quarta-feira, novembro 09, 2011

Basear os preços no valor (parte II)

Parte I,
A razão mais invocada para o não uso do valor co-criado como a base para a definição dos preços é:
"Difficulties in making value assessments
The difficulties associated with reliable assessment of value are reflected in the following comment from the chief marketing officer of a software company:
The research and development department came up with a new software program to help large retailers compare the prices of thousands of competitive products on the Internet in real time. This program helps them to adjust their own prices not only on the basis of data from internal demand, but also on the basis of the prices of competitors, which are usually much harder to get because Internet-based price comparison engines typically do not list prices for toothbrushes, pet-food, beer, and so on. We know there is value in this program for such retailers asWal Mart, K-Mart, and so on. However, we just do not have the tools to attach a financial value to our unique software package.
Respondents in the pharmaceutical, chemical, and fast-moving consumer goods industries stated that similar difficulties were the primary obstacle to their implementation of value-based pricing strategies. If the company itself does not know the value of its products or services to customers, how does it know what to charge customers for value?
The most effective way of overcoming the value-assessment problem is rigorous value measurement. In this regard, Nagle and Holden’s (2002) definition of value to the customer is pertinent: ‘‘A product‘s economic value is the price of the customer‘s best alternative – reference value – plus the value of whatever differentiates the offering from the alternative – differentiation value.’’"
Alternativas para medir o valor co-criado com os clientes podem ser:

  • Expert interviews;
  • Focus group assessment of value;
  • Conjoint (or trade-off) analysis;
  • Assessment of value-in-use;
  • Importance ratings.
"In practice, the most reliable assessments of customer value are likely to be obtained by using several of these suggested tools concurrently."
Os empresários compram automóveis topo de gama, são capazes de ter umas botas de segurança made in Timberland, são capazes de ir a um restaurante selecto, são capazes de ... tudo pago a peso de ouro e, no entanto, têm dificuldades em traduzir o valor do que co-criam para um preço decente. Assim, continuo a ver empresas carregadas de trabalho e que deixam tanto dinheiro em cima da mesa negocial. E quando uma empresa cresce mais de 100% ao longo de anos sucessivos?

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