Os últimos trechos que retiro de "The Discipline of Political Savvy" do livro "The Six Disciplines of Strategic Thinking" de Michael D. Watkins.
Ao ler estas linhas lembrei-me logo do exemplo da Jofebar sobre a qual escrevi aqui em:
- Um sistema de gestão que começa no negócio (Novembro de 2015)
- A mensagem de quem sabe quem são os seus alvos (Setembro de 2016)
- É nestes momentos de mudança ... (parte V) (Janeiro de 2019)
"To achieve your objectives, you need to identify potential winning coalitions
Think too about potential blocking coalitions those who collectively have the power to say no and how you can avoid having opposition coalesce.
Recognize also that relationships and alliances are not the same thing. This is not to say that relationships aren't valuable; they certainly are. However, they are not the sole basis for building alliances because understanding people's agendas and your alignment with them - or lack thereof - is also essential.
Defining your influence objectives
The first step in developing your influence is seeking clarity about why you need the support of others.
Understanding the key decision-makers
Armed with a clear understanding of what you're trying to accomplish, you can now focus on whose support is essential and how you will secure it. Start by identifying the alliances you need to build to achieve your objectives. To what extent do you need to gain the support of others over whom you don't have authority?
You may need to explore whether there are exchanges or "deals" you can strike that might help to win people over. Figure 15 summarizes common "currencies" for exchange in organizations, including providing resource or inspiration, confirming higher status, giving personal support and even simply expressing appreciation.
On top of identifying potential exchanges, you need to assess situational pressures, which means understanding the forces that are guiding the key decision-makers because of the context in which they operate. Think in terms of driving and restraining forces. Driving forces push people in the direction you want them to go, and restraining forces are situational reasons they would say no....You will also need to focus on how the people you want to influence perceive their alternatives or choices. What are the options from which they believe they can choose?"
O que pode ser feito para minimizar o foco de alguns empreiteiros no preço?
Parcerias Estratégicas: Desenvolver parcerias com arquitectos e designers para criar projectos de referência que mostrem o impacte positivo dos produtos Jofebar.
Comunicação Eficaz: Utilizar estudos de caso e testemunhos para destacar os benefícios dos produtos e como eles resolvem problemas específicos do sector.
Formação e Educação: Proporcionar formações ou workshops sobre as vantagens técnicas e estéticas dos produtos, aumentando o conhecimento técnico dos empreiteiros.
Serviço Pós-Venda: Garantir um excelente serviço pós-venda para construir confiança e fidelidade dos clientes, mostrando que o investimento vale a pena.
Já agora, a figura acima, assim como a linguagem destas duas partes, ilustram bem porque prefiro esta abordagem na ISO 9001: