terça-feira, maio 04, 2021

"we do not have to change the whole system, but choose where energy goes"

Ontem comecei a ler "How do we know where there is potential to intervene and leverage impact in a changing system? The practitioners perspective" de Anna Birney.

Reparem nestes trechos:
"Our predominant way of seeing and acting in the world does not take into account that the world is dynamic, changing and systemic; so we act or intervene by trying to over simplify, control and manage any complex dynamic.
“The world is a complex, interconnected finite, ecological-social-psychological-economic system. We treat it as if it were not, as it were divisible, separable simple and infinite. Our persistent, intractable, global problems arise directly from this mismatch”.

This is the premise behind the need for systems change practices: we need to work with the way the world works, as a complex adaptive, social, physiological, ecological, connected world. If we accept this premise, it has implications for how we understand the world’s challenges as well as giving insights into how we might work with energy and dynamics to cultivate systemic change.
means that if we change something at the smaller level – and play into the wider pattern – we can have an effect at changing the dynamics on a larger scale. If we place new dynamics and patterns at one scale it can have an effect at wider levels. This is important when we start to understand the potential for intervention, as we do not have to change the whole system, but choose where energy goes; our catalytic ability as change makers might start to work with the nested dynamics of change."

Ao ler isto pensei em "virar a mesa" e em como uma situação pantanosa actual pode ser um resultado perfeitamente normal de algumas decisões a um nível básico, com impacte tremendo em vários níveis acima do sistema.

Tão fácil pensar na produtividade portuguesa, no desempenho da economia portuguesa, como o resultado perfeitamento normal de um conjunto de relações.

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