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domingo, setembro 03, 2023

Volume é Vaidade, Lucro é Sanidade - sempre

Não conheço a marca, escrevo só com base na minha experiência.

"Madison Reed has just announced its expansion into WalmartWMT stores nationwide. "My belief is that great quality prestige salon products should be made available to everyone, and certainly, given the magnitude of the shopper traffic that Walmart receives, they are a key U.S. retailer," said Amy Errett, CEO and founder of Madison Reed. In an interview, she further explained how the partnership with Walmart will allow greater access to high-quality hair care products with Smart 8-Free and Leaping Bunny Certified formulas for customers wherever and whenever they need it."

Trecho retirado de "Madison Reed, America's Best Loved Hair Color Brand, Expands Into Walmart

Como conciliar "America's Best Loved" e "great quality prestige" com prateleiras "everyday low-price"?

Recordar a Raporal em A prova do tempo... tudo por causa de um Pingo Doce.

quarta-feira, novembro 24, 2021

Quando o quotidiano assume o comando ... (parte III)

Parte I e parte II.

"Big company CEOs get paid ridiculous amounts of money, but the good ones also do something that most of us avoid.

They make decisions.

In fact, that’s pretty much the core of the job. Whether to shut a plant, open a store, create a division, invest in a new technology…

That’s the part that creates the most value.

When we go to work, most of us simply go to work. We do our jobs, respond to the incoming, hone our craft, make some sales.

The decisions get put off or ignored altogether.

And yet it’s the strategic decisions that can change the arc of our career and our job satisfaction as well.

Here’s a simple list of questions: What are the five big decisions on your desk right now? Would others in your position have a different list? How much of your day is spent learning what you need to know to make those decisions? And can you make them all by Tuesday?"

Trecho retirado de "The CEO of you"

terça-feira, maio 11, 2021

O que mudar para que o que se tem se transforme numa vantagem competitiva?

"Rather than thinking of Best Buy’s more than 1,000 stores as a liability that made it difficult to compete, the company reimagined their role and turned them into assets. Going forward, the stores would serve four functions: points of sale (the traditional role), showrooms for brands that built stores-within-a-store, pickup locations, and mini-warehouses."

Ontem ao ler este trecho parei... parei e recuei a Outubro de 2015 e a "Do concreto para o abstracto e não o contrário":

"Uma PME-tipo em Portugal não tem condições para começar com uma folha em branco e partir do zero num exercício racional de desenvolvimento de uma estratégia.

Uma PME-tipo em Portugal ao desenvolver uma estratégia:

para aproveitar uma oportunidade com que chocou inadvertidamente; ou

para estancar uma hemorragia competitiva que a está a enfraquecer.

Tem, quase sempre, de partir daquilo que tem. Não tem a liberdade de ir à procura do próximo hit, porque isso exige recursos e uma cultura que normalmente não tem."

O truque é pegar naquilo que se tem e procurar o que fazer, quem servir, o que mudar no modelo de negócio de forma a se transformar numa vantagem competitiva. 

Isto implica uma agilidade mental, o que mudar para que o que se tem se transforme numa vantagem competitiva?

sexta-feira, janeiro 29, 2010

Usar o mapa da estratégia para reflectir e alinhar

Dentro de uma hora vou ter oportunidade, mais uma vez de testar a validade destas palavras:
"Throughout the strategy making, the use of cognitive maps as the basis of cause maps - which are 'strategic maps' - encourages conversation towards three objectives. The first is to 'make sense' of their own and others' views - by seeing each concept and argument within its context. The second is to explore propositions by seeing 'teardrops' - hierarchical bundles of propositions supporting strategic options.
The final and most important objective is to determine commitments by encouraging conversation which is action oriented, for example through the use of active verbs in the wording of concepts. This is the move to closure, involving conversations about agreements, commitments, and action.
Thus, the map, as a visual interactive model, acts as in the form of a changing artifact, a transitional object, that encourages dialogue, which in turn, demonstrates respect for the ideas of others and respect for others. By the very nature of the two-dimensional contextualized network of propositions, with embedded equivocality, participants are encouraged to converse in a 'yes, and...' rather than 'yes, but...' format. Similarly the map as a transitional object can significantly reduce the energy participants devote to impression management.
The maps are devices that can encourage reflection by the group on something which is a representation available to all, amenable to analysis, capable of change by the group in real time, and available as an organizational memory. It can become that which belongs to the group rather than to any individual."
Trechos retirados de "Making Strategy - The Journey of Strategic Management" de Collin Eden & Fran Ackermann.