso de ainda não ter ido à falência, conseguir levantar o carimbo que lhe tolera a submissão do projecto definitivo, com o qual, de calças e carteira na mão, terá que percorrer de novo todas as capelinhas burocráticas, sempre pagando as respectivas taxinhas, guiado pelo sonho de um dia começar a obra, isto enquanto o calvário persegue e se esconde à espreita a cada esquina processual. Do outro lado, o dono e investidor do Zmar, um lisboeta a quem não fixei o nome, chegou, viu e construiu. Porquê? Porque vinha munido de autorização especial governamental, o tal PIN, com direito a apoio e via verde burocrática. Para esse, tudo; para os outros, os enteados, aqueles que não conhecem nem ministro nem secretário de estado, a esses sobrou então testemunhar a edificação em tempo recorde do sacrilégio urbanístico que ali se foi semear."
Trecho retirado de "Aos amigos tudo, aos inimigos a lei"
sexta-feira, maio 07, 2021
No reino do absurdo
- "Espero que não vos tremam as pernas quando as empresas começarem a cair como tordos" (Janeiro de 2019)
- "Vai ser lindo... schadenfreude" (Janeiro de 2019)
- "exploiting our gullibility and sucker-proneness for recipes that hit you in a flash as just obvious" (Novembro de 2019)
quinta-feira, maio 06, 2021
Estratégias cancerosas não se recomendam
Aqui no blogue costumo escrever sobre as estratégias cancerosas. Por exemplo:
- "we must redefine art" (Dezembro de 2019)
- "não se pode competir como o Bruce Jenner" (Fevereiro de 2018)
"As humans we bring our own intentions and purposes to what we are doing, whether we are conscious of what these are or not. These purposes, especially in today’s world, are not driving towards a healthy system, that is to say one that has the capacity to sustain humans....One of the biggest misalignments and a driver of an unsustainable system is the goal of continual growth. Many of our systems are aimed towards this goal, and like a cancer’s goal in the body is growth, it is runaway and will eventually cause collapse. To increase market share, means everything will be engulfed. We need to find goals that are more aligned to the living system we are a part of....‘Those who do not have power over the story that dominates their lives - the power to retell it, rethink it, deconstruct it, joke about it, and change it as times change - truly are powerless, because they cannot think new thoughts.’"
Isto está relacionado com o desafio da produtividade. Como aumentar a produtividade sem ser à custa do aumento da escala? A maioria não conhece a alternativa!
Quando persistir e quando desistir?
Excelente reflexão de Seth Godin acerca da mudança do contexto, a nossa identidade e a nossa estratégia:
"when the world changes, opportunities change as well.
All of us struggle when our identity doesn’t match the reality of the world around us.
In the face of that confusion, it’s tempting to abandon possibility and to walk away from an opportunity simply because it doesn’t resonate with the person we are in this moment. But only when we do something new do we often begin to become someone new."
Faz-me recordar uma frase: não fazemos arte depois de nos tornarmos artistas.
Quando o mundo muda a vida pode ficar mais difícil:
- devo mudar para aproveitar novas oportunidades?
- devo manter o rumo e não abandonar a estratégia anterior?
Não esqueço o ditado asiático: As oportunidades multiplicam-se à medida que são aproveitadas.
Trecho retirado de "Confusing identity with strategy"
quarta-feira, maio 05, 2021
Eles gostam de ser enganados!
"The bad news is that, despite the availability of such tools, very few organizations are using them. The problem then, it seems, is not that we lack the means to spot incompetence, but that we more often choose to be seduced by it. This means we have only ourselves to blame for our self-destructive leadership choices. Perhaps it is time to stop paying lip service to humility and integrity, until we practice what we preach and pick leaders on the basis of these traits. Instead of promoting people on the basis of their charisma, overconfidence, and narcissism, we must put in charge people with actual competence, humility, and integrity. The issue is not that these traits are difficult to measure, but that we appear to not want them as much as we say."
Um chefe competente é um chefe exigente, é um chefe que nos apresenta a realidade, não estórias de embalar. Um chefe competente não promete facilidades, elas serão uma consequência indirecta do sucesso do esforço.
"Não existe árvore boa produzindo mau fruto; nem inversamente, uma árvore má produzindo bom fruto. Pois cada árvore é conhecida pelos seus próprios frutos. Não é possível colher-se figos de espinheiros, nem tampouco, uvas de ervas daninhas"
"It also reminded me of something I’ve noticed in my work helping organizations transform themselves. Some are willing to take a hard look at themselves and make tough changes, while others are addicted to happy talk and try to wish problems away. Make no mistake. You can’t tackle the future without looking with clear eyes at how the present came into being." [Moi ici: Joaquim Aguiar diz isto tantas vezes. Enquanto não reconhecermos os nossos erros, não estamos preparados para os ultrapassar] (1)
Vejo tanta desta resistência nas empresas ... sobretudo quando se procura desenvolver uma acção correctiva, uma acção para eliminar a(s) causa(s) raiz por trás de um problema considerado relevante. Em vez de humildade e procura... defesa, medo, desculpas.
Por fim, ontem:
"É bom que haja luz no fim do túnel, mas a questão é o que essa luz ilumina.Quando se chegar ao fim do túnel, o que haverá para ver é um nível de dívida que só é sustentável enquanto o Banco Central Europeu e a sua política monetária permitirem, uma incapacidade de acumulação de capital que só poderá ser compensada com a atracção de capital externo, uma demografia sem vitalidade que só poderá ser compensada com imigração em grande escala, e taxas de crescimento da economia que há duas décadas são insuficientes para sustentar os discursos políticos da justiça social.A democracia não resolve a questão que a luz no fim do túnel lumina. A democracia é um processo que oferece aos eleitores o poder de atribuir legitimidade aos que se candidatam a exercer o poder político, mas não garante que sejam escolhidos os que são mais capazes para o exercer. A democracia é eficaz a seleccionar e a afastar, mas não inventa qualidade onde ela não existir. Quando se chegar à luz que está no fim do túnel, terá de se reflectir sobre o modo como é exercido o poder que a democracia legitima. Ou se quer continuar num regime político distributivo, em que se faz circular recursos internos de uns grupos sociais para outros...Ou se reconhece que é necessário assumir a exigência do regime político competitivo para colocar no crescimento económico e na comparação com o exterior os primeiros critérios da escolha democrática e as prioridades da estratégia política."
Quando eu era miúdo fazia uns ditados na escola primária baseados em contos populares com uma moral no fim. Julgo que vivo numa desses contos em que concluo que gostamos, como povo, que nos enganem, que nos contem estórias de embalar. Nesses contos o Diabo, na bifurcação aparecia sempre a apresentar o caminho que leva ao Inferno, o mais bonito e agradável.
terça-feira, maio 04, 2021
"we do not have to change the whole system, but choose where energy goes"
"Our predominant way of seeing and acting in the world does not take into account that the world is dynamic, changing and systemic; so we act or intervene by trying to over simplify, control and manage any complex dynamic....“The world is a complex, interconnected finite, ecological-social-psychological-economic system. We treat it as if it were not, as it were divisible, separable simple and infinite. Our persistent, intractable, global problems arise directly from this mismatch”.This is the premise behind the need for systems change practices: we need to work with the way the world works, as a complex adaptive, social, physiological, ecological, connected world. If we accept this premise, it has implications for how we understand the world’s challenges as well as giving insights into how we might work with energy and dynamics to cultivate systemic change....means that if we change something at the smaller level – and play into the wider pattern – we can have an effect at changing the dynamics on a larger scale. If we place new dynamics and patterns at one scale it can have an effect at wider levels. This is important when we start to understand the potential for intervention, as we do not have to change the whole system, but choose where energy goes; our catalytic ability as change makers might start to work with the nested dynamics of change."
Ao ler isto pensei em "virar a mesa" e em como uma situação pantanosa actual pode ser um resultado perfeitamente normal de algumas decisões a um nível básico, com impacte tremendo em vários níveis acima do sistema.
Tão fácil pensar na produtividade portuguesa, no desempenho da economia portuguesa, como o resultado perfeitamento normal de um conjunto de relações.
segunda-feira, maio 03, 2021
Os académicos não percebem nem metade do que acabei de escrever!
Nos últimos dias vi várias referências no Twitter ao tema da baixa produtividade portuguesa. Esta manhã vi que até Paulo Portas terá falado do tema no seu comentário semanal:
Percebem porque se ganha muito menos em Portugal do que na maior parte dos países da UE?
— Jorge Queiroz (@jcsqueiroz) May 2, 2021
Vejam a diferença entre Portugal e Irlanda que há poucas décadas estavam mais ou menos ao mesmo nível.
Produtividade por hora trabalhada. pic.twitter.com/WOW33Zb1ks
Não esqueçam, a produtividade é um rácio. Um rácio de alavancagem. Quanta riqueza consigo criar a partir da que tenho de consumir?
Quando olharem para a produtividade de um país não se esqueçam que ela resulta de dois mundos:
- sector privado; e
- sector público.
"customer profitability analysis"
Interessante e talvez sintomático, talvez não seja obra do acaso, mas fruto das circunstâncias que vivemos com a pandemia, com o crescimento acelerado do online (recordar esta epifania), nos últimos tempos tenho encontrado vários artigos que ilustram a importância de pensar nos clientes-alvo, a importância de perceber a curva de Stobachoff e o seu significado:
"No company can afford a flawed understanding of customer profitability, least of all in a recession when the margin for error (as well as profit) is whisper-thin. The flip side is that improvements in this area can be a very effective way of bolstering the bottom line — and companies can often make those improvements with only a modest initial investment.
A customer profitability analysis, done right, tells you not just which customers are profitable, but why certain customers are more or less profitable than others. At a strategic level, this information can help guide decisions on everything from growth initiatives to marketplace segmentation. And, tactically, the information can suggest a variety of ways to improve profitability, such as lowering the cost to serve, improving the sales force’s bargaining position, and developing more effective prices and promotions.
However, many companies that believe they understand customer profitability are actually working with the wrong information. Most use aggregate measures of profitability, typically gross margin, that fail to account for costs that are difficult to measure or that can’t be attributed to individual transactions (such as marketing expenses or distribution costs).
Even when these costs are considered, they’re often computed at an aggregate level using metrics that ignore the nuances of serving particular customers, segments or other populations of interest.
Pocket margin refers to the amount left in a company’s “pocket” after all of the costs related to a transaction, as well as the cost of goods sold, are subtracted from the list price. These costs can range from the obvious, such as off-invoice discounts and promotions, to the easily overlooked, such as costs associated with freight, warehousing and other activities that may be generally classified as “overhead.” The costs incurred at each point in a transaction are often graphically represented in a “price waterfall,” a bar chart that depicts the impact of each successive cost-to-serve element on the list price."
Trechos retirados de "How profitable are your customers … really?"
domingo, maio 02, 2021
Lidar com os Golias!
"Battling Goliath’s on their terms, in their arena, against their strengths, is a mistake many businesses make. Replicating a business model is perfectly fine (many of the most successful companies in history have done it) but that doesn’t mean battling existing companies where they are strongest.Create new arenas, formulate new rules and make your strengths the ones that matter.If you are to compete in this ever-changing digital world, don’t be afraid to be bold. Believe, change the status quo, focus, be agile and finally, be precise.No matter how much money they have behind them, no business is invincible.Take heart David’s of the world, the sling is yours."
O trecho foi retirado de "David vs. Goliath: How Small Businesses Can Compete with Giants" e parece, todo ele, baseado num postal de 2009, "Golias estava invicto até ter encontrado o pequeno David (parte II)" ou noutro de 2012, "Adeptos e promotores da concorrência imperfeita!!!"
sábado, maio 01, 2021
Uma visão para a Fase IV - calçado
Trabalhar no mundo do calçado é trabalhar num mundo de margens apertadas, quase sempre. Podemos não competir com os chineses, mas competimos com turcos e albaneses. (Recordar as 144h).
Neste postal, "Quantas empresas? (parte VII)", escrevo sobre aquilo a que chamo a Fase IV do calçado português:
"Successful companies do not wait for opportunity — they create it. Case in point: the French glove and protection manufacturer Racer.Racer has carved a niche creating high-performance gloves for a discerning worldwide clientele of skiers, cyclists, motorbike riders and equestrians. Its team of 25, based in the southern French town of Salon de Provence, produces premium products that are second to none....Today, Racer’s challenge is to maintain its focus on high-end handmade products while also innovating to anticipate the needs of its customers. It has to diversify in a way that stays true to its brand values. In recent years, it has harnessed tech to do so....Racer extended its product line with heating jackets and a sportswear range for urban mobility, with a new generation of very discreet, light and stylish helmets. [Moi ici: Isto é o que acontece quando deixamos de pensar em tubagens e passamos a concentrar-nos no desafio de mover fluidos, e mergulhamos no contexto de quem o faz, para lá daquilo que produzimos]...
Recent developments include heated rehabilitation gloves and protective clothing for the elderly to prevent injuries caused by falls.
Racer has used an ecosystem of local partners on its latest innovations, from the regional workshops that provide the leather and material for their products to the University of Marseille, with which it works on rehabilitation and healthcare products. There is also a move towards reintroducing production in France and offering a repair option, where possible, instead of expecting customers to buy replacement gloves due to the effects of wear and tear."
sexta-feira, abril 30, 2021
Focar no que não fazer
"If the hallmark of a great strategy is its telling you what not to do, what not to worry about, which developments to disregard, many of today’s efforts fall short."
Trecho retirado de "Better, Simpler Strategy: A Value-Based Guide to Exceptional Performance"
quinta-feira, abril 29, 2021
"We’re in a cultural war between the forces of dynamism and stasis"
"our tribal ancestors viewed entrepreneurs with suspicion. In their view, entrepreneurs were too willing to violate well-accepted social norms. They were too greedy, careless, and foolhardy, and too ready to reject their duty to their fellow men....Over the last decade, McCloskey has explored the roots of the Industrial Revolution and the 16-fold increase in per capita wealth it produced—a magnificent result she calls the “Great Fact.” The magnitude of these gains, she notes, cannot be explained solely by the causes generally advanced—trade, capital accumulation, natural resources.Rather, the Great Fact, she believes, was made possible by the greater social acceptance of the rising bourgeois commercial class, and how that acceptance was expressed in the changed language, rhetoric, and dialogue of the industrial era. Society shifted from a blanket condemnation of the entrepreneurial Scrooges of the world, as dramatic economic gains caused many to recognize the virtues of the entrepreneurs who produced those gains....the slowly growing esteem accorded to entrepreneurs liberated mankind’s creative spirit, by raising the social esteem of the dynamic entrepreneurial virtues of hope, courage, love, and faith, to stand alongside the traditional, less dynamic virtues of prudence, temperance, and justice....Entrepreneurs go beyond emulating competitors. They seek totally new ways of meeting some existing human need, and even visualizing “new” needs for which they then provide....Our challenge is to increase public recognition of the morality and virtuous nature of a dynamic economy and entrepreneurial culture. The entrepreneur flourishes when her culture comes to accept the mundane morality of the market as superior to the magnanimous morality of the tribe.This acceptance need not be total. We need only to create the cultural legitimacy needed to liberate the entrepreneurial forces that drive innovation and growth. Over the last century, more and more people around the world have come to realize this, but the acceptance of entrepreneurial change remains slow and halting.Entrenched vested interests are always reluctant to accept the pains of dislocation. They are skillful at emphasizing the destructive over the creative aspects of change, and are more powerful politically than tomorrow’s innovators.These economic conservative forces are buttressed by intellectuals who favor change in principle but believe it is best achieved via centralized political planning, that magnanimous morality can be readily accommodated in a dynamic economy, and that society’s goal should be capitalism “with a human face.”Intellectuals focus on the failures of markets to achieve utopian goals (prudence), the risks they introduce (temperance), and the pain caused to third parties (justice to the displaced workers). They emphasize fear rather than courage, resentment rather than love, timidity rather than faith, despair rather than hope. In other words, they are obsessed with clinging to a traditional world based on the older tribal values of justice, prudence, and temperance. These are values to be honored, for sure, but not to the exclusion of the values critical to the dynamism essential to create a better world tomorrow.We’re in a cultural war between the forces of dynamism and stasis. Can it be won? Do today’s potential entrepreneurs have the courage to resist the forces of stagnation? Perhaps."
quarta-feira, abril 28, 2021
Sem resultados pelos quais responder não há skin-in-the-game (parte II)
Na parte I, quando me referia a Schumpeter, era acerca disto:
"Although these models [Moi ici: Teoria neoclássica] have yielded some illuminating insights, they ignore essential aspects of Schumpeterian competition-the fact that there are winners and losers and that the process is one of continuing disequilibrium. An evolutionary analysis seems required if the model is to recognize those facts.In an evolutionary theory of the sort that we develop, the nature of the “economic problem" is fundamentally different from that depicted in contemporary orthodox theory. The latter views choice sets as known and given. The economic problem is to pick the best possible production and distribution, given that set of alternatives. The function of competition is to get- or help to get- the signals and incentives right. In evolutionary theory, choice sets are not given and the consequences of any choice are unknown. Although some choices may be clearly worse than others, there is no choice that is clearly best ex-ante. Given this assumption, one would expect to see a diversity of firm behavior in real situations. Firms facing the same market signals respond differently, and more so if the signals are relatively novel. Indeed, one would hope for such a diversity of responses in order that a range of possible behaviors might be explored. One function of competition, in the structural sense of many firms, then would be to make possible that diversity. Another function of competition, in this more active sense, is to reward and enhance the choices that prove good in practice and to suppress the bad ones. Over the long run, one hopes, the competitive system would promote firms that choose well on the average and would eliminate, or force reform upon, firms that consistently make mistakes.In this view, the market system is (in part) a device for conducting and evaluating experiments in economic behavior and organization. The meaning and merit of competition must be appraised accordingly. … We should understand as "development," he wrote," only such changes in economic life as are not forced upon it from without but arise by its own initiative, from within" (p . 63). The key development process he identified as the "carrying out of new combinations," and in the competitive economy "new combinations mean the competitive elimination of the old" (pp. 66-67). It is the entrepreneur who carries out new combinations, who " 'leads' the means of production into new channels". and may thereby reap an entrepreneurial profit. "He also leads in the sense that he draws other producers in his branch after him. But as they are his competitors, who first reduce and then annihilate his profit, this is, as it were, leadership against one's own will""
Quando a AT ou a classe política olha para as empresas esquece esta volatilidade, esquece esta volubilidade.
Trechos retirados de "An evolutionary theory of economic change" de Richard R. Nelson.
terça-feira, abril 27, 2021
Sem resultados pelos quais responder não há skin-in-the-game
Em 2016, "Mambo jambo de consultor ou faz algum sentido?".
Há dias, "Então, o negócio deixava de ser tubagens...".
Recordar os monumentos à treta:
- "" (Apreciar no comentário a citação de Irene Ng no seu blogue sobre o mesmo tópico) (2007)
- "" (2011)
- "" (2008)
- "" (2006)
Ontem dei uma vista de olhos a "“Futureproof: 9 rules for humans in the age of automation" de Kevin Roose. Às tantas dou comigo a germinar mais uma teoria da conspiração. O autor reporta que em 2018 foi encarregado pela sua entidade patronal para relatar o encontro de Davos de 2018 sobre o tema "Globalization 4.0".
"My bosses at the Times had invited me to cover that year’s forum, which was focused on “Globalization 4.0”—the essentially meaningless term Davos types had concocted for the emerging economic era defined by this new, transformative wave of AI and automation technology. Every day, I went to panels with titles like “Shaping a New Market Architecture” and “The Factory of the Future,” where powerful executives vowed to build “human-centered AI” that would be great for companies and workers alike.
But at night, after their public events were over, the Davos attendees took off their humanitarian masks and got down to business. At lavish, off-the-record dinners and cocktail parties, I watched them grill tech experts about how AI could help transform their companies into sleek, automated profit machines. They gossiped about which automation products their competitors were using. They struck deals with consultants for “digital transformation” projects, which they hoped would save them millions of dollars by shrinking their reliance on human workers."
"The pandemic gave companies the cover they needed to make huge, unprecedented strides in automation without risking a backlash. So they automated, and automated, and automated some more."
"In all, Covid-19 seemed to speed up the automation timeline by years, if not decades. McKinsey, the giant consulting firm, dubbed it “the great acceleration.” Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella claimed that the company had experienced “two years’ worth of digital transformation in two months.” In March 2020, a survey by the accounting firm EY found that 41 percent of corporate executives were investing more in automation to prepare for a post-coronavirus world. David Autor, an MIT economist and leading automation expert, called the pandemic an “automation-forcing event,” and predicted that it would usher in technological trends that would persist long after the virus was gone.
The pandemic has shown us some of the benefits of automation more clearly than any Davos panel could have. Robots and AI allowed companies to keep providing essential goods and services, even as more workers called in sick."
segunda-feira, abril 26, 2021
Até que ponto é possível?
"Innovators rarely have a competition problem. The challenge isn’t that your market is buying from an alternative provider–the challenge is that they’re buying from no one.
The work we do and the stories we tell when we seek to create activation are dramatically different from the mindset of competition, and yet the lessons from our culture (sports, mass merchants, politics) are all about competition.
“We’re better than them,” is a competition slogan.
That’s very different from, “things could be better,” or “you’re missing this new thing,” or, “people you admire are already using this.”
If you want to grow, you’ll need to get someone to not only decide that you’re worth their time and money, you’ll need to motivate them to act now instead of later."
Agora é juntar este postal acerca do futuro do calçado, "Calçado - Fazer a transição", ou este outro, "Quantas empresas (parte XI)", e recordar as palavras de Wickham Skinner em Maio de 1974 acerca da "empresa focada". Até que ponto é possível aspirar a ter sucesso e comportar-se como um dinossauro vermelho?
Trecho retirado de "Competition vs. activation"
domingo, abril 25, 2021
"trying to beat them at their own game is almost foolish"
"[um David] has only three partners. “We personally spend 98% of our time working with clients,” explains one of them, Yvonne Rumler. Florian Hechl chips in: “The projects we worked on were never shorter than nine months” This means that they work alongside senior executives, who become their sounding board.The Big Three work quite differently. They deliver a solution rather than working it out together with the client. Mind you, these solutions are often excellent and delivered in record speed, but not all executives want this. Seeking out clients who want to be in charge of the whole process can be a winning strategy for small but highly experienced consulting teams. Partners at large firms are preoccupied with acquiring new projects and client engagement. They simply don’t have the time to be always on-site. “We spend as much time with our clients as more junior consultants in large consultancies” Hechl points out. This way transferring skills becomes part of the deal.And remember, you are smallMcKinsey, BCG, and Bain are great at what they do so trying to beat them at their own game is almost foolish. Success will come through positions that are deliberately distinct. Having said that, using them as a motivator in a David versus Goliath game does work! The adrenaline rush that comes with beating them at a pitch is pretty motivating I am told."
Trecho retirado de "How Boutique Consulting Firms Can Outflank McKinsey, BCG, And Bain"
sábado, abril 24, 2021
Então, o negócio deixava de ser tubagens...
sexta-feira, abril 23, 2021
Todos os dias, anonimamente, a culpa morre solteira
"O Tribunal de Y absolveu a [empresa X], e cinco funcionários com cargos de chefia que respondiam por um crime de violação de regras de segurança, agravado pelo resultado, a morte de um trabalhador.
[Um de nós] morreu a 6 de abril de 2016, ao cair de uma altura de quatro metros, juntamente com um varandim móvel concebido para serem feitos trabalhos de soldadura e inspeção em vigas metálicas para a obra do TGV de Marrocos.
A vítima, que usava o varandim pela primeira vez, não recebeu formação e executou os trabalhos sem estar preso por um cinto de segurança ou um arnês. O varandim desprendeu-se e caiu, com o trabalhador, no pavimento da fábrica. O Ministério Público entendia que o varandim estava “indevidamente instalado e insuficientemente estabilizado“, através do uso de meros grampos que “não foram suficientes para manter o varandim fixado à viga metálica”.
O tribunal não deu como provada a razão pela qual o varandim caiu. O juiz presidente, João Pedro Cardoso, apontou mesmo fragilidades no relatório da Autoridade para as Condições de Trabalho. Também não ficou provado que os arguidos soubessem em que condições o trabalhador executava a tarefa."
E a vida continua...
É das coisas que mais me arrepia nas notícias, ouvir que alguém saiu de casa para trabalhar e morreu a trabalhar por causa de um acidente de segurança. Ainda esta semana comentava em duas empresas diferentes que muita gente não gosta de usar os equipamentos de protecção individual, desde os pescadores que acham o colete salva-vidas como algo para maricas, até aos trabalhadores das obras que dizem que está muito calor para usar um colete reflector ou um capacete de segurança. Ainda esta semana comentei a reunião que tive numa empresa há cerca de 15 anos. Dono da empresa, economista, sem parte dos dedos de uma mão, por acidente de trabalho. Funcionário da empresa da parte da contabilidade sem metade de um braço, por acidente de trabalho. Fornecedor de máquinas, dono da empresa, também sem alguns dedos de uma mão. O único com os dedos todos era eu... isto é cultural.
No entanto, ainda mais grave são as situações sublinhadas a amarelo lá em cima... e o tribunal acha que não se passou nada.
Isto não faz parangonas de jornais, mas mostra tanto do que somos como comunidade falhada. A prioridade é sermos os primeiros a apresentar planos de pedinchice em Bruxelas.
Trecho retirado do JN de hoje.
ADENDA (08h45) - A empresa em causa tinha um sistema de gestão na área da segurança certificado ... como é que a entidade certificadora terá tratado o assunto?
quinta-feira, abril 22, 2021
Acerca da coragem
quarta-feira, abril 21, 2021
"The pandemic sharply accelerated market fragmentation"
Um texto que parece retirado deste blogue:
"Markets change, and business models have to change in parallel. Success depends on constant business model innovation. In order to succeed, you need to get two things right: You have to target a defensible market segment, and you have to create a business model that enables you to win against competitors who are going after your target segment. In developing a high-profit business model to engage your target customers, you have two basic choices: (1) increase your customer value, or (2) lower your cost to serve (or do both).
In order for your company to succeed in the post-pandemic era, you must do two things well: Select your strategy carefully to target a defensible market segment and tailor your business model to capture and dominate your target market.
The problem is, most companies aren’t ready to compete on these new terms. The pandemic sharply accelerated market fragmentation. This allowed the digital giants, fueled by their market micro-segmentation, to grow quickly, but most companies have not changed their business model to meet these new conditions. Many managers who rose through the ranks in the previous era simply assumed that their age-old, tried-and-true, broad-market business models were still effective. Financial analysts continued to evaluate companies based on sales growth and expense minimization, reinforcing the problem.
In developing a high-profit business model to engage your target customers, you have two basic choices: (1) increase your customer value, or (2) lower your cost to serve (or do both). This is complicated by the need to transition from the previous broad market targeting to the new segment-specific targeting."
Trechos retirados de "How to Create a Winning Post-Pandemic Business Model"
terça-feira, abril 20, 2021
"raising their willingness to pay (WTP)"
"Creates value for customers by raising their willingness to pay (WTP)."
"If companies find ways to innovate or to improve existing products, people will be willing to pay more. ... In casual conversations, we often use WTP and price interchangeably. But it is helpful to distinguish between the two. WTP is the most a customer would ever be willing to pay. Think of it as the customer’s walk-away point: Charge one cent more than someone’s WTP, and that person is better off not buying.Too often, managers focus on top-line growth rather than on increasing willingness to pay. A growth-focused manager asks, “What will help me sell more?” A person concerned with WTP wants to make her customers clap and cheer. A sales-centric manager analyzes purchase decisions and hopes to sway customers, whereas a value-focused manager searches for ways to increase WTP at every stage of the customer’s journey, earning the customer’s trust and loyalty. A value-focused company convinces its customers in every interaction that it has their best interests at heart."
segunda-feira, abril 19, 2021
"Lost in translation"
"A strategic initiative is worthwhile only if it does one or more of the following: creates value for customers by raising their willingness to pay, creates value for employees by making work more attractive, or creates value for suppliers by reducing their operating cost....I believe that strategic management faces an attractive, back-to-basics opportunity. By simplifying strategy—by selecting fewer initiatives with greater impact—we can make it more powerful. In this article, I describe an easy-to-use framework called value-based strategy, which gives executives a common language for evaluating strategic initiatives and developing a holistic view of the many activities taking place within their organizations."
Estratégia ...
Valor (clientes-alvo)
Iniciativas (projectos de transformação) ...
Tudo coisas que escasseiam nas PMEs... e são tão preciosas e necessárias.
Sexta-feira passada dei uma formação via internet (um estónio, uma alemã, um irlandês, e um senegalês). Por duas ou três vezes ... usávamos as mesmas palavras, mas queríamos dizer coisas diferentes.
Como falar em estratégia, valor e iniciativas com PMEs e elas perceberem: cancro, preço e concorrentes, e lista de tarefas.
Trechos retirados de "Eliminate Strategic Overload". Um artigo com muito que se lhe diga, mas para já apenas esta preocupação.
domingo, abril 18, 2021
Going deep?
Uma sugestão para quem tem de apostar no digital
"Sellers can employ several strategies to take advantage of platforms while minimizing the risk of commoditization. They can develop and invest in direct channels while using platforms as showrooms to bring in new customers. They can either go deep on a platform, with highly specialized offerings, or go broad, with many different offerings that leverage expertise in specific platform features. And they can wage public relations and lobbying campaigns to take advantage of increased regulatory scrutiny of platforms....Go Deep or Go BroadDoing business on MSPs forces sellers to choose one of two means of building competitive advantage and withstanding the threat of commoditization: They can go deep, by offering a highly specific product or service and leveraging MSPs’ economies of scale, or they can go broad, by offering many different products or services and leveraging economies of scope.Going deep.Specializing in a product or service is generally a good strategy for achieving competitive advantage—and it’s even more important for sellers operating on MSPs. Digital platforms usually make it easy for consumers to compare many offerings and find their ideal product. And by breaking down geographic barriers and accumulating very large user bases, they greatly increase a seller’s reach. Taken together, those qualities mean that becoming the highest-quality or lowest-cost provider in a narrowly defined product or service category is significantly more valuable for sellers who conduct business on MSPs.Deep specialization on an MSP can create a self-reinforcing cycle. The more a product aligns with what consumers are searching for, the higher its ratings will be, increasing the chances that the platform’s algorithms will drive target customers to it. That means more people will buy and rate the product, further heightening its advantage. Thus, highly specialized sellers can build a sustainable competitive advantage over time....Deep specialization is the best strategy for small “native” sellers—ones that started out on an MSP. In fact, one of the most important ways in which the platforms create value is by generating unprecedented opportunities for niche products or services to succeed.Going deep is also likely to be the best option for sellers (small or large) with established businesses outside the MSP in question. Because they already have a successful offering, they can more easily adapt it to the MSP than build expertise around specific MSP features that they could leverage horizontally—an area where “non-native” sellers have no comparative advantage. Still, they should recognize that succeeding on an MSP may require much more specialization than they needed on their own."
sábado, abril 17, 2021
"Always Day 1"
"Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, who has upped the frequency and speed of change for so many other companies, understands that success is never permanent. His famous “Day 1” mantra (also the name of the building that houses his office) reflects a daily fight against complacency. As he wrote in his first annual report in 1997, “Day 2 is stasis. Followed by irrelevance. Followed by excruciating, painful decline. Followed by death. And that is why it is always Day 1."
Tantas empresas a precisarem desta mentalidade, deste desassossego, desta sede... de rever o que se faz, de mudar o que se faz, de não cristalizar.