Dedicado ao grifo.
terça-feira, setembro 13, 2022
É transitória ...
Lembro-me de há muitos anos ter lido algures que a Wal-Mart e a China deveriam receber um prémio qualquer do governo americano pelo quanto ajudavam a controlar a inflação.
Em Maio de 2020 citava aqui:
"The deflationary environment created by rising Chinese exports and globalisation is over."
Algo que em Dezembro de 2021 traduzi aqui:
"Com a crise de 2008 começou a desglobalização, o aumento da importância do factor proximidade produção-consumo. Agora, com os confinamentos, com as quarentenas, com as cadeias de fornecimento pouco ágeis num mundo de incerteza...
Os impactes da desglobalização serão:
- mais emprego; (falta de mão de obra) e
- preços mais altos (inflação)"
Ontem em "Who will pay for the shift from efficiency to resilience?" encontrei:
"Are we entering a new era of wealth redistribution? Or will the imbalances between capital and labour that have characterised the past half century of economic history linger on?
In many OECD countries, there has been a decoupling of productivity and wages over the past 40 years, during which time business has claimed a larger share of national income gains.
Deglobalization, which will favor local labor markets in some industries, is beginning to shift that dynamic. So will the aging population, which will create a structurally tighter labor market as well as millions of new onshore healthcare jobs. [Moi ici: Escrevi aqui sobre como a demografia criará uma ou mais gerações de "Figos" - "Escrevi aqui algures que um dia seríamos (os nossos descendentes) todos tratados como Figos."]
But the third part of the capital and labor story is the increasing pressure on companies to empower consumers and the state at a time of rising costs. Inflation happens for all sorts of reasons, but one of a them is a shift in economic focus from efficiency to resilience. [Moi ici: O que escrevo aqui desde 2008 sobre nearshoring and reshoring e ultimamente sobre o risco político] Both the public and private sectors want to buffer themselves against climate change, geopolitics and market shifts. Changes in supply chains, reserve currency allocations and tax policies are all part of this. But resilience costs money. The question is: who is going to pay?"
Portanto, cuidado com o apagador usado pelos mata-borrões que não passam de fragilistas encartados.
segunda-feira, setembro 12, 2022
"Don't think. Just do what I say."
Três momentos:
- Julho de 2022
- Almoço com parceiro das conversas oxigenadoras na passada sexta-feira
- Ontem, fim da tarde
"To some degree, we all work in Flatland. In the two-dimensional world of thinking and doing, the organizational dialogue goes something like this: "If we think hard enough about our problems or goals, we will be able to develop a plan to do all the 'right' things to be successful." The traditional work culture places tremendous value on the intellect, on data; on taking action and staying busy to implement "the plan." This culture measures our worth and success in terms of how much thinking and doing we can get done in a day. In fact, workers and managers who can get more than a day's work done are richly rewarded. The value of people in the two-dimensional workplace comes down to getting the job done, irrespective of a person's quality of character or the demonstration of values. Some organizations are even one dimensional: "Don't think. Just do what I say." In these types of organizations, performance and profit are valued more highly than people all types of stakeholders, from employees to the community at large- sometimes even at the expense of the consumer."
domingo, setembro 11, 2022
Tudo vai depender do tal jogo de forças
sábado, setembro 10, 2022
O grande apagador
sexta-feira, setembro 09, 2022
Como eu gostava de saber (parte II)
quinta-feira, setembro 08, 2022
"There is no going back to the way everything was before."
"But companies across Germany have been finding ways to continue operating. They are firing up coal plants or shifting production of some products abroad. They are even considering making deals with rival firms to share energy. Chief executives say that by adjusting to the new reality, they are in a better position to live with less natural gas.We are in crisis mode, but we are not panicking,"...Not every manufacturer can operate with less gas. And no one knows how Germany, Europe's largest economy and the one most reliant on Russian gas, will fare this winter when chilly weather causes gas demand to soar.But BASF, for one, said it had begun using oil instead of gas to generate power and steam, and reducing production at its European plants that use a lot of gas, especially its facility in Ludwigshafen, described as the world's largest chemical complex.Detailing BASF's efforts in the earnings call, Mr. Brudermüller said the company was scaling back ammonia production, which requires natural gas, and seeking to buy it from outside suppliers. Ammonia plays a key role in the manufacturing of fertilizer, plastics and other products....Private households, which combined use the most energy in Germany, have already shaved about 6 percent off their gas use this year. A government program is encouraging them to do more, dropping their thermostats by one degree in the coming winter and limiting showers to just five minutes....When gas prices started rising, Evonik's engineers searched or where they could make cuts. An obvious solution was to keep a coal-fired power plant going past October, when it was scheduled to be swapped out for two new gasfired plants.We built two fantastic new gas power plants, the best German engineering, but realized that we didn't have any gas for them," Christian Kullmann, the chief executive of Evonik, said on German television....With winter approaching, traditional gas-hungry industries may be let with no choice but to scale back or halt production entirely. But for those that have already found solutions, analysts said, the changes may prove lasting, regardless of what Russia does."The signal that energy security can't be taken for granted is so clear that companies will continue to think of different scenarios even if there were a fast change, even if Russia were to deliver more gas and prices were to fall again," said Eric Heymann, an economist with Deutsche Bank Research. "There is no going back to the way everything was before."
Sabem o que é que este "There is no going back to the way everything was before." me faz lembrar? Aqueles que estavam perdidos e acabam por se encontrar.
"é que os que decidem aventurar-se e procurar a salvação, enfrentando o desconhecido, ao fazerem essa viagem, acabam por se transformarem a eles próprios e o mais interessante é que quando chegam à "civilização", ou quando são encontrados, já não estão perdidos, já se encontraram, já se adaptaram a uma nova realidade."
quarta-feira, setembro 07, 2022
Deixem as empresas morrer!!!
"Google has killed more than 200 projects over the last few decades. They fail all the time. More than once a month they shut down a business that frightened the competition and seduced consumers.
That’s part of the recipe for becoming an unbeatable behemoth. Fail a lot.
Institutions like Western Union and A & P and Woolworth’s and Sears forget this part."
Claro que estar endividada não ajuda, qualquer falha pode ser a morte da artista por falta de resiliência. Claro que estar endividada pode dar o "extra mille" de energia, de desespero para fazer com que as coisas resultem.
Trecho retirado de "Unbeatable vs perfect"
terça-feira, setembro 06, 2022
"Losing Customers on Purpose"
"Though your goal is to maximize the price increase without losing your customer, sometimes price increases can help you introduce unprofitable customers to your competitors without the conflict of firing them.
I've found that customers who are easy to work with and highly profitable make my business life a joy. These accounts are the best fit. On the other hand, customers who are overly demanding, fail to live up to their commitments, consume my resources, and pay low prices, so that the profitability of their account is negligible, suck my energy. It's not fun to work with these customers. Far too often, though, we hang on to these soul-sucking accounts because they are large and we are afraid to lose them; or we are concerned about negatively impacting our retention numbers; or we know that we'll have to prospect to find a replacement for the revenue.
A few years back I was working with a pain-in-the-rear account like this. It was a big, nationally known brand. Exactly the type of logo you want in your account portfolio. It also generated a lot of revenue. When we first signed the account our entire company celebrated. The only problem was that the customer was killing us.
Because it was such a big company, the stakeholders were used to being the 800-pound gorillas, especially when working with small companies like mine. When they said dance, we danced even when what they were asking us to do was far outside of the scope of our contract. That's how it is when you are afraid of the gorilla. We did their bidding for a year, often working overtime and shortchanging other accounts in order to meet their demands. I hated working with them, my team hated working with them, and when I took a rational look at the cost of serving them, we were not making that much money. Certainly not enough for the hassle.
As we got closer to contract renewal time, the people on my team implored me to fire them.
So, instead of cutting them loose as my team wanted, I met with my contact and presented the contract renewal. I walked her through the value we had delivered and backed that up with numbers and stories. She agreed that we had done a terrific job and thanked me.
I then presented a new contract for the following year that included a 100 percent price increase. Double what they paid us the year before. She stared at the number for a long silence, whistled, and asked matter-of-factly, "How can you possibly justify an increase like this?"
"You are hard to work with," I responded, just as matter-of-factly. "The people on your team are extremely demanding, want instant turn around on tasks, and often ask us to do things that are beyond the scope of our agreement.
"Because we are a small business, these requests and demands tax our resources, making it difficult to serve our other customers. I don't see this changing, so the only way we can meet these expectations is to add dedicated resources focused on your account. We can't do that without this price increase.'
She looked down again at the new agreement and said, "You're right. We are a difficult company to work with." Then she signed the contract."
segunda-feira, setembro 05, 2022
O regime dos padrinhos
Joaquim Aguiar no último Think Tank.
"É um partido distributivo.Portanto, toda a sua estruturação mental é para distribuir.Nesse sentido, para percebermos qual é a diferença do ponto de vista de condução de uma sociedade, é diferença entre um padrinho e um pai. O padrinho distribui brinquedos e ofertas porque não tem obrigação de educar a criança. Um pai tem a obrigação de educar a criança para que quando ela for adulta não esteja dependente da miséria, e portanto tem de a treinar com hábitos de trabalho, de competição, de comparação com o que outros fazem. Neste sentido o padrinho é aquele que protege os mais desfavorecidos, mas o pai é aquele que prepara os competitivos.Por que é muito importante esta diferença? Porque na moeda única o que se comparam são competitividades não são capacidades reivindicativas nem potencial distributivo. Com a mesma moeda os melhores vão ganhar as melhores actividades e, portanto vão ser mais ricos do que os piores. E isso não tem nada a ver com a distribuição ou justiça social tem a ver com uma regra elementar, se a métrica de comparação é igual a todos, então quem é melhor vai revelar-se rapidamente. E tão rapidamente que nem sequer é um problema de ideologia, é um problema de eficácia.Ora, o que se percebeu com esta crise no Serviço Nacional de Saúde é que um mecanismo distributivo típico dos padrinhos atinge o limite. E portanto, revelou a sua incapacidade de regeneração para que, pela via competitiva, pudesse melhorar em qualidade e eficiência de serviços. E portanto, reduzimos essa atividade uma atividade de funcionários públicos, mas os funcionários públicos têm o grande problema de não conseguirem inventar um novo estado. Por que só conseguem trabalhar no estado que os recrutou."
Interesting with the late Alessina
— Antonio Nogueira Leite (@al_antdp) September 3, 2022
"general pattern across China: despite extraordinary repression, the descendants of the prerevolution elite are significantly and substantially better off today than those from the non-elite households....We first document that after the Communist and Cultural Revolutions, the parents generation of the pre-revolution elite enjoyed no more tangible advantages in wealth and formal educational attainment than their non-elite peers. In the immediate aftermath of the Communist Revolution, the pre-revolution elite, who used to own six times more land per household than the rest of the population, no longer owned more land than the poor peasants. The county-level Gini coefficient in land ownership decreased from 0.5 before the revolution to under 0.1 right afterwards. The Cultural Revolution also effectively leveled the educational advantage of the former elite houseolds. If anything, the parents generation of the pre-revolution elite received less formal education than their non-elite peers, as individuals with elite background were discriminated against in their access to formal education throughout the Cultural Revolution.However, the immediate and immense impact of the revolutions felt by the parents generation is no longer present among the third, children generation. The patterns of inequality that characterized the grandparents generation re-emerges. By 2010, individuals whose grandparents were part of the pre-revolution elite earned a 16 percent higher income each year, have completed more than 11 percent additional years of schooling, and hold more prestigious and demanding jobs than those from the non-elite households. In other words, while the revolutions explicitly aimed to reverse the rankings of socioeconomic status between the elite and non-elite households, they did not manage to do so beyond one generation....What explains the resurgence of the pre-revolution elite among the children generation? In particular, could the resurgence be accounted for by the greater physical capital, human capital, or social capital that may have been transmitted among the pre-revolution elite? We begin by ruling out a number of potential explanations for rebound. The revolutions' effective effort to shut down land inheritance - the most important asset in rural areas - and access to secondary and higher education as observed among the parents generation indicates that physical capital and human capital acquired through formal channels of schooling cannot play a key role in driving the rebound....Moreover, the pre-revolution elite exhibit systematically different values and attitudes today: in particular, they are more likely to consider effort as important to success, and such differences in expressed work ethics is evident even among adolescents who have not completed formal schooling or participated in the labor market. These values and titudes are reflected in their behavior: the pre-revolution elite work longer hours during workdays and spend less time on leisure during weekends. These patterns are much stronger for those among the children generation who co-live with their parents, and absent for those whose parents have passed away prematurely, consistent with the ideas that vertical transmissions of values (and human capital in general) require time spent together across generations."
domingo, setembro 04, 2022
Para aumentar a produtividade a sério
- “When you appeal to everyone, you actually appeal to no one.” - Recordar Entimema (parte II)
- "Profitability is quite simple. Maximize your top line and minimize your costs. Positioning is really important. If you try to appeal to everyone you don’t differentiate and are a commodity. Commodities do not command higher prices."
- “It’s your strategy and positioning that dictate the pricing. It’s not the other way around.”
- “Go narrow and go deep.”
- “The value we provide is the peace of mind that we give a client.”
sábado, setembro 03, 2022
Como eu gostava de saber
Há cerca de um mês perguntava Qual o resultado final?
Agora, refino a equação desta maneira:
A guerra e a inflação baixam a procura agregada (mercados tradicionais das exportações portuguesas e restantes mercados).- calçado - Exportações portuguesas de calçado com "melhores resultados de sempre" no 1.º semestre
- mobiliário - Mobiliário. Preço dos materiais não impede subida das vendas
- têxtil - Depois das exportações em grande, têxteis preparam-se para o pesadelo
"Conhecem a história da empresa de calçado que, nos anos 60 do século passado, enviou dois vendedores para África, um para Angola e outro para Moçambique, para desenvolver negócio? Ao fim de uma semana, o que estava em Angola ligou para a sede desanimado porque ninguém usava sapatos, por isso, ia regressar para não gastar mais dinheiro. No final dessa mesma semana, o que estava em Moçambique também ligou. Estava entusiasmado! Ninguém usava sapatos, havia um mercado potencial tremendo por desenvolver, teria que prolongar a estadia."
E volto a Março de 2013... "Por que é que calçado e têxtil têm tido desempenhos tão diferentes?"
Pois é: Os modelos mentais agarram-se a nós como lapas... nós somos os modelos mentais que carregamos, e mudar um modelo mental é muito difícil... há que partir o molde que nos enformou... tão difícil que às vezes parece impossível.
sexta-feira, setembro 02, 2022
Entimema (parte II)
Uma entrevista muito interessante "Game on An interview with Microsoft's head of gaming ecosystem".
Por agora abordo um dos temas com base nesta foto:
quinta-feira, setembro 01, 2022
Sermos a mudança que queremos ver
""The truth about culture is that the only way you can change it is by changing the way individuals work with one another. If you can change that, then you will find the culture has changed."To change the way people work together, Martin argues, leaders must model the behaviors they want to see. "Literally the only way that I've seen culture change in the 42 years since I graduated from business school is when a leader sets out to demonstrate a different kind of behavior and makes that behavior work. Other people take their cues from that behavior, and, slowly but surely, the culture changes," he says. "Kremlin-watching does not happen only in Moscowit's an incredibly powerful force. People watch the leadership and do what the leadership does."A notable aspect of this approach is that it does not require a major initiative or investment. Instead, the culture change depends on micro-interventions: small adjustments to the to the structure, dynamics, or framing of interpersonal interactions, applied consistently over time."
quarta-feira, agosto 31, 2022
Há mais do que uma subida de preços
“No matter if you are involved in a broad price increase campaign or selling a price increase to a targeted account, your mission is to get the highest prices you can, AND retain your customer and orders.”
"Argue you out of it.Negotiate it down.Refuse to pay it.Stop ordering.Leave you for a competitor."
Acho bem que as pessoas nas empresas leiam livros deste tipo para aprenderem a "vender" melhor os aumentos de preços. No entanto, estes não são os aumentos de preços sobre os quais costumo escrever aqui no blogue. Enquanto este livro é sobre aumentar preços sem perder clientes, o desafio do país é aumentar os preços, mas trabalhando para outro tipo de clientes-alvo.
Quando comparamos a produtividade média do país com a da UE vêmos um fosso que não se ultrapassa com aumentos mixirucas dos preços. No entanto, aumentos de relevo só se conseguem quando se oferece em contrapartida muito mais valor potencial. Quantas empresas conseguem dar esse salto de mais valor potencial? Poucas, muitas poucas.
Já escrevi aqui várias vezes sobre a Flying Geese Theory:
Sony was founded in 1946. Its first product was an electric rice cooker.
— Jon Erlichman (@JonErlichman) August 28, 2022
Here are some early products from 11 other well known companies. 🧵👇
No fundo, é quando as empresas incumbentes deixam de poder competir com os recém-chegados não concorrentes, como referem Maliranta e Taleb. O que acontece em culturas como a portuguesa? Os incumbentes pedem aos governos de turno apoios que atrasam a transição necessária para a sociedade subir na escala de valor.
terça-feira, agosto 30, 2022
Processo versus procedimento
Isto é tão, mas tão verdade:
"If you belong to an organisation that still considers existing documented procedures as quality management processes not only have you not captured the spirit of the new approach but you should be picked up by your customers and other assessment organisations as not meeting the requirements of clause 4.4.1. The fact that more nonconformities haven’t been raised against organisations says a lot about the state of third-party certification and its economic need to survive. Perhaps conformity assessment bodies (CAB) are retaining paying customers who don’t actually deserve to hold the certification."
- de 2010 - O mundo das auditorias da qualidade está louco (parte III)
- de 2011 - Lindos exemplos do país das certificações da qualidade
- de 2015 - Só cometo uma batota
segunda-feira, agosto 29, 2022
Curiosidade do dia
3) The source of the American "liberal arts" degree is the English upper classes imitation of the Ancient Meds who despised work & workers.
— Nassim Nicholas Taleb (@nntaleb) August 29, 2022
As Jules Veyne said: "[in the Ancient World] you are free [liber] if your name don't come w/a profession".
Criar o futuro, em vez de esperar por ele
"However, in the world of business, the future has the capricious habit of being different than the past, often in fully unpredictable ways. As a business, you want to create that future — not let someone else do it to you. WWHTBT [Moi ici: What Would Have To Be True] helps you ask what we have to make happen to make the things true that would need to be true to create the future."
Imagem e trecho retirado de "What Would Have to be True?"
domingo, agosto 28, 2022
"Fitness Beats Truth in the Evolution of Perception"
"it is standard in the literature to assume that more accurate percepts are fitter percepts and that, therefore, natural selection drives perception to increasing veridicality-i.e., to correspond increasingly to the "true" state of the objective world. This assumption informs the prevalent view that human percepts are, for the most part, veridical.Our main message in this paper has been that, contrary to this prevalent view, attempting to estimate the "true" state of the objective world corresponding to a given sensory input confers no evolutionary benefit whatsoever. Specifically: If one assumes that perception involves inference to states of the objective world, then the FBT Theorem shows that a strategy that simply seeks to maximize expected-fitness payoff, with no attempt to estimate the "true" world state, does consistently better (in the precise sense articulated in the statement of the FBT Theorem). In an evolutionary competition, this "Fitness-only" strategy would drive the "Truth" strategy to extinction....In our view, the very idea of attempting to estimate the "true" state of the world is wrong-headed."
Trechos retirados de "Fitness Beats Truth in the Evolution of Perception"
sábado, agosto 27, 2022
Tanta estupefacção, tantas questões ...
Não há maneira desta aberração sair da minha cabeça este Verão, "Norte da Europa vive à custa da agricultura intensiva portuguesa". Um produto típico do ecossistema coordenado pelos Desventuras e Zés Reis da academiade Coimbra.
Este texto gera-me tanta estupefacção, tantas questões. Vamos à primeira:
- O sentimento de locus de controlo no exterior