"Competitiveness is closely linked to knowledge of the external environment and of the mechanisms that lead to some imperfections in the market. In efficient markets, which are characterized by perfect competition, the homogeneous distribution of resources and information would not allow any real competitive advantage. On the contrary, the edge of a firm over its rivals emerges when the market is imperfect. To achieve a competitive advantage, a firm must have firm knowledge of its own skills and resources, the environment and the industry in which it operates, and the internal and external sources of competitive advantage. To maintain a competitive edge, a firm must implement mechanisms of isolation (barriers), ensure that resources are not imitable, and develop dynamic capabilities.O que é que a sua empresa faz para, deliberadamente, criar imperfeições no mercado a seu favor? Não estará na altura de nos contactar? Talvez possamos ajudá-la a fazer batota, a criar diferenciação que alavanca uma imperfeição que pode funcionar como vantagem competitiva.
Although the probability that a firm will succeed is related to business strategy, there is no magical “right strategy.”[Moi ici: E as estratégias são sempre transientes. O mundo muda e aquilo que funcionava antes deixa de funcionar depois] Different strategies are developed in response to different goals, firms, and competitive contexts."
Não é por acaso que assinamos como: Promotores da concorrência imperfeita e dos monopólios informais.
Trecho retirado de "Business Strategies and Competitiveness in Times of Crisis - A Survey on Italian SMEs" de Laura Gavinelli.