sexta-feira, junho 11, 2010
Onde isto já vai...
Actividades versus resultados
quinta-feira, junho 10, 2010
A nossa exportação mais importante
"During the research for a forthcoming book, I started to think about the impacts of our prolonged stagnation on the job market. Interestingly, in spite of low job creation, until recently unemployment never rose to really high levels. Therefore, I was left to wonder what could cause such a phenomenon. The answer was relatively obvious: emigration. We all know that Europe exhibits a low degree of job mobility, but we also know that, historically, Portugal has been a country of heavy emigration"
BTW, "Ter memória" e "The world doesn't owe us a living"
Mudança de discurso
O triunfo das ideias do Grande Planeador
Quem vier atrás que feche a porta (parte II)
Germany abandoned the Deutschemark in 2002 when it joined the single currency.
The theory is that Germany's exit would prompt a steep fall in the euro, which would go some way to restoring the competitiveness of Germany's debt-strapped neighbors including Spain, Portugal, Greece and Ireland. Exports would rise, allowing them to put money aside to pay their debts and to service the future needs of their ageing populations.
In time, he said, Germany could consider rejoining the euro after a correction in the region's economic imbalance."
"There's no future for any country that is in the sort of mess that these countries are in -- they need the protection of the eurozone," he said.
"It is much more feasible for Germany to say, 'Hey guys 28 percent of our GDP -- and it is growing as a percentage now - is in exports that go outside Europe or outside of the eurozone. (Moi ici: Para empresas que operam no quadrante D o preço é um qualifier não um order-winner) So what do we have to lose by coming out?'"
And remember that German debt is in euros so if the Germans went back to the mark it would be much cheaper for them to pay," he added."
quarta-feira, junho 09, 2010
Quem vier atrás que feche a porta
It paid 5.225 per cent to raise €816m in 10-year bonds, higher than some analysts expect to be charged by the newly created European Financial Stability Facility, which has €440bn at its disposal to help eurozone members facing difficulties issuing debt."
Em Espanha a coisa está, também, cada vez mais negra "UPDATE 2-Spain small lenders struggling for funding"
Ah!!! É um sector de ponta, alta-tecnologia, um nicho longe dos competidores asiáticos...
Este facto permitiu uma recuperação na utilização da capacidade produtiva, que já está “a níveis normais para a época do ano” para cerca de dois terços das empresas.
Esta melhoria reflectiu-se também positivamente no emprego, com uma tendência de aumento do número de pessoas ao serviço na indústria: “Embora quatro em cada cinco empresas afirmem que ele permaneceu inalterado, as que dizem que aumentou são mais do que as que dizem que diminuiu”, nota a APICCAPS.
Relativamente ao estado dos negócios, pela segunda vez nos últimos três trimestres são mais as empresas que entendem que é “bom” do que as que pensam que é “mau”, sendo esta proporção a mais elevada desde 2001. Ainda assim, três em cada quatro empresas consideram que o estado dos negócios é “suficiente”.
No que respeita à evolução da carteira de encomendas, 43 por cento das empresas diz ter estabilizado, 27 por cento afirma ter aumentado e 29 por cento refere ter diminuído, notando-se um melhor desempenho das empresas com maior peso de colecção própria nas suas vendas. (Moi ici: as que estão no quadrante D)
Reconhecimento merecido
Gostava de saber
Ser diferente
Target faced a choice - one that easily might have put it in the same spot as doomed chains like Caldor or Bradlees. "Some people tried to do the dance on both sides," says Ulrich. "As Wal-Mart got bigger and bigger, [other rivals] started emulating them more, but they were still trying to appeal to an upscale guest. They'd pile shit in the middle of their aisle and then throw in some merchandise that wasn't the right quality for the store level. It's the classic mistake."
Instead, Ulrich's team saw an opening: If Wal-Mart was striving to be the king of logistics, with enough muscle to force vendors to deliver on price, Target could deliver on a great store experience and a product that was exciting and unique. "Wal-Mart's strategy is in many ways more simple than ours," says Ulrich. "It's more about price and more about mass quantities. It's a hell of a competition, but ours is more dependent on innovation, on design, and on quality."
First, it puts our competitors at the center of our management process. Competitors become our driving force, our relevant benchmark. We look at strategy, and consequently at management, as rivalry. In order for us to succeed, we have to beat someone. Strategy is destructive; strategy is war.
Second, and equally troublesome, using our competitors as a way to define our course of action basically anchors us in the past. On reflection, this is an approach that seems counterproductive in a time of revolutionary change, when we want to create discontinuities, not reaffirm old practices. Is this what we should be aiming at in today’s turbulent environment, when change is virtually mandatory? We must challenge our previous state of business. We must have the ability to be creative and separate ourselves from the herd, to find a new and unique way of conducting business.
Often, companies seem obsessed with their competition, studying and watching it intensely to detect anything that could signal a way to operate more effectively.
This might not be a very smart way to manage. I tell my students, “Study your competition deeply, but do not imitate them.” I believe that strongly. It is a meaningful challenge. To separate ourselves from our competitors, we must offer our customers something that is truly unique and distinctive. How do we do that?
terça-feira, junho 08, 2010
Velhos tempos
Retratos de Portugal
The Delta Model
We begin by segmenting the customer base so that we can identify subsets of customers sharing similar needs, to which we will be providing distinct value propositions. We cannot overemphasize the importance of this task. It is the true foundation of a well laid out strategy.
Task 2 The Existing and Desired Competencies of the Firm
The previous task allows us to understand the demand side of our business in a creative way. This task forces us to deeply focus on the supply side, on our own capabilities.
Task 3 The Mission of the Business
The previous two tasks – customer segmentation and customer value proposition; and existing and desired competencies – are the foundation of our overall diagnosis.
What emerges is a clear understanding of where we are and what changes will be required to improve our existing circumstance. The true purpose of the mission statement is to capture and clearly articulate our intent. It is a critical task because it integrates the strategic tasks that we have conducted into a sole statement that defines the purpose of the organization and the challenges we face to move it in the desired direction. The mission is a fundamental vehicle to communicate our sense of direction, both inside and outside the organization.
Task 4 The Strategic Agenda
The strategic agenda attempts to identify and lay out in very pragmatic and concrete terms the specific tasks that we must undertake in order to serve our customers, define our new capabilities, and move the organization forward into the desired state of leadership. It should not only spell out the tasks but also identify who is accountable for their execution, as well as how to establish the necessary organization, information, and control mechanisms for its proper implementation.
Task 5 Monitoring the Strategy Execution
What happens after we have formulated what we hope is a winning strategy? The answer is obvious: we need to assure its proper implementation. In other words, we need to “manage by strategy” – so that strategy becomes the compass that directs the myriad tasks that are part of the routines of management.
Two important elements are required to assure proper implementation of the strategy, in addition to the unbounded attention that managers have to devote to its proper execution. The first is the development of an “intelligent budget.” ... The second vehicle required to assure proper implementation is the use of the Balanced Scorecard, both at the business and individual customer tier. This allows us to continue to focus on how we deliver the differentiated value propositions for each individual customer group."
Posicionamentos estratégicos
O autor tem uma abordagem diferente sobre a forma como classifica o que é "Best Product":
It is an inward-looking approach. Attention is centered on the product economics, the value chain, and the abilities to develop the capacities to deliver the best product."
segunda-feira, junho 07, 2010
O choque chinês num país de moeda forte (parte V)
and the (Uneven) Growth of U.S. Manufacturing Plants"
We focus on US trade with low-wage countries.
Given their high relative wages, it is virtually impossible for U.S. firms to earn profits producing labor-intensive goods.
labor-intensive plants are relatively more susceptible to low-wage country imports than are capital- and skill-intensive plants in the same industry. As a result, within-industries, activity should shift towards relatively capital- and skill-intensive plants. (Moi ici: Basta recordar o exemplo da Tema Home para ver a quantidade de novas funções na empresa parte I e parte II)
We find evidence of reallocation in three dimensions. At the industry level, exposure to low-wage country imports is negatively associated with plant survival and employment growth.(Moi ici: Coincide com o exemplo do calçado português) Within industries, the higher the industry’s exposure to low-wage country imports, the bigger is the relative performance difference between capital- and labor-intensive plants. (Moi ici: empresas que sobrevivem como subcontratadas no quadrante A e empresas no quadrante D) Finally, there is a positive association between exposure to low-wage country imports and industry switching. Plants that switch industries shift into industries with less exposure to low-wage country imports and greater capital- and skill-intensity than the industries left behind. Together, these results support the view that U.S. manufacturing is moving away from comparative-disadvantage activities and towards comparative advantage industries via exit, growth and industry switching. (Moi ici: este abandono, sem explorar as oportunidades de negócio no sector, como tão bem explica Suzanne Berger, não há sectores obsoletos há é estratégias obsoletas, depois gera situações que levam ao descrédito das marcas, por exemplo aqui a propósito de "The triple-A Supply Chain”, da autoria de Hau L. Lee, publicado pela Harvard Business Review em Outubro de 2004, sob o subtítulo “The perils of efficiency”.
domingo, junho 06, 2010
Qual era a receita? Qual é a receita? Qual terá de ser a receita?
There are a number of factors that are likely to continue the growth of transactional sales into the foreseeable future. Globalization and deregulation will continue to increase the number of suppliers, with relatively undifferentiated products across a broad number of industries. As a result, customer choice will continue to grow. While this increase of choice is a welcome boon for consumers, suppliers are unlikely to do much celebrating as greater choice results in tougher, more price based buying. Technological advances are also pushing more sales into the transactional category. It is becoming harder and harder to maintain true product differences. Technology increases innovation potential, but it also greatly shortens the time it takes to copy a competitor's product.
Over the past decade, the era of downsizing, reengineering and cost benchmarking has fundamentally changed purchasing thinking and behavior and has increased the focus on cost-expense management.
There has also been increasing demand for "common standards," "open architectures," and specifications that multiple suppliers can meet. This has resulted in opportunities for substituting cheaper products, diminishing differentiation potential, and pushing price to the forefront of purchasing negotiations. In industry after industry, sellers have watched long-standing, "safe" customer relationships evaporate as a new buying order has emerged. They have also seen new decision makers enter the arena, buying committees or even outside, third-party buying groups whose sole purpose is to commoditize the sale and drive down prices even further.
A similar trend is visible among consumers. It is not just car manufacturers that are facing customers who are smarter and a great deal better informed than ever before. Consumers are much more aware of the choices they have, and they are increasingly likely to get their information from impartial sources. As a result, a larger percentage of their purchases are becoming transactional, where price and availability are the only sales factors that hold sway.
Even suppliers that have complex and differentiated offerings or services face transactional sales pressure from a segment of their customer base. These suppliers are finding that, although their salespeople have potential to add great value, some of their customers don't need to want that assistance and have become transactional buyers.
These trends are unlikely to reverse, and, in fact, they are more likely to accelerate. Most buyersconsumers or businesseshave changed the way they approach purchases for many of the products and services they buy. As a result, virtually every company is going to face transactional sales for part, if not all, of their product line and/or customer base."
sábado, junho 05, 2010
Mental models die hard
trade-offs arise from activities themselves. Different positions (with their tailored activities) require different product configurations, different equipment, different employee behavior, different skills, and different management systems. Many trade-offs reflect inflexibilities in machinery, people, or systems. The more Ikea has configured its activities (Moi ici: a isto chamo adoptar uma disciplina de valor, tornar-se obcecada em servir os clientes-alvo com uma proposta de valor específica)
However, trade-offs can be even more basic. In general, value is destroyed if an activity is overdesigned or underdesigned for its use." (Moi ici: Basta recordar o último postal e imaginar uma empresa a tentar uma venda consultiva num negócio em que o cliente só quer preço.)
Ter qualidade já não chega
Surpresa? Estava escrito nas estrelas!!!
sexta-feira, junho 04, 2010
Destruição Criativa
Whether they think about it consciously or not, most investors are trying to figure out better ways (Moi ici: ser eficaz) to do things. If you don’t, they will start beating you for the best deals (Moi ici: o negócio do preço)."
O choque chinês num país de moeda forte (parte IV)
It is hardly necessary to point out that competition of the kind we now have in mind acts not only when in being but also when it is merely an ever-present threat. It disciplines before it attacks."
quinta-feira, junho 03, 2010
O corte de cabelo que aí vem...
Alguém não leu o CREDO?
J&J's McNeil Consumer Healthcare unit had recalled certain Benadryl, Motrin, Tylenol and Zyrtec pain and cold medicines for children on April 30 because of manufacturing problems including the potential for metal particles in the products. J&J has temporarily shut the plant"
The contractor advised its workers to buy up the Motrin packages, and to act like customers, making no reference to this being a recall, according to a memo released at the hearing." (Ver esta instrução "Behind the 'phantom recall' of Motrin")
O choque chinês num país de moeda forte (parte III)
Voltando ao artigo de Daniella Magionni, e às suas conclusões
“…we turn on firm level and we show that behind the negative relationship between dispersion and import penetration from LMCs there are asymmetrical firm responses according to their initial efficiency level.
We find that more productive firms support more deleterious effects from the increased exposure to foreign competition. We suggest that the surge in imports from emergent countries may have reduced the incentives to innovate and invest, but it may have also stimulated efforts of less productive firms facing with the risk of exit. (Moi ici: Esta é a explicação de que discordo) We put forward also the hypothesis of a process of product-switching.”
Como já afirmamos na parte I desta série a explicação de Magionni não me parece feliz, e tenho uma interpretação alternativa. Como é que a autora começa o artigo?
“The increased import exposure has concerned all sectors, and a restructuring process may have been at work.
For these reasons, it's important to show the link between openness to trade and industry dynamics, in terms of sectoral productivity dispersion and differences of firms' performance.”
Ou seja, a autora começa o artigo a falar de produtividade.
Depois, começa a falar de eficiência e a misturar, como se fossem equivalentes, os dois conceitos:
“The process of firm entry and exit contributes to explain the evolution in productivity dispersion, but also heterogeneous responses of firms to changes in the external environment may play an important role: firms with different efficiency levels may display different behaviour coping with the increased competitive pressure from foreign countries.”
“In a more contendible market it is likely that less productive firms couldn't survive a long time, firms make efforts in order to improve their efficiency and stay in the market and competitive pressures lead to the flattening of any difference.”
Esta última afirmação só faz sentido se houver uma única estratégia!!! Só faz sentido se as empresas competirem todas segundo as mesmas regras no mesmo tabuleiro numa guerra sem quartel.
Contudo, “"there is no single best strategy" não há obrigatoriedade de seguir uma estratégia única, como nos ensinam os protozoários.
Na verdade N empresas podem competir em simultâneo recorrendo a Y estratégias, umas concorrendo entre si e outros actuando lado-a-lado sem se beliscarem.
“the foreign competition from LMCs is a threat that domestic firms have to cope with, but it's a particular difficult task because their rivals can benefit from lower labour and material costs. Domestic firms may be unable to successfully react to the growing flow of foreign goods. The foreign competitive pressure reduce the market shares and the expected profits for domestic firms, and this reduction may lower the opportunity and the gain from innovation and investments. Thus firms may decide to stop innovating and investing and this would reduce their productivity. Especially if the high efficiency of firms at the frontier is linked to their innovation efforts we may expect that competitive pressure impacts more on productivity of these firms.”
A autora confunde produtividade com eficiência, porque, arrisco dizer, só concebe uma estratégia de competição, a estratégia do preço, a estratégia de aumento da eficiência.
A produtividade é um rácio:
A eficiência é um rácio:
As empresas de calçado que eram um expoente, um paradigma de eficiência (quadrante C) em Portugal, as multinacionais, não tentaram sequer fazer face aos LMCs, deixaram o país rapidamente. Basta ler Sun-Tzu ou Kasparov, não competir com a China no custo ou com a Wal-Mart no preço.
Esta definição de produtividade que se segue é arcaica, pertence ao tempo em que a oferta era menor que a procura, tempo em que melhorar a produtividade passava necessariamente pela melhoria da eficiência.
““Produtividade é minimizar cientificamente o uso de recursos materiais, mão-de-obra, máquinas, equipamentos etc., para reduzir custos de produção, expandir mercados, aumentar o número de empregados, lutar por aumentos reais de salários e pela melhoria do padrão de vida, no interesse comum do capital, do trabalho e dos consumidores”. (Japan Productivity Center for Social – Economics Development ).”
A espiral de deflação dos salários até ao nível chinês?
The only way this approach might not actually be deflationary at the eurozone level would be if it caused prices to fall sufficiently that they undercut Chinese prices; this is unlikely, and anyway would represent the export of European deflation to the poor." (Como já em 2006 equacionei, BTW é perigoso recuar no tempo neste blogue, encontramos muitas afirmações feitas no ano passado e que agora podem ser avaliadas, por exemplo:
quarta-feira, junho 02, 2010
Vai ser bem feito
"Guest Post: Default, Please"
"In the ancient days the Christian nations would have a debt Jubilee every 30 years. It sounds like a party because it was. Debts were forgiven en-masse when societies became constipated with debt.
The economy will continue to stagnate, and unemployment will increase. Asset values will continue to decrease until the defaults begin. When the rot is finally purged from our system, the great American wealth machine will start anew. It is time to party like its 1454. Start your own personal debt jubilee."
Para reflexão
But strangely, however, nobody — least of all an active politician like Mr Willetts — seems to make the connection between long-term intergenerational tensions and the present controversies over public spending and taxes."
The populist answer to these questions is that we are all about to pay for the greed of the bankers. But this is not true. According to IMF calculations, the credit crunch, bank bailouts and recession only account for 14 per cent of the expected increase in Britain’s public debt burden. The remaining 86 per cent of the long-term fiscal pressure is caused by the growth of public spending on health, pensions and long-term care. The credit crunch and recession did not create the present pressures on public borrowing and spending. They merely brought forward an age-related fiscal crisis that would have become inevitable, as by 2020 the majority of the baby-boomers will be retired.
The rational solution to this fiscal crisis would be for governments to reduce their spending on pensions, health and longterm care. Yet these are precisely the “entitlements” protected and ring-fenced by politicians, not just in Britain but also in America and many European countries, even as other government programmes are ruthlessly cut.
The politics of the next decade will be dominated by a battle over public spending and taxes between the generations. Young people will realise that different categories of public spending are in direct conflict — if they want more spending on schools, universities and environmental improvements they must vote for cuts in health and pensions.
Schools and universities are more important for a society’s future than pensions" (Sem comentários, além dos já feitos e repetidos no blogue sobre a conspiração da geração do Maio de 68 para colocar toda a sociedade a servi-los, os TuTuTu)