domingo, agosto 28, 2022

"Fitness Beats Truth in the Evolution of Perception"

"it is standard in the literature to assume that more accurate percepts are fitter percepts and that, therefore, natural selection drives perception to increasing veridicality-i.e., to correspond increasingly to the "true" state of the objective world. This assumption informs the prevalent view that human percepts are, for the most part, veridical.
Our main message in this paper has been that, contrary to this prevalent view, attempting to estimate the "true" state of the objective world corresponding to a given sensory input confers no evolutionary benefit whatsoever. Specifically: If one assumes that perception involves inference to states of the objective world, then the FBT Theorem shows that a strategy that simply seeks to maximize expected-fitness payoff, with no attempt to estimate the "true" world state, does consistently better (in the precise sense articulated in the statement of the FBT Theorem). In an evolutionary competition, this "Fitness-only" strategy would drive the "Truth" strategy to extinction.
In our view, the very idea of attempting to estimate the "true" state of the world is wrong-headed."

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