quinta-feira, junho 03, 2010

Alguém não leu o CREDO?

Acredito que vamos a caminho de uma sociedade em que o número de empresas grandes vai ser menor, porque a competição vai privilegiar a diversidade de estratégias e de respostas.
Receio que as grandes empresas, quando falham no seguimento dos valores que as tornaram fortes, passem só a empresas grandes... e...
A 1 de Maio escrevi estupefacto "Dá que pensar..."
"The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform asked Blacksmith Brands on Tuesday for further information about its recall last week of PediaCare cough and cold medicines. Those products were made by J&J at the same Fort Washington, Pa., plant that produced children's Tylenol and other recalled kids drugs.

J&J's McNeil Consumer Healthcare unit had recalled certain Benadryl, Motrin, Tylenol and Zyrtec pain and cold medicines for children on April 30 because of manufacturing problems including the potential for metal particles in the products. J&J has temporarily shut the plant"
"In 2008, J&J's McNeil unit discovered that some of the pills weren't dissolving correctly. It hired a contractor to purchase the product from store shelves, according to documents released at the Congressional committee hearing last week.

The contractor advised its workers to buy up the Motrin packages, and to act like customers, making no reference to this being a recall, according to a memo released at the hearing." (Ver esta instrução "Behind the 'phantom recall' of Motrin")

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