Há dias escrevi este postal "
Boleias de passageiro clandestino que permitem viver mais um dia mas não ensinam a pescar" e depois a parte II.
Acabo se saborear mais um artigo de Kaj Storbacka "
Learning with the market: Business model alignment
in networks" que julgo ir ao encontro das preocupações que manifestei na parte I.
Antes de mais reconhecer que é sempre um gosto ler Storbacka, sinto sempre que aprendo algo, que consolido algo e que sou despertado para mais alguns desafios intelectuais.
O que sublinho do artigo? Muita coisa:
Os mercados não são, os mercados vão sendo, estão em permanente mutação, qual Argus, e é disto que eu gosto, que eu aprecio fazer, facilitar a revolução mental, primeiro, e do mosaico de actividades e cultura depois, capaz de levar uma empresa/organização a adoptar, a desenvolver, a criar um novo modelo de negócio assente na vontade de mudar a configuração do mercado.
"Markets are always in the making, ... markets are not – they become.
This opens up questions about how market actors can influence this process of becoming. (
Moi ici: Como é que as medidas que os governos lançam têm o condão de ajudar os actores no mercado, as PMES a influenciarem o desenvolvimento do mercado?)
market actors will make subjective market definitions by identifying the network(s) to participate in – both in terms of exploiting existing opportunities and exploring new ones. This resonates with discussions addressing market driven, versus market driving strategies. ...
market driving strategies as changing the configuration and/or behavior of actors in a market.
Firms applying market driving strategies need to start with their own subjective view on which market(s) to drive. A firm wanting to become market driving can do so by engaging in processes aimed at influencing the existing market practices. ...
‘market scripting’, defined as “conscious activities conducted by a single market actor in order to alter the current market configuration”.
Performativity is the capacity of theories and expressed views of actors, as well as other non‐verbal forms of expressive action, to influence reality.
the performative power of any market actor is dependent on its network position, the relative strength of the actor’s business model, and the actor’s ability to author compelling meanings. As the market actors’ performative power shifts along with the situation in which they perform the market, we are likely to observe partial performativity of actors’ mental models and business models. This results in multiplicity of co‐existing market versions, markets take on multiple forms as actors make their subjective definitions of the market
and attempt to make their definition a shared definition (
Moi ici: E são estas tentativas, mais ou menos conseguidas, que vão modificando os mercados) in a reciprocal learning process among relevant market actors.
Moi ici: Onde a abordagem dos governos e da tríade dos encalhados falha é na crença de que o mercado é imutável, o que os leva a correr sempre atrás do prejuízo, a preparar, a afinar as armas da última guerra para combater as novas guerras, onde outros combatem com novas estratégias e novas armas e, por isso, conseguem subir na escala de valor) the managerial consequence of reciprocity is
the need for a better understanding of the market. (
Moi ici: Sempre que as empresas são protegidas ... perde-se motivação para perceber o mercado)
The process of market sensing has traditionally been built on the assumption that the market is given and that the objective of the firm is to learn ‘about the market’, i.e., identify opportunities as precursors of business development.
Actors wanting to influence the becoming of markets are more likely to focus on learning ‘with the market’. ... Learning with the market builds on the idea of network learning (
Moi ici: Sempre as redes, sempre os ecossistemas, sempre os many-to-many), i.e., learning by a group of organizations as a group, aiming at intersubjectivity or shared meanings.
Moi ici: Se trabalhamos tantas horas e temos os resultados que temos, já há muito que devia ser claro que o problema não é a quantidade do que se faz mas a natureza do que se faz. Ou seja, são precisos novos modelos de negócio, não impostos por governos ou consultores, mas desejados e descobertos pelos actores que operam nas redes como forma de resolverem as necessidades e desafios colocados pelo meio)
new business model means a change in the focal actor, but also in the focal actor’s relationship with other actors and in other actors’ business models. (
Moi ici: As medidas tão faladas nos media, TSU, horário de trabalhos, férias e feriados... será que contribuem para que os actores mudem de práticas ou mudem a forma como são vistos pela rede? Que alavancas accionam em seu favor? Reforçam as práticas do passado, não preparam a mente para novas abordagens à rede, ao ecossistema) The business model defines the practices that the focal actor engages in and these practices influence other actors.
Business model changes will, hence, require focal actors to engage in processes where they ‘negotiate’ resource and capability configurations in the actor‐actor dyads and in the larger network in order to achieve alignment between the business models. (
Moi ici: Nada disso, com as boleias concedidas pelo Estado e que, na melhor das situações apenas atrasam a mudança de modelos de negócios, as boleias tornam os modelos de negócio condenados em alternativas que prolongam o status-quo por um pouco mais... muitas vezes até que seja irreversível a transição para novos modelos de negócio, por ser demasiado tarde. Se os incentivos são para tornar o presente mais tragável, de onde virá a necessidade, a motivação, o exemplo para mudar a sério e criar o futuro?)
Introducing new of re‐configured business models (or business model elements) into a market requires adaptation and active participation from other actors.
Organizations and individuals learn from being exposed to diverse interpretations of phenomena, (
Moi ici: Qual a interpretação que o governo, que os políticos, que os paineleiros, que tantos dirigentes associativos transmitem, divulgam, vulgariazam? Se a mensagem de todos diz que o problema são os custos, infelizmente, o problema nunca deixará de ser os custos... o problema depende do ângulo de visão, depende da alavancagem escolhida. Ver o que o grande Karl Weick escreve sobre isto mais à frente) but can act only based on some level of common understanding. ... meanings can be equifinal, i.e. that group members can take organized action although they hold different meanings for their common experience. Different meanings may lead to the same action as they are bounded by certain organizational behaviors.
An actor attempting to improve its performance in the market needs to be well equipped to understand the network, and its own position in the network. (
Moi ici: Ensinar a pescar é perceber isto, é abandonar provisoriamente o nível da "minha empresa" e tentar subir na escala de abstracção para perceber o filme em que se está inserido, para tentar visualizar a rede e descobrir como aproveitar/criar novas oportunidades que permitam subir na escala de valor) A change in any actor’s business models means that the resource configuration of the whole network may change and this will impact the work division between actors.
Additionally, achieving competitive advantages may require actors to have access to completely different networks or control certain strategic information or resource flows. (
Moi ici: Por isso é que estas boleias atrasam... porque não promovem a "contaminação com as novas redes, com os novos pontos de vista, com os novos fluxos de informação... enquanto a originação de valor implica estar numa lógica de espiral que se abre, uma espiral virtuosa, as lógicas de captura e extracção (recordar Larreché) assentam numa lógica invertida que se traduz numa espiral que se fecha, que se concentra na eficiência unicamente... é um outro modelo mental) "Hence, business model reconfiguration may result in the inclusion or exclusion of actors in the network.
Networks are constantly changing and learning means the ability to actively engage in tie formation and structure development.
A focal actor that wishes to introduce a new or re‐configured business model into an actor network will need to influence the extant market practices in such a way that inter‐actor configurational fit is achieved. Market networks are perpetually dynamic as new actors enter the context, and as actors introduce new ideas, new business model elements and practices into the network. This leads to a perpetual oscillation effect between the actors and the market practices – a dynamic that fosters market learning.
One outcome of market learning is a change in how actors interpret the network – we call this ‘cognitive market learning’. This relates to a need to define ‘where the network starts and ends’. ... business networks can be described by starting from a focal actor and analyzing this actor’s relationships. This makes it possible to create a “delimited and palpable business network” that has a “specific centre and borders in terms of the network horizon” viewed from the focal actor in the centre. ... Weick’s (1995)
suggestion that organizations ‘produce’ the environments to which they respond, through their actions and selective attention. (
Moi ici: Se as organizações são induzidas a combater no mercado dos custos... só vão ver, só vão conhecer o mercado dos custos, só vão participar nessa rede)
Moi ici: Os que tentam influenciar os actores mergulhados no status-quo) ... firms act influenced by (sometimes implicit) assumptions, labeled dominating ideas, or dominating logic. Sometimes these ideas may become commonly accepted dominant designs, or industry recipes. The successful diffusion of business model innovations will, hence, depend on the focal actor’s (innovator’s) ability to change the existing mental models and institutionalize new ones. ... in order to commercialize a radical innovation, which by definition causes a change in the market network,
the focal actor has to overcome the institutions, i.e. the existing understandings and patterns of action. (
Moi ici: Não é tarefa fácil, ainda para mais quando os incentivos e o discurso do mainestream é para salvar os modelos de negócio actuais que geram os resultados actuais)
A key skill for a focal actor is the authoring of meanings that become market pictures, explaining how the market is developing. This indicates the need for
collective sensemaking practices, involving many market actors simultaneously. (
Moi ici: O papel do exemplo dos pares... aqui, aqui, aqui e aqui) The role of dialogue is to secure the establishment of a new common language to describe the new business model and its value creating opportunities.
We suggest that when a focal actor attempts to introduce a business model it needs to develop value propositions not only for customers but also for other actors in the network.
Moi ici: E agora a pior crítica que se pode fazer aos governos, dirigentes associativos, media, .... )
One way to influence network learning is to influence the agenda of the market network. Strategic agendas can focus on different levels such as organization itself, its business, the competition, or the entire industry and they play a major role in shaping the patterns of
competition within an industry structure." (
Moi ici: E qual é a agenda desta tríade de encalhados?... A defesa dos modelos do passado)