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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta empathy factor. Mostrar todas as mensagens

domingo, setembro 25, 2022

"The root of our feelings"

Ontem de manhã, apanhei isto no Twitter:

Depois de ler o tweet de Pflaeging de imediato me veio à memória o que li no dia anterior em “The Empathy Factor - Your Competitive Advantage for Personal, Team, and Business Success” de Marie R. Miyashiro:
"Imagine…. It’s 11:15 AM. You call Bob, a business associate, and ask if he’ll meet you for lunch at Tobey’s Grill at noon to discuss a project you’re both working on that is of high priority. He agrees. You finish up what you’re doing and roll into Tobey’s parking lot at 11:55. You go in and get a table for two and begin checking out the menu. You look at your watch. It’s 12:10. No Bob. You pull out your iPhone and start playing with a few apps. You look at your watch again. It’s 12:25. Still no Bob."
Ao longo do texto a autora apresenta esta tabela em sucessivos estágios de desenvolvimento:
"So first they recognize that the exact same situation can result in many different feelings. Second, they see that their thoughts are not their feelings.
Thoughts are things we tell ourselves in our heads. Feelings are sensations we experience in our bodies.
the situation is not the cause of our feelings. If this were true, then we would have the same feelings for the same situation all the time. We can see from the exercise that this is not true—that people experience many different feelings given the exact same situation. We can also easily imagine that the same people could have different feelings about the same situation on a different day.
the root of our feelings lies within us, not in the situations or people around us. Our feelings are connected to our own internal needs. By identifying and articulating our own needs, we take responsibility for our feelings. Needs, as defined here, are not desires, wants, or wishes.
The causes of our feelings are more closely related to our own needs than to the situation or to Bob. The situation acts as a trigger, a stimulus that activates our awareness of whether our needs are met or unmet."

segunda-feira, setembro 12, 2022

"Don't think. Just do what I say."

Três momentos:

  • Julho de 2022
  • Almoço com parceiro das conversas oxigenadoras na passada sexta-feira
  • Ontem, fim da tarde
Julho de 2022
Há cerca de 4 anos que realizo todos os meses, pelo menos uma vez por mês, um workshop online que dura 8 horas. Gosto de ir aperfeiçoando os meus slides com base no que vou percebendo serem as dificuldades e expectativas dos formandos. Em Julho de 2022, o workshop foi sobre a implementação de um sistema de gestão. Um dos exercícios desse workshop é sobre como planear uma próxima sessão de trabalho.

Depois de um slide com o tema a desenvolver na próxima sessão de trabalho, apresento um outro só com a imagem do robô abaixo. 
A imagem do robô pretende chamar a atenção que os participantes não são máquinas, são pessoas e precisam de ser compreendidas, ajudadas e motivadas para participarem na sessão de trabalho. Então, depois, mostro as perguntas que se seguem:

Mais à frente, num outro slide, volto a usar a imagem do robô:


Passada sexta-feira
Na passada sexta-feira almocei com o meu parceiro das conversas oxigenadoras. Falou-me de dois livros. Entretanto, Sábado comecei a ler um desses livros, “The Empathy Factor - Your Competitive Advantage for Personal, Team, and Business Success” de Marie R. Miyashiro. Um dos sublinhados iniciais foi:
"To some degree, we all work in Flatland. In the two-dimensional world of thinking and doing, the organizational dialogue goes something like this: "If we think hard enough about our problems or goals, we will be able to develop a plan to do all the 'right' things to be successful." The traditional work culture places tremendous value on the intellect, on data; on taking action and staying busy to implement "the plan." This culture measures our worth and success in terms of how much thinking and doing we can get done in a day. In fact, workers and managers who can get more than a day's work done are richly rewarded. The value of people in the two-dimensional workplace comes down to getting the job done, irrespective of a person's quality of character or the demonstration of values. Some organizations are even one dimensional: "Don't think. Just do what I say." In these types of organizations, performance and profit are valued more highly than people all types of stakeholders, from employees to the community at large- sometimes even at the expense of the consumer."
Ontem, ao fim da tarde
Ontem, ao fim da tarde voltei a rever os slides para o workshop da próxima sexta-feira e dou de caras com o robô, já meio esquecido.

Abandonar a postura do robô, é abandonar este "Don't think. Just do what I say." 

O slide é um primeiro passo, mas se calhar ainda muito fraco, muito básico. O exercício ajuda a perceber porque é importante para a organização, mas por que é que isso há-de interessar o trabalhador?