Também sinto que nisto se olha para o futuro com os modelos mentais do passado que ainda são usados no presente. Receio que haja uma viciação do pensamento em torno da eficiência. Sinto que não têm isto em conta...
... quando, por exemplo, escrevem isto "Robot doctors and lawyers? It’s a change we should embrace":
"the second future is very different – the introduction of a range of increasingly capable systems will entirely replace the work of traditional professionals.Claro que o resultado terá de ser "Jovens receiam perder os seus empregos para robots".
For now, these two futures will develop in parallel. But in the long run the second future will dominate. It will give rise to new ways of sharing expertise in society and will lead to the gradual dismantling of the traditional professions. This is where the latest evidence and thinking leads us." [Moi ici: Já vejo ordens profissionais a apresentar providências cautelares]
Sublinho uma frase do Guardian, que nem parece do Guardian:
"The professions exist because they help us to solve problemsMáquinas farão o lado automatizado, o lado low-cost das profissões, ou o lado que pode ser sistematizado.
Traditionally, we have trusted doctors to keep us in good health, teachers to educate our children, lawyers to advise us on our entitlements and accountants to manage our finances. They have had knowledge and experience that lay people did not.
Yet this tradition is under siege.
Our view is that it is precisely the importance of the work that professionals do that should lead us to embrace radical change. The traditional professions are creaking. Affordable access to good quality medical guidance and legal support, for example, is woefully low.
We expect that many people will find this uncomfortable. The idea that the traditional professions will play a less prominent role in the future will be troubling."
Pessoas e máquinas a trabalhar juntas, como aprendi com Kasparov (aqui e aqui), prestarão o serviço que implica interacção. Onde é que as pessoas podem fazer a diferença?