sexta-feira, fevereiro 19, 2010

Contar uma história, desenvolver uma narrativa

A figura que se segue pode ser encontrada na descrição da nossa metodologia para facilitar a implementação de um sistema de gestão com o auxílio do balanced scorecard.

Ampliando a parte em que: sabendo quem são os clientes-alvo, definimos a proposta de valor. Pode ver-se que a legenda seguinte é "Vamos contar uma história". Vamos descrever as relações de causa-efeito que relacionam escolhas e consequências e que constituem o mapa da estratégia.
Pois bem, no número de Janeiro-Fevereiro da Harvard Business Review encontrei o artigo "Strategy Tools for a Shifting Landscape" de Michael Jacobides. Nele pode ler-se:
"My recent academic research suggests that companies should tackle the challenge of developing strategy head-on by describing the underlying logic, story lines, decisions, and motives of all the players that are creating and capturing value in a business.

Instead of drawing and analysing a map or plotting numbers on a chart, executives should use words to create what I call a playscript: a narrative that sets out the cast of characters in a business, the way in which they are connected, the rules they observe, the plots and subplots in which they play a part, and how companies create and retain value as the business and the cast change.

Words are more powerful and flexible than value curves.

In a world where everything is shifting, executives can use words to decipher the motives and roles of the organisations bringing about change, the evolving rules and relationships in the business, and the story lines that link the present and the future.

The playscript isn’t just a metaphor; it’s a tool that helps companies manage the complexity of the competitive landscape and facilitates analysis and action.

Playscripts force companies to focus on the causes of change as opposed to the symptoms; they explicate the logic of success and the assumptions behind it.

By providing a sense of how long the good and bad times will last and how value is migrating, playscripts allow companies continually to assess the relevance of their strategies."

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